事情是这样的。施化坚信这次大选存在系统性大规模舞弊,并发帖举出: 【今日美国”US Today公布的公开数据,2020年美国大选登记选民1.35亿,实际投票1.59亿。川普获得选票7400万,拜登获得选票8100万。凡是不拒绝这条信息的人,还看不出有什么问题,他不是无脑,就是无良。】 接着lone-shepherd发问:【施化兄言之凿凿,可否给出USA Today这篇报道的链接?】 施化很快给出链接:【https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/12/30/fact-check-fals-president-than-were-registered-u-s/4010087001/ 并称赞说:"各位都如你一样认真就好办了。】 施化紧接着又把 US Today 那篇文章的前半部分原文摘录了下来,重发一贴,重申了那组数据: 【The claim: There are just 133 million registered voters in the US The 2020 election season saw record voter turnout across the country. President-elect Joe Biden now holds the record for the most votes received by a presidential candidate, after getting more than 81 million. Despite losing dozens of lawsuits and the Electoral College's certification of Biden's win, President Donald Trump's campaign and others continue to promote falsehoods about the credibility and security of the election. A Dec. 21 Facebook post, which pulled a screenshot of a Twitter post, claimed Biden somehow received 22 million phantom votes. The post has over 1,200 shares, as of Dec. 30. "Simple math: Trump got 74 million votes and there are only 133 million registered voters in the USA," the tweet claims. "Even if everyone who's registered actually voted, there would only be 59 million votes left for Biden. So how the hell did Biden get 81 million votes? 22 million extra?"】 问题来了。这位lone-shepherd太认真了,按照施化提供的链接真的去查询,查询后,发了一贴: 【如果施化兄从头至尾读了你自己提供的这篇文章(https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/12/30/fact-check-fals-president-than-were-registered-u-s/4010087001/),很明显「今日美国」是说“The claim: There are just 133 million registered voters in the US”是假的。 不懂施化兄为什么拿「今日美国」辟的谣来证明“谣”。】并发了该文的有关截图。 到此,事情已经很清楚了。这个时候,如果施化回复一句:“我没仔细看后半部分,引用错了,谢谢指正”,那就什么事也没有了。但施化没这样做,而是撒泼打滚、胡搅蛮缠。一面重复《今日美国》批驳的数字,一面谩骂。什么“狗屁不通的辟谣”,什么“最大的作恶者是博主Sparker,其次作恶的是Lone-Shepherd”。。。。。。 这样做的后果就是,本来不大的一件事,由于施化的撒泼打滚、胡搅蛮缠,激起了公愤,以致“用辟谣的文章证明谣言”成了这里的一大笑柄,越传越广。施化也因此出了名。 施化博不会是故意炒作“用辟谣文章证明谣言”这一笑料,借此出名吧?