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Dream Mr Right 的世界  
身在曹营 心系曹汉 魂归故国  
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身在曹营 心系曹汉 魂归故国 2007-01-28 07:36:59

看到这个标题, 看官一定会评论一番:”别人都是身在曹营心在汉, 你这个人为何心系曹汉, 脚踩两只船?” 不错, 这个标题正是我现在心态的真实描述. 我相信, 很多和我有类似经历的朋友, 都会有这样的心声.


三国时代的关公, 一时落难被曹操收容. 当时曹汉两家势同水火. 关公身在曹营心在汉, 之后过五关斩六将归汉之壮举一直为世人所称道. 我处于一个完全不同的时代. 我的故国中国和我现在的国家英国乃至欧盟之间的关系非常之好,  脚踩两只船也无不可. 况且, 我所供职的咨询公司是一家全球性的公司, 在全世界有8千专业技术人员. 在中国内地和港澳特区共有5个分公司2千专业技术人员. 除了英国总部之外, 在中国的人员总数和业务总量排第二. 我最近几年的工作, 很多是做中国内地和香港的项目, 直接为中国服务, 当然也为英国创造了高附加值的服务业出口. 所以在经济全球化的趋势下, 是什么国籍, 在哪国居住都同样可以既服务于中国又为所在国作贡献.


我也以为, 既然不能接受目前中国的经济发展水平, 工资待遇, 国民素质, 政治制度, 生态环境等诸多方面的现实而要移居它国, 那就要既来之则安之. 努力融入所在国的主流社会, 为所在国作贡献. 否则是对所在国不公平, 因为所在国提供了那么多的社会福利, 工作机会, 公正的司法制度, 民主的政治制度, 优美的自然环境等等. 在为所在国作贡献的同时, 如果还能为故国的发展做些力所能及的贡献, 那当然是再好不过了. 所以就有了我这个身在曹营 心系曹汉的论调.


人在英国, 除了不喜欢那里的天气之外, 我和家人喜欢甚至于热爱所有其它的东西, 包括那里的气候, 冬无严寒, 夏无酷暑, 非常温和. 那里有优美的自然环境, 有宽松的谋生环境, 有全面的社会福利制度, 有多元的文化, 有从不佩带枪支受民众喜爱的英俊的警察, 有一个公正的法制社会, 还有一个民主的多党政治制度. 我们一家人热爱英国, 我们会在那里一直生活下去, 不会再有移民它国的念头.


我也热爱我的故国中国, 也通过我的专业工作为中国的发展作出过很大贡献. 从2003年起, 我作过的多个大项目都是北京的重大项目和奥运项目, 都是北京的标志性的项目landmark iconic projects. 老实说, 如果我一直留在中国的话, 一没那水平二没那机会去做那些重大项目. 2006年初, 也就是一年前, 我更是抛下妻儿在伦敦, 独自一人被公司派到香港来全时做中国和香港的项目.   


我开车时, Radio总是调在同一个频率 – Classic FM. 我热爱欧洲的古典音乐, 有时车到家门口了, 家人都已下车, 我却一个人留在车里不出来, 等听完那段古典音乐后才依依不舍地从车里出来. 对这些我还只是热爱. 真正能使我激动不已, 让我流泪, 震撼我的心灵, 让我神往的音乐作品却只有两个: <<钢琴协奏曲黄河>><<小提琴协奏曲梁山伯与祝英台>>. 我也许热爱英国到在那里生活一辈子并死在那里的程度, 但死后魂归何处, 则是不言而喻的.

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作者:Dream Mr Right 留言时间:2007-03-20 08:23:59
Reply to 白云

You should not generalise based on your impression on a few British expatriates. With Japanese, yes, you could generalise from what you see from one Japanese because all Japanese are just like made from one mould. To a much lesser degree, you could generalise about us Chinese. However, you already know that in UK and US, people are encouraged to develop their own personalities. You see a wide spectrum of people. No single mould can be used to characterise all Americans, nor British.

The same apply to companies. You see, within the same country and in the same industrial sector, the culture of different companies could be very different.

In terms of playing politics, we Chinese play the most of politics than any other nationalities.

My experience has made me a multi-cultural person. In UK, I am no different from another British. In China, I am just another Chinese. I am at home in both cultures. Having said the above, I could say the following:

In general, the Europeans as well as the northern Americans view the process and the end result with nearly equal importance. The process is important to the western people. This is an aspect we Chinese must learn from the western culture, particularly our people in the mainland. We Chinese tend to weight the end result too much and do not care much about the process.

