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无法治国--灰尘法 2011-12-09 11:15:27


I am tired of chinese who still believe there are laws in this country and still think everything is great. I am telling it is not. The reason you don't know is simply because the MSM do not tell you. A lot of thing that is going under the cover. You will have to dig to see it. 


Some many things in this country is illegal now. You can not burn your produce on your farm. You can't can your fruits and give to you neighbor, you can not park your can on your front lawn, you can't have garden in your front yard. the list goes on and on. You can't decide what medicine you want to give your kids. They are even trying to make it illegal for you to pack lunch for your kids. They passed the health care bill and force everyone to buy the health insurance, if you don't you will be fined and or go to jail. Yet they turned around gave wavers to multinational corporations like McDonald. So when will people all wake up??? When will you wake up???

They tried to make it illegal for farmers to have any dust on their farm. How in the world can you farm your land without any dust??? You can't, that is the way they will rob your land and give to big corporations. But luckily there are some people fighting for you. The problem is if you don't join the fight, we will all lose the fight.

Noem cheers dust bill passage


Bill may be more about mining than farming top Democrat claims.

By: Tom Lawrence, The Daily Republic


U.S. Rep. Kristi Noem said the House passage of a bill to block any potential government regulations on farm dust is a “huge win for farmers and ranchers.”

Noem, R-S.D., is a sponsor of the bill, which would prohibit any further regulation of rural dust by the Environmental Protection Agency. H.R. 1633 was approved Thursday by a vote of 268 to 150 and now heads to the Senate.

“My bill received support from Democrats here in the House, and the companion bill in the Senate also has Democratic support,” Noem said. “Additionally, over 190 agriculture organizations have written in supporting the bill, including the Cattlemen, Stockgrowers, Wheat Growers, Farm Bureau and many others.”

Joshua Shields, Noem’s spokesman, said the bill is “a two-pronged approach” that will ensure the current dust standard is untouched for a year while it permanently provides flexibility for states, localities and tribes to regulate “nuisance dust.”

Nuisance dust is defined in the bill as particulate matter created from unpaved roads and dust resulting from agricultural activities.

But Democrats charged something different was hidden in the debate over the bill.

“It is not really about farms at all,” said House Energy and Commerce Committee ranking member Henry Waxman, D-Calif. “It’s real effect is to exempt industrial mining operations and other large industries from regulation under the Clean Air Act, and it threatens to overturn the particulate pollution standards that protect families in both rural and urban communities.”

Shields dismissed Waxman’s statement.

“The focus of the bill is rural dust; these are simply partisan scare tactics from Hollywood’s congressman,” he said.

But Democrats continued to ridicule Noem and Republicans for their efforts on the bill.

“Once again, House Republicans are wasting the Congress’ time on a bill that has nothing to do with creating jobs or dealing with the pressing issues that confront us before the end of the year,” said House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer, D-Md., in a news release. “The Farm Dust Regulation Prevention Act is based on the same failed claim that deregulation will lead to job growth.”

The bill heads to the Senate, which is controlled by Democrats who said it has little chance of success there. Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., has introduced a similar bill.

President Obama said Wednesday if it does pass both houses of Congress he is leaning toward vetoing it.

Noem still called it a victory and said she hopes the Senate follows the House’s lead and passes it with bipartisan support.

“The regulation of farm dust is not a partisan issue,” she said in a press release. “It is a rural issue. And it’s a real issue.”

The EPA has repeatedly said it has no intention of regulating the coarse particulate matter that has been labeled “farm dust.” But Noem said those pledges ring hollow.

“If Administrator Lisa Jackson is serious about bringing regulatory certainty to farmers and ranchers, she should help us in this effort,” she said. “She should endorse the bill and encourage (Nevada) Senator (Harry) Reid to bring it up in the Senate and President Obama to sign it.”

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