Turkey is not aiming to escalate tension with
Russia, Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davuto?lu said Nov. 25, echoing President
Recep Tayyip Erdo?an following the downing of a SU-24 Russian jet the previous
day. 11月25日,在击落俄罗斯苏-24战机的第二天,土耳其总理Ahmet
Davuto?lu响应总统埃尔多安说到:“土耳其不希望与俄罗斯的紧张局势升级。” The downing of Russian jet on Nov. 24 was not an
incident that Turkey desired, Davuto?lu said. While noting Turkey’s strong
political, economic, cultural ties with Russia, Davuto?lu said Ankara had
underlined the importance of avoiding such incidents in every meeting with
Russian officials. Davuto?lu
说,11月24日击落俄罗斯战机并不是土耳其故意造成的敌对事件。同时必须注意到土耳其在政治、经济和文化方面都和俄罗斯有紧密的联系,总理说土耳其每次和俄罗斯官员会面,都已经强调杜绝此类事件的重要性。 The prime minister said two Russian warplanes
violated Turkish airspace on Nov. 24, with one plane leaving the airspace as the
other was hit by Turkish F-16s because it continued to violate Turkey’s
territory. Some Turkish citizens were injured by falling parts of the aircraft
on Turkish territory, he added. 总理说两架俄罗斯战机在11月24日侵犯土耳其领空。一架飞机离开空域而另一架飞机因为继续侵犯土领空遭到F-16的打击。他补充道,一些土耳其公民在土耳其的领土上因为坠落的部分飞机残骸而受伤。 “We repeatedly informed Russian authorities and made
necessary warnings. We stressed that regardless of the nation, any aircraft
violating Turkish airspace would be shot down, as we emphasized [that they
should] not make any other violations,” he said. 他说:“我们多次向俄罗斯当局通报,并提出必要的警告。我们强调无论哪个国家,任何侵犯土耳其领空的飞机都会被击落。同时我们强调[他们不应该]做出任何违反规则的行为。” A security summit was conducted on Nov. 22, he said,
adding that he instructed the Turkish Armed Forces to “take all necessary
measures” during the meeting. 他说,11月22日举行了一个安全峰会,他命令土耳其军队在会议期间“采取一切必要措施”。 “We aren’t targeting Russia or any other country.
But we won’t hesitate for the security of our soil,” he said. 他表示“我们不针对俄罗斯或者任何其他国家,但我们会毫不犹豫地保卫领土。” Davuto?lu also extended support once more to Turkmen
groups in the Bay?rbucak region and said Syrian government forces, with the
participation of Russian airplanes, were targeting innocent people in a putative
fight against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). Davuto?lu再次表达对叙利亚反对武装的支持,同时表明叙利亚政府军和俄罗斯的战机,针对的是isis和地中海东部的无辜的老百姓进行打击。 原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:易燃易爆炸 转载请注明出处 论坛地址:http://www.ltaaa.com/bbs/thread-376748-1-1.html Michael Teigen · 2 hrs Moscow has accused Turkey of helping Islamic State
in the illegal oil trade which helps finance the terrorist group. According to
analysts, Russian airstrikes in Syria are disrupting the profitable deals for
Turkish middlemen, including Ankara officials. Turkish social media has posted photos of Turkish
President Recep Erdogan’s son Necmettin Bilal having dinner in an Istambul
restaurant with an alleged ISIS leader, who it is claimed participated in
massacres in Syria’s Homs and Rojava, the Kurdish name for Syrian Kurdistan or
Western Kurdistan. 莫斯科曾指责土耳其帮助伊斯兰国非法地贩卖石油,这将解决恐怖分子的财政问题。据有关人士分析,俄罗斯在叙利亚的空袭破坏了土耳其买办有利可图的交易,包括土耳其的官员。土耳其的社交媒体公布了土耳其总统埃尔多安的儿子Necmettin
Bilal和isis的领袖在伊斯坦布尔的餐厅里用餐。这位领袖据称参加了叙利亚HOMS和Rojava(地名,库尔德语对叙利亚库尔德或西部库尔德的称呼)大屠杀。 Yasir Arfat · 1 hr Good theory 好解释 John Toohey · 2 hrs It is not the Turkish people that are doing the
wrong unless you count the fools that blindly voted erdogan and his party in.It
is the people in power as erdogan and his family with their shoe boxes stuffed
with money.Wake up Turkey and get rid of these people before it is too late 土耳其人民唯一做错的事情就是盲目得投票给埃尔多安和他的政党。当埃尔多安这种人掌权,他们的家人会把鞋盒里都装满钱。醒醒吧土耳其,趁还来得及。 Bryan Neervoort · 1 hr With friends like Turkey.. 和土鸡这样的国家做朋友...... Aidan O'Lynn · 1 hr Bit like being raped by a person who calls
themselves one's best friend. 有点像被自称是自己最好的朋友强奸 Jorgo Sakalis · 1 hr False puppet 假傀儡 Tom Holladay · 1 hr So we shot down their plane because we could. 所以我们击落了他们的飞机,因为我们可以。 John Toohey · 1 hr How can anyone take seriously a puppet that is
always grinning 谁会认真对待一个总是笑嘻嘻的傀儡? Caroline Hackett · 59 mins before you arseholes violated our airspace again we
warned you we shot you down, after we are sorry we did not mean it please dont
spank our arse 在你又一次侵犯我们领空之前,我们警告过你,把你击落。之后我们会说抱歉,我们不是故意的,请不要打我们的pp。 Irakli Berdzenadze · 2 mins Well Russia is your friend, but about neighborhood
how can they to be a neighbors? 好吧俄罗斯是你的朋友,但是他们怎么可能是邻居呢?(俄罗斯和土耳其领土没有交接。) |