To me, on the majority or even most of the things in life and work, the process is more important than the end results. Let me give you two examples. The first, in Olympic Games, 重要的是参与, 输赢是次要的. The 2nd, on getting rich, the process of getting rich is far more important than being rich in the end. You see, in Europe and US, those self-made rich men are very much respected by the society, because they did it through a process by themselves with their ability and talent. Those inherited a fortune would not get respect from anybody.
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作者:白云 留言时间:2007-03-18 18:22:32
My impression from the expatriates from UK play a lot of politics. They talk a lot and do not delivery. They are care more about the process than about getting thing done. Are your colleagues in UK different?
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作者:Dream Mr Right 留言时间:2007-03-18 07:14:48
Reply to ET

Friend, you have left a valuable comment here. Discussion on this subject may benefit both of us and perhaps all readers at large.

Part of my answer to your comment has already been written in another article – “我 - 自画像”. However, I did not elaborate much on those points because of limits on my available time and on length of an article (not to be too long). Since you have asked this question, I could expand more to some extent by sharing my views and experiences with you and others on aspects of my life which I am not happy with.

I am a perfectionist. To a perfectionist, few things in life could be considered perfect. A lot of unhappiness in my life largely arises from this characteristic of mine.

I am struggling to name a few aspects in my life which I would consider perfect. I would say that the only aspect that is perfect to me in my life is my two kids – my daughter (the elder one) and my son. They are perfect kids. I could not possibly ask for more. They are beautiful 花一样的孩子们, intelligent 聪明, and cut伶俐. My daughter is extremely beautiful, intelligent and charming. A short time ago, an Englishman remarked to my wife after seeing my daughter “She has got extreme natural beauty!”. We have heard many such comments quite often from a lot of people, Chinese, native British and others. My son is very sporty, being good at every sporting activity he does, football, tennis, golf, running and jumping, etc. I did not realise how good he is at sports until last year when I started taking him and some of his friends out to play tennis and golf. Comparing his sporting skills with those of his peers, the gap is huge. He behaves like a professional in sports! He started playing football in the football club in our area from the age of 6 and has been representing our club in his age group in the last 5 years in one of the West London Youth Football Leagues – Harrow Youth Football League. He has been the best player in his position in the whole league ever since. At his age, his ambition is to play for Arsenal. He is also extremely talented in mathematics. Last July when I returned home for holiday near the end of the school year, I attended a parents’ evening to discuss his progress at school with his teacher after reading his school report. He was in Year 4 but his mathematics level had reached that of Year 6 !. I thought it was a mistake in the report and asked his teacher. I got this reply “I teach him English and his mathematics has been taught by another teacher. I also thought it was a mistake when I was given his mathematics grade and specifically checked with his math teacher. It’s not a mistake. He did it with ease.”

Now I turn to the things I am not happy about in my life.

Firstly, the disparity between my IQ and my EQ. My IQ has always been amongst the top few throughout my student life in China and UK and throughout my professional life. My IQ rarely disappoints me but my EQ often lets me down. I have been working for THE best consulting firm in my profession in the world in the last 10+ years with the best professionals in my field. Compared with them, my IQ aspects, such as brain power, problem solving skills, creativity, technical skills and capabilities, depth and spectrum of knowledge and expertise are the best in the firm, recognised throughout the firm. The firm wanted me to work everywhere – one year already in HK, already the head office wanted me to return, with New York office and Houston office wanted me to work there. However, compared with my peers in this firm, my EQ is just about average. EQ means the following characteristics in my opinion: interpersonal skills, negotiation skills, the ability to lead and to influence and to persuade others, the ability to construct convincing arguments and articulate them with a sense of humour, the capabilities to manage people and projects, the ability to delegate, to manage and to lead an organisation, to shape up an organisation etc. To put it short, by EQ I mean the characteristics of a person which enables him/her to be the CEO of an organisation such as HP, McKinsey, Goldman Sachs etc. On this account, I am just average among my peers in my firm. Hence, I could never become the CEO of my firm, not even a regional head or even the leader of a group !

In Europe and Northern America, the EQ issue is a common problem among our 1st generation immigrants from China. We have been trained, particularly in the PhD, to work alone. We tend to do very well when working in isolation. However, putting us in a team, in an organisation, we often got lost. Hence, there is the “glass ceiling” which is hard for us to break. We came from a different culture background and our educational system does not train our EQ. This is an aspect on which most of us Chinese from the mainland must work hard to improve in order rise up the ranks in a large multinational organisation.

The 2nd aspect in my life I am not happy about is my perfectionist character. People in the English speaking countries are not perfectionists. That is why you do not see any good products made in the English speaking countries. Rather, people in the English speaking countries tend to be good bullshiters. They are too ready to lower down their standards but I often find it too difficult to lower down the standards of my work. As I have written in my other article, perfectionist often under-achieve in their career, while those so-so chaps often rise to the top. On this account, I found that I am not quite suited in an English-speaking country. Rather, I could have done much better in a perfectionist country/culture such as Germany, Japan or Sweden where good products are made. But again, these latter countries are not as open as the English speaking countries in which immigrants can do well. Besides, language is a big problem, having spent too much time learning and improving my English.

