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Why Studying Philosophy? 2018-11-18 05:38:23

浏览(1263) (3) 评论(14)
作者:Madhatter 留言时间:2018-11-19 15:02:57

Ducky caught the Fish, good job!

Everyone learned deaf Eng in China!

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作者:噶瑪蘭 回复 俞先生 留言时间:2018-11-19 12:20:45

[Ducky, I just noticed that you had forgot to mention yourself. . .]

简单过去式FORGOT就恰好。变成完成时反而画蛇添足(更何况,即使添足,也应该填成“HAD FORGOTTEN"。

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作者:hare 留言时间:2018-11-19 10:14:44

"No crack on the egg no flies coming"(Chinese proverb) - Ducky is the bad egg.

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作者:hare 留言时间:2018-11-19 09:58:08

You know what is funny? Someone told me my Chinese has accent of NY English!

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作者:hare 留言时间:2018-11-19 09:56:21

Thanks guys for your attention. I am pretty sure what I did is what I ment to say. Possibly not perfect but it is trivial, "picking up bones from eggs", is it?

Any comment on my ideas?

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作者:俞先生 回复 hare 留言时间:2018-11-19 09:38:35


Ducky, I just noticed that you forgot to mention yourself. . .


Ducky, I just noticed that you had forgot to mention yourself. . .

You cannot beat your master for sure because of a simple reason. . .


You cannot beat your master for sure for a simple reason . . .

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作者:西岸 留言时间:2018-11-19 08:37:09

我感觉你这里的题目多少表现出你的问题在什么地方,你应该说的是why learn philosophy?而不是studying。


This is why we can say “I studied but I didn’t learn anything”. It means I memorised facts or read about a subject, but for some reason did not gain any new knowledge or skills.



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作者:microsoftbug 留言时间:2018-11-19 04:10:20

You cannot beat your master for sure because of a simple reason, you are unable to defend your Western Front. Like a handicap you are sure to lose No matter what. Surrender, I promise giving you water, otherwise, you would serve my dinner.

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作者:嘎拉哈 回复 hare 留言时间:2018-11-18 21:28:48

【Ducky, I just noticed that you Forgot to mention yourself in the list as his Eng being much better than mine. You are destined to advance in your Eng, I am positive, as you appear to be so humble as humaliating yourself....】

---- 您的思维从来都不能聚焦。对此我是不会理会的。之所以搭理你,是因为我对您关于“人与动物的差别”的说法感兴趣。您的说法属于不讲功利的功利主义,或者不差钱的差钱者,或者穿着衣裳的猴子。



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作者:hare 留言时间:2018-11-18 20:29:12

Ducky, I just noticed that you Forgot to mention yourself in the list as his Eng being much better than mine. You are destined to advance in your Eng, I am positive, as you appear to be so humble as humaliating yourself....

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作者:hare 留言时间:2018-11-18 20:18:55

Totally agree. I am the only one who dare to show how bad my Eng is. (BTW, my Uncle Sam hired me to work with you Chinese because of my terrible accent they love so much).

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作者:嘎拉哈 留言时间:2018-11-18 19:38:51



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作者:hare 留言时间:2018-11-18 07:48:54

Ducky, listen, I don't concern myself with teaching your Eng. Till you either are able to write or speak in Eng, there is Nothing I can do for you here, sorry.

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作者:嘎拉哈 留言时间:2018-11-18 07:14:26



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