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母亲节想起妈妈干的事 2023-05-13 18:21:41

Hiding fish in rice field

Mother had always wanted her son to have a better life than she had. She worked hard every day to provide for him and make sure he had everything he needed. When her son got accepted into a university far away, she was proud but also worried about how she would manage without him.


One day, while out fishing in the river, Mother caught some fish that were bigger than usual. She knew her son loved fish and would be thrilled to have some to eat. But she also knew that he wouldn't be back for a few months, and the fish would spoil by then.


So she came up with an idea. She decided to hide the fish in her rice field, when she caught some big fish in the river, she decided to hide them in a little pool she had built in the center of her rice field.


She carefully dug a shallow hole in the ground and lined it with soil banks to make a small pool. She placed the fish in the pool, the rice grow over it and nobody could find the fishes.


When her son came back, he was surprised to see how much effort his mother had put into preparing a special meal for him. He had no idea about the fish she had hidden in the rice field, and he was grateful she had found a way to give her son a special treat.


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