The 3rd aspect I am not happy about is the constant struggle within myself between emotion and ration. I am an emotional person, in Chinese 性情中人. I often get too emotional, although not personal, in cases where I should deal with situations with a sense of humour. On this account, my colleagues and my bosses do much better than me. I am improving as time goes by on controlling myself emotionally. This also happens in my personal and family life.

Hope you and other readers can benefit from the above. Please feel free to response and discuss. This kind of communication is good for all.

regards from Dream Mr Right
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作者:ET 留言时间:2007-03-14 09:59:45
You are doing great in terms of money, career, confidence and with a big ego!!! Would you like to share with us what you are not happy about in your life?... Unless you can characterize your life as perfect...
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作者:Dream Mr Right 留言时间:2007-03-07 04:51:16
Reply to ET from US

Welcome to my blog. Your impression is wrong and you are wrong to accuse me like what you have done.

I am a very confident person and I have a big ego. Sucessfulwise, few first generation immigrant from mainland China have achieve what I have. Like I wrote in a response to another comment:

我所供职的著名国际咨询公司在全世界有8千专业技术人员. 在英国总部现有5千人. 能进英国总部工作并能生存下来的来自中国大陆的人, 我用一个手的手指能数得过来, 因为我大都认得. 升到主任这一级, 我是第一个, 目前还没有第二个. 我上面还有主管, 我还得努力工作才能升到主管这一级. 目前还没有一个华人能在总部升到主管. 8千专业技术人员中, 只有180个主管.

仅在过去这一年, 从中国大陆来英留学得到博士学位的人, 其他已在英工作的人, 通过各种渠道把简历送到我手里的人不下五个, 想进我们公司. 我在主任位置都能帮他们弄到一个和主管面试的机会. 可没有一个能过面试这一关

I have no need to convince either myself or any readers how sucessful or unsucessful I am. Furthermore, I do things my way and I do not care much how others would view the things I do or view myself as a person.

The articles posted here were written primarily for myself as a record of my true feelings at the time of writing them. Since I cannot attract people to come here to read them, I only treat it as a bonus if I have the opportunity to share them with others. Some of the articles posted here are about me, where I came from, where I am now, where I am heading, who are the people dear to me in my life etc. Readers could share my experience and get encouraged. A lot people could do better than me and I will be happy for them.

I am extremely happy with what I have achieved in my career, in what I have done in serving China, in building my family, raising my kids, in my loving relationship with my wife and kids, etc. I get great satisfaction from these things, not my car, not my house, and not the figures in my bank account.

Truely, I started literally from pennyless in my pockets when I arrive in England many year ago. A lot of people could and should do better than me.

Please read all the articles here, including my responses to comments left here.
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作者:ET 留言时间:2007-03-06 13:37:38
To Dream Mr Right,

You truely have achieved a lot. But please have some self-confidence and have
some peace in your own mind. Somehow, I am under the impression that you are
trying to impress others, including readers of your blog. While you are convincing others
about how great you are, it seems that you are trying to convince youself that
you are very successful. We all live our lives under different circumstances.
We all struggle through live, regardless of who we are and what we have done.

Enjoy your life and stop measure yourself from external measures!

ET from US
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作者:Dream Mr Right 留言时间:2007-02-13 22:44:27

welcome back and thank you for your comments again !

Your comments are certainly right on the point. I have fully discussed my two-sided personality in the article "我 - 自画象". Please take a look if you have not yet done so.

Indeed, I have constantly struggling within myself between the two-sided personality, a struggle between the mind and the heart I often told myself.

I certainly have my loving and caring side as well as the demanding and pushing side. These are talked about in the two articles "不是同胞, 胜似同胞 - 我的小妹Lisa" 和"骨肉亲情 需共同生活", in addition to this article.

BTW, I am also a loving and caring husband and dad. I will write some other articles later on on this subject and post them here.
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作者:Azure 留言时间:2007-02-13 11:45:30
Those who think you are arrogant should really read this article. I personally believe people have many sides, you certainly have your soft side.
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Dream Mr Right
来自: 英国和中国
注册日期: 2007-01-12
访问总量: 29,762 次
朋友, 欢迎你!
· 从身无分文开始 – 我的赤手空拳
· 骨肉亲情 需共同生活
· 身在曹营 心系曹汉 魂归故国
· 不是同胞, 胜似同胞
· 中国还不具备出现世界一流大学的
· 北大数学院士更象是文革斗士
· Why Perelman should learn from
· 从身无分文开始 – 我的赤手空拳
· 骨肉亲情 需共同生活
· 中国还不具备出现世界一流大学的
· 北大数学院士更象是文革斗士
· Why Perelman should learn from
· 丁伟岳文革思维方式不改
· 公平的美国人为丘先生抱不平, 丑
【我 About Me】
· 身在曹营 心系曹汉 魂归故国
· 不是同胞, 胜似同胞
2007-02-04 - 2007-02-12
2007-01-13 - 2007-01-28
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