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独立学者 政治旅遊學代表、 国际和平人士、曾任媒体总编 理念:“旅遊整合世界 人類共享文明”  
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世界“第一部”政治旅游学著作《旅游整合世界》摘录 2022-04-05 19:46:00













第一章 总论
 第一节 旅游是人类本能属性和社会属性相结合的产物
 第二节 古代旅游是有权有钱有闲人的活动
第二章 科学技术的发展开启了人类旅游的新纪元
 第一节 影响人类旅游活动的几项重大发明
 第二节 旅游范围和旅游人数发生质的飞跃
 第三节 近代中国旅游
第三章 旅游的过程是人类文明传递的过程
 第一节 旅游是不同文明之间的桥梁
 第二节 没有传播就没有文明
第四章 旅游的整合力是人类文明发展的加速器
 第一节 旅游有着包容广泛的硬整合力
 第二节 旅游有着不可估量的软整合力
第五章 人类文明的发展促动旅游价值的提升
 第一节 战争是古代人类文明传播的主渠道
 第二节 战争传播文明更摧毁文明
 第三节 人类文明未来发展趋势
第六章 人类文明“整合”的最终选择——旅游
 第一节 和平发展逐渐成为人类共识
 第二节 现代旅游发展与日俱进

 第三节 现实发展所预示的乐观前景













经济全球化不仅促动了现阶段人类资源、资金、技术、产品、市场的大规模流动,而且促动了人类前所未有的大规模的交流,人类由此从“大众旅游”时代进入到“全球旅游”时代 。




因为只有全人类“核心价值观的统一”, 传统的政治、宗教矛盾才能基本消除,人类交流的成本才能降到最低,人类才能最大限度地将地球资源用于创造财富、发展科技、保护民族文化、促进各国公民自由交流即提升人类的整体力量上来。









































中国著名经济学家叶檀女士把乔布斯的成功归咎为“完美融合中西方文化精华”。 她认为,强大的技术团队,快捷的物流链条,全球的营销网络,是苹果成功的技术基础,而支撑乔布斯内在的强大精神力量却来自东方。




叶檀说,甚至乔布斯的座右铭都是东方式的——“Stay Hungry,Stay Foolish”即“求知若渴,处事若愚”。这一箴言既符合儒家的教诲,也符合道家的内核。一个美国的企业家居然能够如此精准地抓住东方文化的内核,贯穿在自己所有的行动中,实在让人感慨。


























人类进入21世纪的第一个十年,互联网发明国的美国因“维基解密”事件而巩固了其作为世界信息科技最发达国家的地位。 2010年7月26日,“维基解密”在《纽约时报》《卫报》和《镜报》配合下,在网上公开了多达92万份的驻阿美军秘密文件,引起轩然大波。














欧洲、亚洲、大洋洲、南美洲也爆发了民众响应的集会, “占领华盛顿”、“占领伦敦”、“占领墨尔本”,甚至“占领台北”等活动也开始露出了苗头。北京时间10月6日,河南郑州的几百名市民在文化宫门前打起横幅,声援地球另一侧的那场“伟大的华尔街革命”。












































这封信由“财政力量之爱国富豪团”(Patriotic Millionaires for Fiscal Strength)的138名成员联名签署。该组织一年前成立,当时旨在说服国会终止前总统小布什实施的富人减税政策,不过未获得成功。




Computervision Corp创始人维勒斯(Phil Villers)称:“我们中能承受税收增加的人应该站出来,这是我们要向‘超级委员会’传递的信息,希望他们可以听取。”






















调查问及韩国政府针对与朝鲜的统一政策和双边关系时,年长者的回答更为温和。(京华时报 2011年10月17日 )













































与传统政客相比,“人类意识觉醒者” 除了具有非同一般的远见卓识外,还更有强烈的正义感和羞耻感。例如,当“占领华尔街”运动风起云涌之时,英国外交大臣威廉·黑格说他“有些同情”示威者;当“占领华尔街”运动蔓延到美国西部最大城市洛杉矶时,该市议会通过决议,支持“占领洛杉矶”示威活动……






我们在前面谈到,在现今世界上,由于各国的历史、政治、经济、文化还存在不同,人类还不能同步进入民主社会,甚至,“先进的”与 “落后的”还存在巨大的差距。






































荷兰法学家格劳秀斯在1625年写的《战争和和平法》(De Jure Belli ac Pacis)一书,被视为现代国际法的起源。“联邦”的概念在18世纪末赢得了不少的支持。更为突出的是,这一时期,世界上第一个民主联邦——美国,于1788年诞生了。


















与此同时,为了配合国际组织的发展,国际法研究也取得了大的进步。1873年,比利时法学家Gustave Rolin-Jaequemyns建立了世界上第一个国际法研究院,领导并起草具体的国际法草案。


第一个世界议会的雏形“各国议会联盟”(Inter-Parliamentary Union)也在1886年由克里默和帕西开始组织,由许多国家的议员组成。1904年,这个联盟正式提议成为“一个定期讨论国际问题的国际国会”。
















1947年在瑞士的蒙特勒召开会议,从而形成一个全球性的联合会,即World Federalist Movement,也是一个有影响的国际组织。到1950年,该组织声称在22个国家拥有56个成员组,并有156 000位成员。








































































Section 3The Existing Development Indicates an

Optimistic Outlook

(1)Human communication has advanced two substantial leaps.


So far, the tourism activity of mankind has undergone two tremendous leaps:


The first leap occurred during the Industrial Revolution. The advent of steam engine stirred up the productivity by a large margin and brought more leisure time to people. Then the steamships and trains further displaced those traditional transportation tools dragged by animals, which caused great changed in terms of the range, experience and security of tourism were all radically changed. More importantly, tourism was no longer the privilege of a minority. The ordinary white collar and blue collar were able to enjoy it as well. Mankind began to step into the era of “mass tourism”.


The second leap has started up since 1980s and 1990s. The swift and strong development of hitech not only breaks through national boundaries and accelerates the exchange and sharing of information, but also shortened the distance between different places, gradually inosculating the world economy as a whole, i. e. “economic globalization”.


