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人生经典:身后最多可被记忆60年 2018-12-20 09:29:01






"Life Classic: Up to 60 Years Can Be Remembered Behind One’s Life  "

When we say that someone is "gone well all the way", it is usually a mourning word after the death of a person we know. The "behind" in the title refers to the meaning of a person’s death.

According to the modern social standard there is a next generation at the age of 30, and the average life expectancy of the 90-year-old is calculated. We can remember up to 60 years after the death of ordinary people. Or, when you have been dead for sixty years, no matter how good or bad, basically no one will remember you, let alone miss or thank you. Getting such a conclusion is simple. First assume that you started raising children at the age of 30. When you died at the age of 90, your children were sixty years old, assuming they were also 90 years old. Therefore, you can be remembered by your child for thirty years after you die. Of course, grandchildren can remember you too. When you are 90, your grandchildren are thirty years old. If the life of a grandchild is ninety, in theory you can be remembered by your grandchildren for sixty years. As mentioned earlier, when you were 90 years old and your grandchildren were 30, their children had just come out and they were your great-grandchildren. But great-grandchildren will not have any impression of you, how can they let them remember you? Therefore, when the grandchildren died in the 90s, you will also become a hundred percent of a dust, a lonely, no one cares. That feeling is like you have never existed before. The truth is that it's so simple, a bit cold. Predicting such an accurate outcome, do you think that the future is actually a sad reminder?

Therefore, living in the present and living for oneself is undoubtedly a wise choice. Especially when you are responsible for raising children, they become a family. When you are dedicated to honoring your parents, they finally died. At this time, you may be just in the year of your sixty ages, it is time to live for yourself. Because you want to grasp the quality of life again, there are not many days left. If you still insist on taking care of your grandchildren, it means that you will be a complete loser in your life leftover. In the positive sense of individualism, you basically belong to a lifetime waster.

In fact, even if a person is remembered for 10,000 years, what is the meaning of personal life taste? Life is short, and the time spent being remembered is shorter. Therefore, live out your wonderful life fragments and experience your true life. Happiness experiences are good enough in your own body and heart. 

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