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真正的朋友 (粗俗者免) 2013-03-29 11:47:39
真正的朋友 (粗俗者免)




What is a Real Friend

Real friends have a special place in their hearts for each other and will defend and protect each other.

Real friends listen to each other and give good advice.

Real friends will keep promises they make to you.

Real friends will always tell you the truth.

Real friends will laugh "with" you and not "at you" when you make a fool of yourself.

Real friends will go out of their way to help each other and do nice things for each other and never expect anything in return.

Real friends forgive each other and never stay angry.

Real friends quickly forget whatever was wrong.

Real friends never say anything bad about each other.

Real friends encourage each other and help each other obtain their goals.

Real friends are never jealous of each other.

Real friends always praise each other for their accomplishments because real friends are happy to see others succeed.

Real friends will believe in you when you don’t believe in yourself or when no one else believes in you.

Real friends will cheer you on at your martial arts tournament even when they are in competition with you.

Real friends live by the Black Belt Attitude.

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