联想到前两天在 youtube 上看到一则“10歲天才口笛少女”的短片,不禁感叹这个小女孩的音准跟春晚大牌来比,用一句宋丹丹的话来说,那是相当的不错!  再看了看该短片下面的跟帖,不禁又联想起“虎妈”、“狼爸”的那个传说…… 摘翻几段,以便只读中文的同好浏览: 现在日本人有了最好的哨乐乐手,美国人哪儿去了?(美国什么都要No.1的心态一览无遗。) ( 哨乐=韶乐?哈哈……) 你无法击败亚洲人!……你做出点儿什么,他们就把它做得比你还好还快…… 为什么总得是亚洲人那么有才? 耶,我其实也是个女孩,这些东方音乐天才的大多数都被他们的雄心勃勃的爹妈或打,或精神折磨,以便使他们每天练20个小时。 OK 为什么所有这些音乐神童总是亚裔?那是因为父母们过于雄心勃勃,逼他们,打他们,直到他们变棒了为止。在西方,打孩子已经不是培养孩子的一部分了;但在东方,他们不在乎给孩子一通臭揍,来使他们更加努力练习。 英国或欧洲没有这样的音乐神童。他们都在亚洲。这差别就在于是否打孩子并且强迫练习。他们不被允许有朋友,或者做任何与练习无关的事。这就是他们为什么能这么棒。故事结束。 ("End of story." 意即为“一言以蔽之”。) 她每天挨抽,这样她才苦练…… Wow! She is adorable and her whistling is incredible. She swallowed a flute when she was young. I think she swallowed a bird too! So no need instruments, just a girl. Why on earth when I whistled, no sound ! How romantic if you have a girlfriend like this. Japanese now has the best whistler, What happen to Americans? You can't beat Asian ppl... You make something, they will make it better and faster the you did... Why do all the Asians' have to be so talented? Yeah I am a girl actually, & most of these oriental musically talented kids get beaten or mentally tortured by their ambitious parents to make them practice for 20 hours a day. OK so why are all these musical child prodigies always Asian? Its because the parents are over ambitious and push them and beat them till they become good. In the West it is no longer part of the culture to beat children but in the East they don't mind thrashing the kids to make them practice harder. There are no Musical child prodigies like this in the UK or Europe. They are all in Asia. The difference is in the beating of the kids and the forced practice. They aren't allowed to have any friends or do anything apart from their practice. That's why they are so good. End of story. She gets whipped every day so she practices hard... Shouldn't be so racist just because there's no talented people in the west right now. what a bunch of tripe---previous comments---spreading malicious stories. this little girl is phenomenal. she is gracefull, talented, charming, great stage presence AND JUST MAY BE THE BEST WHISTLER ON THIS PLANET. absolutely wonderful. |