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A Chinese Pattern Reflected in German 2021-03-03 13:51:32

Many English speakers told me Chinese grammar is simple and easy to adapt to,  except for a few cases, such as the pattern “把      给做了”( to have something done ). I asked one of them, '  do you know some Germanic language? ".  He said, ' no, I don't. '.  Then I asked him, " how about some Slavic language? ".  He said, ' no, I don't either. "  I said,  " no wonder !   You know what, believe it or not,  they are very comfortable with this pattern. ".

e.g. :
Chinese:    我修机器 Wo xiu jiqi.
German:     Ich einstelle die Maschine.

However,  the Chinese speakers often use another way for the above sentence as below:  

我把机器给修了。Wo ba jiqi gei xiu le.

The German equivalent as below:

habe die Maschine eingestellt.

If you compare the above two sentences with the original ones,  you will see the augmentation as underlined.  The augmented in both languages corresponds as below:

把 ba ---》 habe ,      给 gei ------》ge ,     了 le ------》 t

Russian has the same pattern too. They even have the same pronunciation as the Chinese word“把”(ba)。




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· Have ( 有)for perfect tense
· A Chinese Pattern Reflected in
· “把 给做了”汉语句型在印
· 为什么两个发音相似的词意思会截
· Past Tense and Past Participle
【Indo-European & Chinese】
· Have ( 有)for perfect tense
· A Chinese Pattern Reflected in
· “把 给做了”汉语句型在印
· 为什么两个发音相似的词意思会截
· Past Tense and Past Participle
2021-03-02 - 2021-03-12
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