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我对于所有奢靡的东西都上瘾(英文) 2016-12-01 20:40:12

Addiction is a desease of genetic deficiency, physically, psychologially, either or both. It is an indulgence of self-pity, an act of self-destruction and an exhibition of low self-esteem. 

As we regard our own bliss, we ought to look deep into our thoughts, what kind of joy are we to seek? indigenous and authentic or light-heartedly braggadocious?  The yacht life we have observed is more a marriage to the yacht than a marriage to  the captain, reminding readers of the Cuckoo island.  Cruise line pastimes are depicted as adventures to a gated paradise, sorry, members only. 

I am addicted to yatchts even I don't have one. I am addicted to cruise line even though I have been there a few times, I am addicted to anything that can be bragged about, anything which would attract attension. We are weak and sick, aren't we?  

Pretentiousness and smugness are omnipresent at this place, casting long shadows over humanity, self-reliance and free will. Black people were put into slavery two hundred years ago by force, we are put into slavery by ruse.Our souls are eroded by materialistic attemptations, our spirits are contaminated by voluptuous allures, our hearts are hardened by collective coldness.

I have to confess that addiction is as hard as sweetness to resist even though we  know sweetness causes cavity. 





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