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Double Face 2022-09-08 17:04:24

This is the review from the editor:

"I wanted to appreciate you for writing such a captivating story. You’re writing skills are phenomenal, and I loved how you depicted the human emotions in your story. The way you took the story from love to heartbreak to betrayal was beautiful, and the connection of the Chinese era gave the story a great background to connect to. I loved how the characters were defined and how you made connections between them. Overall, the story was very engaging and had perfect suspense. Regarding the editing task, it was not cumbersome at all.
I look forward to reading more stories from you.

The draft was very well-written with only a few punctuation and grammar errors here and there, which I have fixed now. Attached is the formatted draft and pdf track file to see the changes we have made."

我的第一部英文小说《Double Face》正式在Amazon books 上出版,有两种版本:digital for kindle和传统的书,希望各位朋友购买支持,用各种不同的方式,转发并推荐给你的朋友和同事,如果你只是口头支持,请到那里留下你的评语,谢谢你的支持!如果这次能赚回我的成本和灯油钱,会鼓励我继续写作。

也可以到Amazon books 里,search: Double Face by Michael Luo. This is the link:



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