Economic globalization presents itself mainly through the liberalization of trade, the internationalization of production and the globalization of finance as well as science and technology. So far, the dynamic economic globalization has fiercely lashed against the economy, politics, military, society, culture and even thinking mode of different countries. It is a profound revolution sweeping across the whole world, with no exception to it.


At this stage, economic globalization not only hastens the largescaled flow of resources, capitals, technologies, products and markets, but also contributes to the unprecedentedly massive exchange. Hereby, mankind transits from “mass tourism” to “global tourism”.


Despite the exact time of human tourisms third leap is still unknown, “the unity of core values” will certainly be its symbol. And it is a precondition to bring about the “global village” as well.


Only “the unity of core values” is able to help root out political and religious conflicts, minimize the cost of human communication, and enable mankind to make the best of earth resources to create wealth, develop science and technology, protect national cultures, promote free communication of people from different nations, or in a word, enhance the holistic power of humanity.


When the time comes, the political, economic and cultural development of all countries will be relevantly balanced and the tourism activities of mankind will shake off all of the restrictions, such as traveling permits, expense and transportation tools. The only thing they need to do is to conquer themselves.


However, it depends to a large degree on humans “conscious” acts to determine when this marvelous vision w511 be accomplished at last. The evolvement of economic globalization urgently demands to push forward the process of unifying the world through tourism, and also provides realistic conditions and material foundations to fulfill such demand.


To some extent, economic globalization has been the stage and prop of tourism to unify the world and display the rugged process of cultural development.


Since it will take some time for tourism to unify the world, the integration of cultures will run through the whole process of economic globalization. The dramatic development of information technology and the advent of information age characterized with cyberspace fiercely accelerating the update of social cultures. Tourism has exerted its subtle influence on the world in this updating process.


The age of globalization brings many new traits to the evolvement of culture. The cultural diversity becomes the main feature of cultural development, the cultural imperialism becomes a new problem and the advancement becomes the common objective different cultures pursue.


For instance, with the rapid development of Chinese economy, the soft power of Chinese culture is more and more frequently exposed in the spotlight. “Seizing the right to make a voice is the premise for China to participate in the world”, Liu Changle, Chairman and CEO of Hong Kong Phoenix Satellite Television, once said in a cultural forum.


The conflicts and exchanges between civilizations are the main features of tourism unifying the world. The rapid process of economic globalization creates more chances for the collision and interaction between regional cultures and makes the conflict and exchange of civilizations more severe. Through such collisions and changes of different regional cultures, tourism gradually fulfils its mission to unify the world.


Different nations should respect each others culture and make efforts to promote mutual understanding, thereby becoming culturally complementary. Cultural differences are easy to lead to misunderstandings or even conflicts.


The cultural differences may hurdle the communication of different nations, but they have enriched the world, boosted human intercourse by various types of tourism activities,and offered opportunities for mankind to share civilizations.


Several years ago, Bruce Lee a wellknown Chinese Kung Fu star with worldwide fame, whose statues was inaugurated on the central square of Mostar City, Bosnia and Herzegovina, a middleEuropean nation. Gaetano, a writer of Bosnia and Herzegovina, reckoned that the statue of Bruce Lee could help to eliminate cultural differences and break through racial barriers. “Someones meat may be others poison, but Bruce Lee is a genuine international hero and is also the hero for all races in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, said Gaetano.


Philosophically speaking, culture conflict and integration submits to the law of unity of opposites, with the former as the premise of the realization of the latter. Only through mutual competition and contradiction, different cultures can find out their own advantages and shortages, improve themselves by learning each other and then lay foundation for the cultural integration.


The effort for tourism to unify the world is actually the evolving process to bridge the mutual conflict and integration.


Different stages and levels during tourisms effort to unify the world are featured with different sorts of cultural conflicts and integration, which also contain different meanings. But in terms of the whole course of cultural development, the unity of opposites has been the main law of social progress.


In the age of economic globalization, the cultural conflicts still concentrate on the differences and values of various cultures, but each culture has paid much attention to absorb and learn nutrients from others and thereby improve its adaptability and vitality.


For different cultures, the desire to seek common ground and reserve differences has been stronger than ever before in the age of economic globalization. In the context of different regional cultures, people have been paying more and more attention to those “universal” issues, such as global awareness, global ethics, cyber culture, mass culture, consumption culture, ecological culture, sustainable development as well as modernity.


People are trying their best to find some kind of culture with universal value, so as to cope with those common obstacles faced by human society or hereby rake in enormous political and commercial benefits. To some extent, the pursuit of such common value represents the ideal situation of cultural integration.


(2)“National consciousness” transits to “human consciousness”


In the course of changes and integration, the cultural forms have been constantly evolving with new appearance. As the main body of culture, mankind has also been characterized with special cultural charms.


Reacting to Steve Jobs death, the Associated Press appraised his as a “CEO, technologist, futurist, innovator and refiner”. Meanwhile, the Wall Street Journal reviewed his achievements in the tone of individualistic heroism.


Some people attribute Jobs success to the “social system” of America. But why does he not turn up in Japan or Europe which enjoy the similar “social system”?Even in America, Jobs is a peerless and incomparable innovator as well.


Traditionally, people usually ascribed this to socalled “talent”. But now, they are more inclined to believe that the personal experience, belief and personality of an inventor decide the successful result. Many qualities are particularly significant to an entrepreneur.


Ms. Ye Tan, a famous economic commentator of China, insisted that Jobs success resuited from “the perfect integration of SinoWestern cultural essences.” She argued that the powerful technical teams, rapid logistics chains and global marketing network laid material foundation for Apple, but Jobs strong spiritual power came from the East.


In her article published in National Business Daily, Ye Tan said, “Jobs believes in Zen Buddhism, which not only invests him with psychological support but also bestows concise life goal and aesthetic taste on him. Actually, all gadgets of Apple have been concisely and smoothly designed, helping grasp their consumers hearts. Following neither common views nor his own thoughts, Jobs has endeavored to explore the new road.” She argued that few entrepreneurs or philosophers in China could do what Jobs has done.


