加拿大副总理兼财政部长今年七月二日宣布, 就考虑对中国电动车征收进口关税问题,开展为期一个月,于七月三十一日午夜终止的咨询。 咨询对象包括联邦政府部门,各省政府部门,工业界, 民间团体。 另外联邦政府网站公布了·电子邮件地址(tariff-tarif@fin.gctariff-tarif@fin.gc.ca),征集民间咨询意见。 以下是我本人通过电邮发送的咨询意见。 I am strongly against Canada imposing tariffs on Chinese made EVs. Firstly, this move undermines Canada's promise to sell zero gasoline vehicles by 2035. It compromises the country's overall commitment to achieving net-zero emissions. It will demonstrate to the public that the government's promise is merely gesture, rather than a serious commitment. This could lead to increased disapproval of carbon taxes. Second, many Canadians are interested in purchasing affordable EVs, but they have far fewer options compared to consumers in other countries. The Canadian government should not leave its citizens at a disadvantage in terms of purchasing power. In comparison to our neighbor in the south, the USA, our average take home income is considerably lower and our auto prices are substantially higher. Third, creating more market competition would offer Canadian consumers more affordable and better products which will help beat inflation and improve standard of living for working Canadians. . Fourth, the tariffs would only favor automakers in Ontario and Quebec in the short term. Excessive market protection leads to stagnation in efficiency and productivity, which hurts investors and consumers. Other provinces, mostly exporters of agricultural products and other commodities to China, would also be hurt if China retaliates. This presents a problem of fairness to most provinces and citizens. Moreover, a loud argument for this move is that Canada has to follow the direction of its largest trade partner, the United States, which has approved to impose a 100% tarrif on Chinese made EVs, effective August 1, 2024. However US goverment has announced to delay implementing the tariffs. Trump has even claimed that he would invite Chinese EV makers to produce EVs in the US if he is elected the president. All these possible scenarios would leave Canada in an embarrassing situaton if Canada blindly following the US. Canada should try to avoid becoming a joke in the international community
Lastly, it sounds illogical to say that Chinese government is subsidizing all their exports. Where do they get all the money from? From their own taxpayers? Why would they develop and sell things that make no money, or even have to put in their own money to sell? Why would they subsidize consumers in other countries at the price of their own taxpayers?