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澳网女子八强, 25% 是中国运动员 2010-01-25 20:44:29

Congratulations to 郑洁!  She just crashed tennis pretty girl Maria Kirilenko (6-1, 6-3) and entered the Australia Open Semi-final.  This is the 2nd time a Chinese player had ever got into semi-finals at Grand Slam tournaments.   The first time was also by 郑洁 at the 2008 Wimbledon李娜 will play tomorrow (against Venus Wiliams) for one of the two Semi-final spots left.  Go 李娜!

郑洁  李娜

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作者:新中国木乃伊 留言时间:2010-01-27 08:48:55
牛北村, that might be too much to ask. If that happens, I will buy you a drink.
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作者:牛北村 留言时间:2010-01-27 01:18:30
Now 50%. Hope 100% in the Finals.
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作者:新中国木乃伊 留言时间:2010-01-26 11:41:28
Thanks for visiting... and amazingly, both are married and both are in their late 20s. This AO final is going to full of "old ladies"
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作者:牛北村 留言时间:2010-01-26 09:58:13
Exciting indeed.

The possibility to have a Chinese derby in the Finals has increased, said the news media. The scores on the tennis court are the true data that can not be fabricated.

Good luck to both the players!
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作者:新中国木乃伊 留言时间:2010-01-26 07:12:46
百草园, 其实, 她们俩在国际上的影响比80年代初的女排大多了. Watch Li Na on ESPN tonight. If she can beat Venus Williams, which is not going to be easy, we can say, 中国风又刮风到网球上了. Over 1 billion pepople, any 小风刮风到什么上都够它一受的. 这叫人多好干活!
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作者:百草园 留言时间:2010-01-26 05:28:45
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新中国木乃伊 ,124岁
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