Ye Tan said, even the maxim of Jobs“Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish”was eastern style, which tallied with both Confucian and Taoist tenets. It was really admirable for an American entrepreneur to precisely seize the core of eastern culture and then integrate it into his activities.


Hollywood movie “2012” dominated box offices across the U. S. in the first weekend of its release and then ended up with the box office revenue of $225 million across the world. In China, it even broke the box office record of 210 million RMB within the first 9 days. “Im determined to make it the most disastrous movie”, Roland Emmerich, the director of “2012”, once confidently said.


The theme of “2012” is rather simple“mankind is on the path to ruin and the whole world together deals with disasters”. The movie binds the fate of all mankind together and comprises the elements of diversified cultures, thereby arousing the interest of the audience on a world basis and naturally enabling the producer to profit a lot.


Nowadays, more and more “people awakened to the awareness of humanity” and begin to instill their concerns about mankind in a variety of cultural products. They are not only aiming to maximize the market profit under the background of globalization, but also attempting to project their senses of responsibility and mission to give attention to the fate of mankind in future.


Mr. LeHousheng, a wellknown strategist of China, wrote in his book named “Cultural and Military Strategies” that “in the development history of civilization, the advent of each new civilization resulted from the dramatic shift of former civilization…therefore, each new civilization symbolizes a revolution in the course of civilization development”. Behind all of these revolutions, traditional politicians and religious persons have played an indispensable role.


“The World is Flat” says that the development of globalization can be divided into three stages: the first stage is dominated by nations; the second stage by multinational company and the third stage by individual.


That means, with the development of human civilization, the age of “the mass making history” will finally come. It is not to deny the function of individuals. Instead, the world in future will be an age of selfexpression, with countless “selves” as the leading actors.


Traditional politicians may be fed up with the frequent change of PM in Japan, or full of complaint about the “twoperson” politics of Putin and Medvedev in Russia. But in a world controlled by voters, those politicians, whether transient or everlasting, are all negligiblebecause the direction of a nation relies on “the mass”, rather than any “political individualal.


Throughout history, mankind has developed from ignorant, mysterious and autarchic to civilized, open and democratic, which is an unchangeable law. To some extent, the whole history of humanity has been stuffed from conflicts between rulers and the ruled.


In history, whenever the ruled invented a newer and stronger way to harness the rulers, the civilization of mankind would make a great progress. For instance, the Industrial Revolution was accompanied by modern democratic system, lending magic power through a piece of ticket to curb the insolent rulers.


The governing method most vastly used by rulers is to monopolize information. In ancient ages, books and education were the privilege of the royal and noble, while ordinary people difficult to enjoy them. At present, those autarchic governments still rely on blanking off external information to prolong their domination.


Hitlers initial success during World War Two mainly relied on the effort of Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Propaganda Minister, who steered the public by manipulating information. Following World War Two, people began to prohibit rulers to control them by monopolizing information. Under the supervision of independent media, the information gap between rulers and the ruled has been shortened step and step.


In the first decade of 21st century, the US. , the cradle land of internet, reinforced its leading position in the field of information technology through “WikiLeaks”. On July 26, 2010, WikiLeaks collaborated with New York Times, the Guardian and the Mirror to release more than 92 000 secret files about US. troops in Afghanistan, which astonished the whole world.


“WikiLeaks: Assange and His Kingdom” published in 2011 said, “as the website of WikiLeaks built up its reputation in the past year, the world politics and diplomacy plunged into mess. 90 000 secret files revealed the truth how Afghan War slaughtered civilians; more than 1 000 emails from leading scientists uncovered the gigantic deceit of global warming; 250 thousand of diplomatic cables humiliated the leaders of various nations. The initiator of all these was only a person and his website.”


It is a turning point of civilization. WikiLeaks indicates that political civilization of mankind has rushed into the information age. Rulers have to restrict their political behaviors and be supervised by the public as much as possible. As Assange argued, “this activity will change world history”.


On the top of unrest of “WikiLeaks”, another globally influential protest, “Occupy Wall Street”, broke out in the US..


On September 17, 2011, above one thousand of protesters gathered in Manhattan, New York and attempted to occupy Wall Street. They contacted with each other through the internet, pledging to convert Wall Street into the Revolution Square in Egypt. The protesters claimed that their protests were directed to struggle against the powerformoney deal in the political circle, the bipartisan tussle as well as the social unfairness.


The most wellknown slogan of protesters was “we are the 99%”They argued that 99% of Americans were deprived of their properties by financial crisis, while the remaining 1% still had it all. So 99% of American citizens could not tolerate the greed of 1%.


Within less than 3 weeks, the “Occupy Wall Street” protest has spawned similar demonstrations around the US.. So far, more than 200 cities have echoed by holding lasting protests.


At the same time, Europe, Asia, Oceania and South America were also spotted with related protests. “Occupy Washington”, “Occupy Melbourne” and even “Occupy Taibei” were fitted to the string. On October 6, hundreds of citizens of Zhengzhou, Henan, suspended a banner saying “Great Wall Street Revolution”.


During the White House news conference on October 6, U.S. President Obama made his first public comment on the “Occupy Wall Street” protest, “the protesters give how our financial system works, a voice a broader frustration”. He said, “The American people understand that, no one has been following the rules, that Wall Street is an example of that”.


The most seriously denounced decision that this Americas first black president has made was to pump 787 billion US. dollars into the market to bail out banks. Many people believed at that time that they would benefit from this money, but finally failed to obtain their hope. At the same time, the Wall Street companies were still paying large amount of dividends.


In his book “The Rise and Decline of Nations” published more than 20 years ago, Mancur Olson pointed out that in a prosperous nation, some industries, namely those special interest groups, had incentives to influence the government by means of money to make it enact policies partial to them. As a result of that, these industries could earn more money and hereby exert more influence on the government.


