I don't knwo about you. When I was in china I used to call US (100 yuan a minute, and you are talking about 1990's salary) and I used to send mail to US during those times. It scared shit out of and was paid extra attention not to say or write any political things. And now it is here too. Think about it.
我家老大最近换工作了。他放弃一家在旧金山市中心的公司的经理的职位,和临海景观的办公室,跑到facebook去从头干起。如今facebook是年轻人心中最好的公司。感恩节回家,和他老爸就facebook侵犯隐私的事情进行辩论。他的结论是,如果不是用facebook,你的隐私就不受侵犯了吗?你不使用yahoo,gmail,google,blackberry,iphone吗?他当然是对的。用第一个视频里的话说,就是“You are screwed!”这就是我们今天生活的现实。民主也好,专制也罢。都在拼命利用这样的工具控制人民。就看谁做得高明。不过干同样的事情,民主总是有理。所以这是民主高明的地方。这就是控制话语权的重要之处。