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范儿168——艺术家(Arthur Pinajian):恒心与自律是成功人生的永恒的原动力 2013-03-09 20:14:29

藤儿点评: Most artists don’t get the big pay check until after they die.


艺术家Arthur Pinajian就是这样潦倒一生。因为在他生前便一直认为自己可以成为第二个毕加索!

不过令人啼笑皆非的是,Arthur Pinajian却在死后14年,暨Arthur Pinajian诞辰100周年即将到来之际,成为了另一个“凡·高”,死前默默无闻,死后才名声大震。


来源:http://iowntheworld.com/blog/?p=175397Home - by  - March 8, 2013 - 13:36 America/New_York

$300,000 investment turns into $30 million Art Collection find!

By Nick Allen, Los Angeles

Two homeowners who bought a run-down cottage for $300,000 made the investment of a lifetime after finding a treasure trove of art worth an estimated $30 million in the garage.

Thomas Schultz and his friend Larry Joseph – who are both investors – purchased the ramshackle bungalow in Bellport, New York in 2007, hoping to renovate it.

But inside they found thousands of paintings and drawings by obscure Armenian-American artist Arthur Pinajian, who had died in 1999 at the age of 85.

Pinajian, a former resident of the property who struggled to find success in the art world all his life, had instructed that the works be thrown away when he died. His wishes were ignored, and they remained gathering dust amid bugs, vermin and mould.



来源:PUBLISHED: 13:12 GMT, 8 March 2013


The $300,000 cottage that came complete with thousands of paintings… worth $30MILLION 

  • Two investors bought Long Island house intending to do it up and sell it on
  • But they found thousands of works by late artist Arthur Pinajian, who used to live there, and they were valued at $30 million
  • They are now at a gallery at which he had dreamed of exhibiting

    The Rediscovered Arthur Pinajian

    Two investors who bought a dilapidated cottage for $300,000 are set to make a $30million profit on the deal after discovering an amazing haul of lost artwork by a previous resident.

    Thomas Schultz and Larry Joseph snapped up the bungalow on New York's Long Island in 2007 intending to do it up and sell it on for around $100,000 more than they paid.

    But they found thousands of abstract paintings and drawings by Armenian-American artist Arthur Pinajian, who lived in the house for decades but never received critical recognition during his lifetime.

    Six years after the stunning discovery, the work has been valued at $30 million and some of the works have gone on display in a Manhattan gallery where he had always dreamed of exhibiting.

    When Schultz and Joseph bought the house from the Pinajian family in the hope of turning a quick profit, the artist's relatives advised the new owners simply to throw away the art stored in the cottage.

    Thousands of pieces had been stored there since Pinajian's death in 1999 aged 85.

    But instead the canny investors agreed to buy the art for $2,500 - though more out of sympathy than with an eye to making money.

    'I didn't want to be the person responsible for throwing a man's life's work into a dumpster,' Mr Schultz told CBS New York. 'Someone's life's work deserved more than that.'

    The two men started to restore Pinajian's collection, which included abstract expressionist paintings, comic book illustrations and sketches of his fellow Second World War soldiers.

    In total, they came across 70,000 paintings, sketches and journals of his work.

    As they restored Pinajian's art, his reputation began to grow; art historian William Innes Homer recently dubbed him one of the best abstract painters of his era.

    Pinajian's recovered paintings were appraised by Peter Hastings Falk, a leading author who has previously worked for Andy Warhol's estate.

    The total value is believed to be around $30million. However, it could take several decades to sell of all the work.

    Nevertheless, 'I was surprised and thrilled', Mr Schultz said.

    Fifty of the artist's best works are currently on display in the Fuller Building in New York City. Pinajian had long wanted to show his work in the skyscraper, according to Mr Schultz.

    'The artist was in the Fuller Building in the 1950s when he was visiting an exhibition of de Kooning's works,' he told CBS. 'He talked about how he thought his works were better than de Kooning.'

    The painter was born in New Jersey in 1914, and worked as a company clerk and cartoonist before the War.

    Afterwards he devoted himself to his art, but had little commercial success and largely relied on his sister, a secretary, for financial support.

    The pair, neither of whom ever married, lived together in Bellport for nearly three decades.

    His cousin John Aramian said he would be delighted with his posthumous recognition.

    'He thought he was going to be the next Picasso,' he told the New York Times in 2007. 'They believed he would become famous and this would all pay off for them one day, but it just never happened.'

    Talent: Pinajian was known as a comic book artist in his lifetime but devoted his later years to abstract work

    Devoted: Pinajian, aged 18

    when he served in World War II, was a self-taught artist

Discovery: Thomas Schultz, pictured, surrounded by paintings by Arthur Pinajian, an unknown artist whose house was filled with thousands of artworks when Mr Schultz bought it in 2007

Discovery: More than 70,000 paintings, sketches and journals were found in the artist's former home


Stash: Pinajian's relatives said they could just throw the works away but the buyers could not do it

A life's work: Pinajian spent years copying famous artists' work to teach himself the craft

'Thrilled': Thomas Schultz said he could not bear to throw away all of the artwork when it was found

Better-known work: Pinajian worked as a comic book artist and creator from the 1930s until the 1950s

Influential: Art historian William Innes Homer has called Pinajian one of the best abstract painters of his era

Study: He copied Expressionists, Impressionists, Cubists and Surrealists before establishing his own style

Influential: Art historian William Innes Homer has called Pinajian one of the best abstract painters of his era

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2290200/30million-haul-abstract-art-forgotten-painter-run-cottage-sold-300-000.html#ixzz2N7PIsvxH 



来源: 新快报 2013-03-09 

美国男子30万买别墅 发现3000万美元画作









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