The US. financial groups were actually those special interest groups which relishing their strength to enjoy favorable policies and realized over development in recent years. Following the subprime mortgage crisis, US. congress passed through the DoddFrank Act to enhance the financial supervision. But Wall Street has pressed the congress and government through its strong lobbyists, thereby weakening the Acts power.


European people were faced with similar unfairness. Jenny Mclntyre, a UK protester, told Reuters journalist, “we dont want the socalled democracy on the basis of pleasing those large businesses and biasing for the financial system. It is not democracy at all”.


“Thats not capitalism, thats not a market economy. Thats a distorted economy”, Joseph Stiglitz, the professor of economics at Columbia University and a Nobel laureate, showed his support to the protesters, “and if we continue with that, we wont succeed in growing, and we wont succeed in creating a just society”.


A Japanese newspaper commented that a handful of wealthy people dominated the world, leaving many others suffering the poverty. “Such situation is common for the majority of capitalist nations, thereby stimulating the mood of discontentment on a world basis.”


YuanPeng, a scholar of China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations, thought that “in the 21st century, the civil societies through the world, no matter what state systems they are, will undergo another round of awakening, with the people of various countries uttering the same appeal.”


Beyond all expectations, this tremendous and worldwide “Occupy Wall Street” protest seemed rather undisciplined, without exact leaders, systematic organizations, exaggerated slogans or even any definite objectives.


In the first two weeks, American media took little notice of this movement, with only 60 out of 500 newspapers (ie. 12%) on October 5 reporting the demonstration. Many then guessed that “those consortiums have long been on good terms with Wall Street tycoons, so they shielded away the coverage”.


The “organizers” were rather liberal to this“Its difficult for the media to build a narrative because this is a leaderless protest”, said Patrick Bruner.


Bruner was responsible to orchestrate the public relations effort of “Occupy Wall Street”. As a recent graduate, Bruner failed to find any job and then become a volunteer after he heard about the protest. For many media, this bony 23yearold young man had been the “official representative” of those protesters.


“Someone doesnt take our protest seriously and think that it is just a small movement and will end soon”, another protester told the media, “but the only thing we can do is using the truth to make them open eyes”.


Mr. Anthony Yuen, a famous commentator of Hong Kong Phoenix Satellite Television, once answered the question of an anchorman by saying that  we cannot call the unrest of “Occupy Wall Street” a movement. Since a movement usually has its organizer, leader and related slogan, but all of these elements are quite ambiguous in “Occupy Wall Street”.


Obviously, he was examining a new problem from the traditional view angle. As a matter of fact, during the radical revolution from industrial society to information society, many “elites” feel inadequate to fully perceive those unprecedented and ultimate changes that are about to take place.


Different from all the past ages, the advent of information era and the power from numerous “individuals” will be irresistible and carry all before them. In the information society, the “opinion leader” is the highest leader and the internet is the largest organization.


Sometimes, even a “plain civilian”, not the “opinion leader”, can ignite the whole world just like the WikiLeaks founder Assange, as long as his idea is eyecatching enough.


This time, the protest directed its spearhead against the financial circle. Next time, it will direct to another field. But they did not mean to overthrow anyone. “Aligning our reality with our ideals often requires the speaking of uncomfortable truths and the creative tension of nonviolent protest”, US. President Obama said.


In comparison with traditional society, the intemet is more swift and effective to gather power. Everyone could be the leader and organizer. The “consciousness” of human finds the most valuable carrier, thereby forming the revolutionary strength.


On November 16, 2011, nearly 140 millionaires asked the U. S. Congress to increase their taxes for the sake of the nation.


According to British media, the entrepreneurs and business leaders wrote President Obama and congressional leaders that “Please do the fight thing for our country. Raise our taxes”. The letter also noted that they benefited from a sound economy and now wanted others to do so.


The letter was signed by 138 members of “Patriotic Millionaires for Fiscal Strength”. The group was created a year ago during a failed bid to persuade Congress to end tax cuts for millionaires enacted under Republican former President George W. Bush.


As the “Occupy Wall Street” movement continues, the group is now making the same request of a 12member congressional “super committee”, which is struggling to reach a bipartisan deal to cut the deficit by at least $12 trillion over the next decade in order to help put the nation on sound financial footing.


PhilVillers, founder of Computervision Corp, said: “Those of us who can afford it should step up. That is our message to the super committee. We hope they listen.”


It is still too early to assess the impact of “Occupy Wall Street”. Such a world influential civil right movement will further go forward and then manifest its significance and historical position.


However, both “WikiLeaks” and “Occupy Wall Street” play a positive part in pushing the society to be more transparent, candid and democratic. It is not accidental for them to take place simultaneously.


The US. is the world leader in the fields of intemet development and information society, an example of western democratic system to other countries. In fact, God dotes on the US. very much. To some extent, “WikiLeaks” and “Occupy Wall Street” symbolize that the US. has stepped into the era of information civilization from former ear of industrial civilization.


If “WikiLeaks” is defined as “online”, then “Occupy Wall Street” has happened “offline”. The interaction between “online” and “offline” confiscates the ability of traditional politicians to cope with these movements.


As German media has said, WikiLeaks “skillfully” suppressed the most powerful government throughout the world, making the latter incapable to find any solutions except futile denouncements time and time again.


“WikiIaks” and “Occupy Wall Street” seriously lashed the image of traditional politicians to its historically lowest level. They have never been so awkwardly and humbly exposed to the public on a world basis.


Following the turbulence of “WikiLeaks” and “Occupy Wall Street”, an opinion survey in South Korea suggested that approximate 90 percent of South Koreans distrust domestic politics and politicians:


YONHAP News Agency reported on October 16 that, according to a poll of 1,018 adults and 730 youths by the Office of the Minister of Special Affairs, 871 percent of adults and 856 percent of adolescents said they “do not have confidence in politics and politicians.”


The poll of South Koreans value systems also showed people in their 40s are most skeptical about politics; with 916 percent of those in that age group expressing distrust toward politicians. About 91 percent of respondents in their 30s expressed a lack of confidence while 876 percent of those aged 50—59 were skeptical about the political system.


