I'm very happpy to see 莫言 got a prize of some importance. However, I still feel something missing at the moment of the nationaal excitement - for the simple reason that what 莫言 describes is only part of Chinesese. With no intentition of sayingn that what 莫言 has said is true, I still thinkk that 莫言 has not gone beyong what Luxin said many years ago (with some details on blood an crueless). One thing I want 莫言 to think is: if the characeritizeation of 莫言's work is true, then how do we explain the continuity of the whole Chinese culture during thousands of years time? I understnad that every body lives in a small corner of this gigantic, ununstandble world and every one of us is like a blind man touch the big elephant.... still, could some author tell us about other side of that elephant - the true Chinese? of course, we can do it, not for any prize http://blog.creaders.net/youziusa/user_blog_diary.php?did=126767 |