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吴泽衡入狱后现在又“失踪”了,不知这算不算荒唐啊! 2016-07-08 12:54:31















【Wu Ze Heng′s whereabouts become unknown again after he was sent to prison】

Lawyer:  The founder of the Hua Zang Dharma Wu Ze Heng is serving a life sentence in prison in Sihu prison Guangdong Province. His family members and lawyers visited him once (last month). According to the routine, his family members required a visit this month, but they were told Wu is not in the Sihui prison and has already been transferred to other place that cannot be revealed. They asked the prison officers when he was transferred and which prison he is in? 

The policemen answered they didn′t know, the family members should wait for the notice being given by the new prison!

In the morning of July 5, 2016, I (the lawyer) made a phone call to the person in charge of the Sihui prison. The officer told me that Wu is not in this prison, “I give you my word that I do not know where Wu was transferred!” 

Notes: The case of Hua Zang Dharma is the first case in China that a religious community is judged as an evil religion by the judicial authority.


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