Younger members of society in the 10—29 had relatively mild distrust, with about 85 percent of them expressing skepticism toward politics. Most senior citizens over 60 were the least skeptical, with just under 80 percent expressing a lack of confidence.


In terms of the countrys unification policy and its relations with North Korea, younger people were less accommodative than their elder peers, the poll also showed. (Beijing Times, October 17, 2010)


Does it mean that the public in the information society is deliberately making things difficult for traditional politicians, or those politicians are approaching the end of their fate? This is really a question that all members of the information society should seriously consider and answer.


Europeans once has taken pride in the foundation of EU, which was regarded as the model of civilization progress and also attracted the remaining world to positively simulate. However, the European debt crisis awakened the people and forced them to carefully probe into the problem hidden behind EU.


Mr. Lv Ningsi, the commenter of Hong Kong Phoenix Satellite TV, pointed out in a TV program that “the European debt crisis will instead compel the political reforms in Europe”Evidently, he attributed the crisis to those European politicians


French Foreign Minister Main Juppe seemingly embraced this standpoint as well~ “So many European nations use the uniform currency, but there are no uniform finance and monetary system as well as regulations about tax rate. How could we keep the Euro stable under such circumstance, said Juppe when he visited Beijing.


So Juppe repeated his French suggestion, ie. Europe should adopt the federal system and be uniformly administrated as a country. However, the idea to found the United States of Europe has been outmoded


Subsequent to World War Two, on May 9, 1950, Robert Schuman, the incumbent French FM, proposed to unify the whole Europe. Through decades of effort, EU has been growing steadily and the uniformed Euro is introduced as well. All of these stand for great progress towards unification.


Despite that, Europe differs from North America a lot. The US. originated from several Englishspeaking colonies, without any historical burden. In contrast, Europe comprises many nations in different languages, so there are too many appeals to be coped with.


Due to the Cold War, the political and economic unbalance and other related factors, particularly the resistance from some countries people, or politicians frankly, the political integration of Europe has been walking with many difficulties.


Why does this political federation, regarded as the orientation of civilization evolvement and admired by the remaining world, seem so fragile and inconsistent when trying to stabilize the vitally important economic development?


“Its everyones dream to be a prince”, said Luca Sellari, Town mayor of Filettino in the hills east of Roma said. The authority of Filettino planned to declare independence to fight back Italian governments austerity measures, which included merging approximate 2 000 towns across the country.


For traditional politicians of Europe and even the whole world, what Mr. Sellari said has really hit home. Although mankind is striding into the information age and the economic and cultural globalizations are making great progress, many traditional politicians are still infatuated with power and wealth.


Ms. Zi Zhongjun, a senior expert of international issues from Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, hurled a question in his book that “many natural and manmade disasters that are cross boundaries and nations will emerge in an endless stream in future. So when can those politicians of different countries ward off the narrow and selfish thinking mode of national interests as well as the behavior mode of power politics and gaining profit at others expense but actually at their own expense as well?”


The only permanent thing in the world is change. Politicians will finally vanish but the politics will always be there. Each historical transition has been boosted by the social elites of that era, such as new politicians and religionists.


Mankind is undergoing another historical transition, namely from industrial civilization to information, which is distinguished from any other transitions in the past. Under the background of the economic and cultural globalizations, this transition has involved all humanity.


We have to differentiate the description about social elites of our era, including new politicians and religionists, from their predecessors. Properly speaking, they are “awakened people of human consciousness”, more farsighted than ordinary people and acquainted with the development law of mankind, devoting all their efforts to the whole humanity.


“Generations to come will scarcely believe that such a one as this walked the earth in flesh and blood.” This is the tribute to “Mahatma Gandhi” from Einstein, the greatest physical scientist of last century. It now appears that Mahatma Gandhi has been the greatest“awakened figure” across the world.


“The reason why Gandhi still receives so much respect until now is that he once did everything for the whole humanity, rather than for only a country or nation”, an American politician said so.


Among all of those world giants, Gandhi was particularly special as he not only absorbed both religious and political elements but also developed his thought through the furious collision between Eastern traditional culture and Western modern thought. “I work hard to see God through my service to humanity, because I know that God is in the heart of every human being, rather than in heaven or under the ground”, Gandhi said.


Even if many countries have their own “Founding Father”, few of them have endeavored to advocate the “nonviolent” revolution like Gandhi. More importantly, Gandhi put it into practice. His “nonviolence” theory and practice not only boosted the National Independent Movement, but also influenced AfricanAmerican Civil Rights Movement of the US..


Martin Luther King once said, “as I delved deeper into the philosophy of Gandhi, my skepticism concerning the power of love gradually diminished, and I came to see for the first time that the Christian doctrine of love, operating through the Gandhian method of nonviolence, is one of the most potent weapons available to an oppressed people in their struggle for freedom”


When visiting India last year, US. President Obama said, “One of the things I draw from Gandhi is that you have to be persistent on your journey, you just have to keep going on and never say die Gandhi, Sir Martin Luther King, and Abraham Lincoln are people we are constantly reading and studying about. Im often frustrated by how far I fall short of their example”.


Obamas frustration deserves our encouragement. He reminds us that despite the starlight of “awakened people of human consciousness” is still rather faint, one day it will certainly lighten all the sky.


In addition to the preeminent foresight of traditional politicians, those “awakened people of human consciousness” also have strong senses of justice and shame. For instance, when the “Occupy Wall Street” movement was rolling in immense surges, William Hague, British Foreign Minister, said he was “sympathized” with protesters. When the protest extended to Los Angeles, the largest western city of America, its municipal government passed through a resolution about supporting the “Occupy Los Angeles” movement…


Leung ManTao, the commentator of Hong Kong Phoenix Satellite TV, mocked traditional politicians by saying that, “The king in the traditional story didnt know he was naked. However, both he and we know that he is naked now, but he still walks out, wandering about on the street. We have a panoramic view about that but pretend that he is dressed”.


