致菲律宾政府和人民的信 尊敬的菲律宾共和国政府: 菲律宾人民 菲律宾华人华侨: 我是旅居欧洲的中国作家王庆民。最近,在南海,中共政权出动军警人员,攻击菲律宾的海警和执法人员,以及其他多种方式霸凌菲律宾。 我是反对中共这样的行径的。相对于其他许多国家,菲律宾对待华人华侨颇为友好。而菲律宾的华人华侨,也促进了菲律宾经济、医疗、教育事业的发展。二战期间,菲律宾和中国都遭到日本侵略,人民被杀戮。许多华人组成游击队抗击日军。中国人民、菲律宾人民、菲律宾的华人华侨,同甘苦共患难。 但中共政权却欺压霸凌菲律宾。它同时又对发生排华屠杀的印尼颇为友好,习近平还接见1998年印尼排华屠杀主使者之一、现总统普拉博沃。中共政权对待杀戮华人的政权友好,对待华人处境好的国家却是恶劣的。这是丑恶的行为。 我作为一位中国人,反对中共政权的立场和行为。我支持菲律宾在美国帮助下抗击中共政权。中共政权不等于中国人民。许多中国人民明白是非、善恶,不支持中共政权对菲律宾的霸凌。 我也希望菲律宾华人华侨,和菲律宾其他族群的国民继续友好相处。我也希望菲律宾政府和各族人民继续善待菲律宾的华人华侨。 谢谢 中国人民与菲律宾人民的友谊万岁! 王庆民 Letter to the Government and People of the Philippines
Dear Government of the Republic of the Philippines:
The People of the Philippines
Chinese overseas Filipinos:
I am Wang Qingmin, a Chinese writer living in Europe. Recently, in the South China Sea, the Chinese Communist regime has deployed its military and police personnel, attacked Philippine marine police and law enforcement officers, and bullied the Philippines in many other ways.
I am against such behavior of the Chinese Communist Party. Compared to many other countries, the Philippines treats the Chinese diaspora quite kindly. The Chinese diaspora in the Philippines has also contributed to the development of the Philippine economy, medical care, and education. During World War II, both the Philippines and China were invaded by Japan and their people were killed. Many Chinese formed guerrilla groups to fight against the Japanese. The Chinese people, the Filipino people, and the overseas Chinese in the Philippines share the same hardships and sufferings.
However, the Chinese Communist regime oppresses and bullies the Philippines. It is at the same time quite friendly to Indonesia, where the Chinese exclusion massacre took place, and Xi Jinping received one of the main messengers of the 1998 Indonesian Chinese exclusion massacre, now President Prabowo. The Chinese Communist regime treated the regime that killed the Chinese with kindness, but it treated the countries where the Chinese were in a good position with harshness. This is ugly behavior.
As a Chinese, I oppose the position and behavior of the CCP regime. I support the Philippines to fight against the CCP regime with the help of the US. The CCP regime is not equal to the Chinese people. Many Chinese people understand right and wrong, good and evil and do not support the CCP regime's bullying of the Philippines.
I also hope that Filipino Chinese, and nationals of other ethnic groups in the Philippines will continue to live in friendship. I also hope that the Philippine government and people of all races will continue to treat the Chinese and overseas Chinese in the Philippines well.
Thank you!
Long live the friendship between the Chinese people and the Filipino people!
Wang Qingmin