How China Will Track—and Kill—America’sNewest StealthJets
A gang of advanced missiles and ableeding-edge radarunveiled at a Chinese
air show could mean big trouble forthePentagon’s best fighters.
Once, no magic act was complete without themagician’srevealingly dressed
assistant. Her job was not merely to be sawninhalf but to dominate the mostly
male audience’s attention atmoments when afocus on the whereabouts of the rabbit
might blow thegaff.
That was a useful lesson to bear in mind atlast month’sZhuhai air
show—China’s only domestic air and defense tradeshow,held once every other
If anything at Zhuhai was wearing fishnetsand high heels, itwas the
Shenyang FC-31 stealth fighter, which resemblesatwin-engine version of America’s
newest stealth jet, the F-35Joint StrikeFighter. But the real tricks lay in
Beijing’s growingfamily of advancedmissiles and radars.
The FC-31 prototype was hidden except whenit was flying, andnot much
detail was available. But the display was notablefor theeruptions of smoke from
the engines, most likely RussianRD-93s.
That is important, because until Chinabuilds its own fighterengines it
cannot build stealth fighters withoutapproval fromVladimir Putin’s desk. That
includes the Chengdu J-10B, China’smostmodern, in-production fighter, or its
bootleg versions of Russia’sSukhoiFlanker fighter family.
China says it’s working on indigenousfighter and trainerengines, but the
samples on show were exactly the same asthose seentwo years ago.
What was new and important on the Chinesemilitary’s outdoordisplay line
at Zhuhai was a mix of mature and newtechnology. Andby “mature” I mean the
1950s-design Xian H-6M bomber, withsomething suspiciously like a WorldWar II
Norden bombsight visiblethrough the windows of the bombardier station.But the
bomber wassurrounded by guided weapons, some seen for the first timeinpublic.
The same went for the somewhat more modern JH-7 lightbomber.
Zhuhai was full of new missile hardware,from the 3 1/2-tonCX-1
ramjet-powered anti-ship and land-attack missile downto theQW-19 manportable
air-defense system. (China’s military believesinthese small air-defense
missiles, both in their classicstandalone form andintegrated into small mobile
Not many of those missiles wereindividually surprising. TheCX-1 is
different in small details from theRussian-Indian BrahMosbut very similar in
specifications. Two-stageshort-rangesurface-to-air missiles borrow the concept
invented for Russia’sKBMTunguska and Pantsyr systems, and so on.
和 Pantsyr系统,等等。