The sense of shame forces those “awakened people of human consciousness” to devote all the public power to creating and maintaining the transparent, candid and democratic social environment, positively enhancing the development and integration of humanity. They often felt upset for their insufficient ability and ashamed for their occasional selfish thought.


As we have mentioned above, because of different historical, political, economic and cultural development among various countries, mankind still cannot step into the democratic society simultaneously. To be worse, there are even unthinkable gap between “the advanced”and “the backward”.


However, under the sunshine of the information society, we can very easily find that the seeds those “awakened people of human consciousness” have scattered, no matter in fertile soil or in barren field, will surely be able to shoot up and vigorously grow up.


Since the age of Enlightenment in Europe, some politicians and scholars who surpass the narrow boundaries of country and nation and those who wander around the world have called themselves as “world citizens”.


In the preface of “Speeches and Writings by Deng Xiaoping”, published by Pergamon Press Ltd, Deng Xiaoping, Chief Designer of China Reform and Opening up, soulfully said, “As one of the Chinese people, Im honored to become one of the world citizen”.


Despite that, during the age of national countries, especially in the Cold war, when the world was fully bestrewed with barriers, the concept of “world citizen” was unreachable for the majority of the people in the earth. But now, great changes have taken place, as mankind has stepped into the age of globalization and the revolution of information technology has turned the world into a “global village”.


To some extent, everybody has turned into the “world citizen”. They may not go abroad, but still can feel the external influence and also can exert impact on citizens in other countries, let alone on those who frequently come and go between different countries.


The history of human development indicates that the political power leading to regional barriers and religious power results in spiritual estrangement, only tourism is capable to congregate together the people from different races, religions and cultures, hereby impelling them to share the fruits of human civilization.


In ancient times, the conquerors usually imposed their cultures and beliefs on those occupied territories and forced the vanquished to accept them. But nowadays, such kind of phenomenon is no longer in existence.


In 2011, with the help of NATOs fierce bombing campaign, Libyan opposition forces successfully overthrew the dictatorial regime of Qaddafi after the battles lasting for 8 months. After taking over the country, the “National Transitional Council” pledged that Libya will uphold the Islamic law, which means that the polygamy may prevail in new Libya.


Such decision, absolutely running counter to the democratic society, astonished those who had firmly and positively supported the “democratic fight” in Libya. It proves that a battle cannot change the bredinthebone culture. People could only hope that new Libya will carry on more communication with the external world.



On April 1, 2014, the U.S. “Fortune” bi-weekly website published a report titled “Chinese tourists promote American enterprise development”. The journalist Steve Hargreaves wrote in the news as follows:


Last year, thousands of Chinese tourists flock to the Yellowstone National Park to watch mountain views, buffalo and the Old Faithful.


After that, at least 1,600 people travel 200 miles to the east, reach to the Euchre Ross ranch where to enjoy burgers, baked beans and biscuits. After lunch, they enjoyed a 14-year-old Katie Williams performance of riding.


 The ranchers owner Judy Blair said: “Her performances make the Chinese crazy, all the political problems between the two countries have vanished.”


The report also records some contents about how the Chinese tourists like to observe and experience American life and more.


On October 21, 2011, Former Cuban President Fidel Castro, who was at his 85 and had grappled with America and the rest of Western world for half century, said in his official website that,“In a nuclear war the ‘collateral damage’ would be the life of all humanity. Let us have the courage to proclaim that whether nuclear or conventional weapons, everything that is used to make war must disappear!”


Castros speech is from the deep bottom of his heart. With the development of human civilization, the globalization of economics has already come into being, and cultural integrity is on the way. Those political approaches using weapons to invade other country and eliminate foreign culture will not exist anymore. Any politicians have no rights to use nuclear weapons with any purpose. Only a thought of it can be regarded as against humanism.


We prey for the Eternal universal Prophecy of the Isaiah, who said 2,500 years ago in Jerusalem that a day will come when people shall leave their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not lift up sword against nation; neither shall they learn war any more.


(3)The foundation of forming “World Government” is increasingly consolidated


The establishment of “world government” is not a new political subject. Early in the ancient Greek and Rome period, the idea of “world government” was brought to the round table of discussion. And the ancient Greece and Roman foretold that for the realization of permanent peace, one day human would be governed by only one common political authority.


The book De Jure Belli ac Pacis written by the Dutch jurist Hugo Grotius was deemed as the origin of modern international law.


The concept “Federation” won the respectable support in the end of 18th century. The more highlighted event in this period was that the first democratic federation in the world-USA. was born in 1788.


    All along the history, many European philosophers were influenced by the relevant thought and created the similar theory, especially the philosopher Immanuel Kant, who wrote the essay “Perpetual Peace” in 1795, where he expounded the three basic conditions for human to permanently eradicate the threat of war in the future:


 The civil constitution of every state should be republican.


 The law of nations shall be founded on a federation of free nations.


 The law of world citizenship shall be limited to conditions of universal hospitality. For instance, people were allowed to visit other countries, but not permitted to stay without invitation.


    In 1811, German philosopher Carl Christian Friedrich Krause wrote an essay “The Archetype of Humanity”, where he proposed to establish the union of five continents: Europe, Asia, Africa, America and Oceania, and incorporate to a world republic.


   By employing the American experience, in 1948 and 1967, Switzerland and Canada also respectively established their first multinational coalition, united all nationalities of different races, cultures and languages under a common government.


   As the influence of the idea “world government” prevailed increasingly, many international organizations were born subject to such a contribution. For instance, International Committee of the Red Cross was founded in 1863, International Telecommunication Union founded in 1865, and Universal Postal Union founded in 1874.


   After human entered into 20th century, due to the growing business of international trade, the interdependence relationship between countries went further, by which accelerated the formation of international organizations. According to relevant data, before the outburst of “World War I” in 1914, there were around 450 global or regional organizations.


Meanwhile, as driven by the development of international organizations, the research on international law also had a great progress. In 1873, Belgium Jurist Gustave Rolin-Jaequemyns established the first research institute of international law in the world, he led and drafted for the specific international law.


   The first embryonic world parliament, called the Inter-Parliamentary Union, was organized in 1886 by Cremer and Passy, composed of legislators from many countries. In 1904 the Union formally proposed “an international congress which should meet periodically to discuss international questions”.


  From time immemorial, politicians were always the carriers and pursuers of “world government”. The famous cases such as Alexander the Great and his empire, Rome Empire and Mongolia Empire as well as Britain Empire.  Referring to the Britain Empire, at the zenith of his millennium the country occupied one fourth of world area and close to one third of world population, famed as “Never Sunset Empire”. This was a period the world at the closest to a common political authority.


Bahá‘u’lláh created Bahaism between 1852 and 1892, and upheld the important principle of establishing a global federation.


Bahá‘u’lláh on the basis of common share and common business for global people, conceived a suite of new social system, including a world legislature, an  international court and an international administrative institution to enforce the decision of legislative and judicial institutions. His criteria also included the worlds universal weights and measures, common currency, and employed one kind of international paralanguage for communication,


  Unfortunately, an integral world government built by attempting to rely on the powder of politics and religions did not exist at all time. In the early fifty years of last century, the attempt that tried to establish a global institution for settlement of international dispute also ended up with failure.


   What upset the people in the world was the “Hague Convention” in 1899 and 1907 and the “League of Nations” in 1919 and 1938 failed to prevent the two World Wars from happening. Later the “Cold War” also proved that under the circumstance of the humans comprehensive development was immature and core value was different, to pursue a united “world government” was nothing else but like strange bedfellows to all nations.


However, even experienced so much frustration and failure over times, the human pace to establish “world government” never stopped. On the contrary, from near the end of “World War II” to 1950,this period was the golden time for “World Federalism Movement”


   In 1943 the first publication of the book “One World” written by Wendell Willkie was sold more than two million copies. Another book “The Anatomy of Peace”, its author was Emery Reeves, due to the book advocated the opinion of replacing the UN by “World Federal Government”, the book rapidly became the “Bible” in the eyes of world federalist.


  In 1947, a meeting was held in Montreux, Switzerland, which formed a global federation called the World Federalist Movement, also was an influential international organization. By 1950,the organization declared there were 56 member groups in 22 countries, around 156,000 members.


   In 1948, the founder of the organization Garry Davis addressed a speech in the UN General Assembly, called for building a “world government”, but he was ended up with driving away from the assembly by guards. Later, Mr. Davis gave up his American citizenship and started to register for the world citizenship, within less than two years there were more than 750,000 people also registered for the world citizenship.


   On September 4, 1953, in the city hall of Ellsworth, Maine, United State, Davis declared the “world government” was based on three “world laws”, namely same god, same world and same human, for which he established “United World Administration Bureau”, its primary task was to design and release the world passport. It has been reported since now there are more than 800,000 copies of such kind of passport released.


   But the thought and method of Mr. Davis was clearly lacked of successive momentum. “Same god” was an “arbitrary” policy, which did not accord with the multiple diversification trend of the world, and did not release from the stereotyped pigeonhole of religion for the “consolidation” of the world, further it was contradicted to the human civilization, because freedom of belief was the progressive identifier of human civilization.


   The sociologist of Trinity University in Connecticut, James Hughes was a supporter of global government, he agreed on that keeping in conformance with the time and trend was an inevitable choice.”


   Hughes said: “in this century there should be new economic, cultural and communicative power to serve the political integration, and the disastrous vital threat might lead to the establishment of global government system became the rigid demand”, what he called “disastrous threat” was specific to the threat to human caused by global climate change, terrorism, and new technology.


   On the possible and realizable concept of the political entity-world government, people generally believed that such a political entity was to interpret and conduct the international law, and the existing nations should gradually alleviate and release a certain extent of authority. This practice certainly should be in synchronic pace with the enhancement of the previously referred “human consciousness”.


  What exhilarating the people was, no matter sovereign nations such as America, Russia, China and other global political forces whether agreed or not, the wheel of history was always rolling forward unceasingly. For instance, the arising of WTO deprived a part of the economic power from the sovereign nations in economic field.


  As a matter of fact, “world government” would add a new administrative level upon the existing national sovereignty, or would provide the coordination to different nations, which independent nations were unable to provide. The upcoming of information society and realization of global town offered the necessity and possibility of arising of “world government”.


   Today people increasingly regard some international institutions such as International Criminal Court, United Nations, International Monetary Fund and other super-national and super-continental unions, such as Organization of American States, European Union, African Union, Union of South American Nations, Association of Southeast Asian Nations etc. as the embryonic world government systems.


   Comparing with the early phase, the contribution from these international organizations or institutions in aspects such as promotion of human integration and coordination of international affairs is much more significant than ever before. This does not mean the modern people are more intellectual than the past people, but a sheer result from the development of global politics, economy, technology and culture.


  In China there is an old saying: “An unripe melon is not sweet if picked to eat”, another corresponding saying is “A channel would be formed naturally when water arrives.”  At present, the existence of various kinds of organizations in the world is only the external factor for promotion of human integration, whereas the comprehensive progress of human civilization is really the fundamental internal factor based on which various organizations or “world government” realizes their value.


   Especially human has entered into information society, with the globalization of economy and culture, the roaring and rushing trend of human integration and cultural sharing will inevitably facilitate the consolidation of various political entities. Exactly as Hughes pointed out, no matter whether the hostile forces existed or not, the history gearing would always direct us to the general orientation of “global government”.


As to various international organizations, when human experiences the third leap in the development of tourist activity, “world government” is no longer a question about to arise or not, but a question about who would grab the chance to direct the establishment of “world government” , who would be the “initiator”: United Nations, European Union or other international organizations?


 The Second World War suffered 50,000,000 casualties, and most of the victims were innocents. As the war closed to the end, many people of lofty ideals called for the establishment of the international institution that could permanently prevent conflicts, which led to the founding of United Nations in 1945, and granting of Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948.


United Nations is a comprehensive international organization composed of sovereign nations, by 2012, there has been 193 member nations. In the “Cold War” period, United Nations played the role irreplaceable for safeguarding the world security, promoting the human peace and other aspects. At present, UN still carries a grave weight in international politics and many other fields.


Some prominent people, such as Einstein, Churchill, Roosevelt and Gandhi etc., called for all national governments to go further, and gradually form the “world government” that could effectively manage the world. However, their idea of “world government” was whether to leave aside the existing UN and build a new one, or to retool the UN, it was just remaining unknown.


 By viewing the current situation, UN indeed faces various challenges from all sides. After the end of “Cold War”, UN has still persisted in the way of traditional fashion, then finds out the road has been reduced narrower. It is evidenced by many nations refuse or delay to pay membership fees. In October 18, 2013, Saudi Arabic refused to be the nonpermanent member of UN Security Council, which unveiled the crisis of UN in the new era.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Saudi Arabic declared, in light of last decades UN Security Council neither did effectively develop the peace for Middle East, nor did end the civil strife of Syria, thus the country declined the nomination. The declaration came up with a question on the Security Councils “ability, work style and mechanism”.


The BBC's UN correspondent said, the diplomatists were astonished and confused by the unprecedented decision Saudi Arabic made. The French UN permanent representative A Laude said to AFP correspondents, France believed Saudi Arabic could make a positive contribution to Security Council, and understood his dissatisfaction.


   In view of the fact that UN was becoming loosely organized and lacked of authority, though many UN elites were aware of the urgency of transformation of UN, however, under a complicated international situation, they seemed to have no idea about the direction of development and where to set forth.


   In December, 2012, the writer hereof was invited by the UN Correspondents Association to attend the annual award ceremony in New York. At the meeting the association presented my work and written speech to five hundred guests including the UN Secretary General, the content of which was advocating the UN to issue “UN Tourist Passport”, it Struck a responsive chord in hearts of many participants.


   On the next day, the relevant sector of UN invited the writer hereof to make a special presentation on the subject of “UN Tourist Passport” for part of UN officials. In the speech I pointed out, after the end of “Cold War”, UN should transit from the traditional track of settling conflicts and avoiding the war gradually to the new track of promoting the human integration and civilization sharing; and also should transit from the traditional track of serving nations and groups gradually to the new track of serving the global citizens.


  The writer hereof thinks that the issuance of “UN Tourist Passport” is one of the most important symbols for such transition. Because the globalization of human economy has already been achieved and the globalization of culture also has been started. The promotion of “UN Tourist Passport” would greatly facilitate the development of human integration and progress, and stimulate and accelerate the upcoming of the third leap of human tourist activities!


  Beyond questions, “world government” is composed of “world citizens”.  The “citizenship” of a citizen is subject to the domain of political sovereignty of a country. Similar to WTO takes over part of the economic sovereignty of all nations, presently UN is the best organization to take over part of the political authority of sovereign nations.


 As a matter of fact, the Schengen passport being implemented by European nations to some extent is resembled to the “Mini-type UN Tourist Passport”. Though comparing with European Union, to issue “UN Tourist Passport” is more difficult, as long as all nations in the world coordinate to unify their understanding, and step by step to implement such a strategy by starting from pyramid top to lower, there should be no difficulty in technical operation.


Therefore, if UN considers the current situation and utilizes the unique political advantages, to issue the “UN Tourist Passport”, it could not only increase the centripetal force from world citizens to UN, but also offer UN the chips of directing the establishment of “world government” in the future.


The more significant thing is that on the day when all of citizens in the world implement the “UN Tourist Passport”, then on this earth where we inhabit for hundreds of thousands of years, would any war happen again?  Is such kind of thought and practice not inosculated to the principle at the very beginning of the founding of UN?!


  Comparing with EU, the organization of UN is with huger size, lower efficiency and rampant corruption, which is always denounced by people. Without a huge reformation, all these shortages would certainly play critical obstacles to the future ambition of directing the establishment of “world government”. Instead, with rich experience, high efficiency management and disinterested organization, EU might win the consensus of world citizens in the future.


Moreover, UN has a vital shortage, it is about in a certain long period of time America still remains the worlds “first big country” but who increasingly tends to ignore the authority of UN. This depends on UN whether is able to make a graceful turnaround in front of the trend of global management democratization, and hold the fate in his own hand firmly!


   In 2012, Nobel Peace Prize was first time awarded to EU, it was a prize for the achievement of the road he walked through, and more likely indicated his vigorous development prospect. Though there are still various kinds of disadvantages inside EU, through the baptism of two World Wars, in front of people in the world, European people have taken the lead and developed a peace pathway for settlement of differences, avoidance of war, sharing of economic and cultural prosperity, which play a typical sample for other regions in the world. 

   Of course, along with the progress of human history, the rapid arising of other international organization is not really impossible. Especially when human has entered into information society, the network itself is the hugest organization. When under the impact of democratic tidal wave, politicians gradually become one kind of symbol and decorative object, the forming of “world government” might be developed in an alternative new path. It is not necessary a story of Arabian Nights!

   Human experience and lessons have proven that the establishment of an organic unified “world government” should not be separated from the forming of new civilization under globalization background. Chinese scholar Peiyong wrote in “Consolidation of Civilization”:

Open a New Era of Culture of Earth Mr. Pei Yong said that it was necessary to establish a new type of global culture and a new world and to rear a new culture more and make it strike root in the hearts of the people on a global scale. The new culture surely is an advanced culture which can represent the development of the world in the future. This new culture is neither the wholesale Westernization nor the wholesale Easternization. Because none civilizations of the world is the purely advanced culture which can adapt to the development of the future world completely. The new culture must be a new type culture combining Eastern and Western civilization. In the future society with the new culture, the postmodernization is its main feature. This society needs an ecological, equal and harmonious culture which will incorporate things of diverse nature and the strong points of various civilizations. It is the important basis to establish the global civilization, and it is the advanced culture in the world to come. The world economic integration must keep pace with the cultural integration. The communication and mixture are quiet and imperceptible. 

Tourism is an absolute way to achieve the goal. 

Tourism integrates the world and humans share civilizations!


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