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范儿465——世界语(汉字3):恒心与自律是成功人生的永恒 的原动力 2014-01-31 23:00:27



众所周知,汉字本身不是拼音文字。因此从汉字本身的字面上,是找不到发音痕迹的。很多汉字自古就有一字多音。如果涉猎一下汉语的方言的发音,那么就不难发 现,每一个汉字都是多音字。这是有朝一日汉字将成为被各国认可的世界语的唯一官方书面文字的第一大优势——即:一个人可以按照自己的发音习惯,去说讲每一 个汉字(也就是说,任何形式的拼音文字,都可以转化为汉字的一种独特的拼音形式)。这实际上并不会影响到人们之间的书面文字交流。以联合国大会为例,任何 发言人只要在屏幕上以汉字打出字幕,就不再需要昂贵的同声传译员了。而各国派往联合国的大使的唯一语言要求,就是认识汉字。而不是要求会讲流利的字正腔圆 的普通话。可能发言人的口音效果,仍然是鸡同鸭讲,却不会碍事。同时,由于每一个汉字(无论笔画多少)的书写规范和表达上的言简意赅的特点,对于同样的书 面表达来说,使得任何一个用汉字书写的文件,都比用任何拼音文字(无论字母多少)的书写文件,从表达相同内容所占用的篇幅来看,前者都只有后者的大约三分 之一。可见在联合国大会上,参会者花费大量的时间,阅读那些要表达与汉字同样内容,却完全是多余的三分之二冗长的用拼音文字书写的文件篇幅,简直就是在浪 费时间和生命。

其次,常用的规范书面汉字的(3500-7000个)字数,相当有限。虽然初期学习掌握汉字笔画很困难,但是有限的汉字字数,还是非常容易推广使用。在通 常情况下,用十年时间掌握3500个汉字的话,每天大约只需要学习书写一个汉字即可。稍加努力,用十年时间掌握7000个汉字的话,每天大约只需要学习书 写二个汉字即可(试试:不妨把普通话“二”的发音读成“两”的发音,并不会影响你理解“二”字在这里的意思)。与掌握拼音文字词汇的学习过程比较,如果每 天学习的汉字达到三个或者三个以上,那么一个人掌握汉字的效率就会大大地提高。可见,以掌握汉字为目标的任何个人的学习(扫盲)计划,都是非常容易实施 的。




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众所周知,汉字本身不是拼音文字。因此从汉字本身的字面上,是找不到发音痕迹的。很多汉字自古就有一字多音。如果涉猎一下汉语的方言的发音,那么就不难发 现,每一个汉字都是多音字。这是有朝一日汉字将成为被各国认可的世界语的唯一官方书面文字的第一大优势——即:一个人可以按照自己的发音习惯,去说讲每一 个汉字(也就是说,任何形式的拼音文字,都可以转化为汉字的一种独特的拼音形式)。这实际上并不会影响到人们之间的书面文字交流。以联合国大会为例,任何 发言人只要在屏幕上以汉字打出字幕,就不再需要昂贵的同声传译员了。而各国派往联合国的大使的唯一语言要求,就是认识汉字。而不是要求会讲流利的字正腔圆 的普通话。可能发言人的口音效果,仍然是鸡同鸭讲,却不会碍事。同时,由于每一个汉字(无论笔画多少)的书写规范和表达上的言简意赅的特点,对于同样的书 面表达来说,使得任何一个用汉字书写的文件,都比用任何拼音文字(无论字母多少)的书写文件,从表达相同内容所占用的篇幅来看,前者都只有后者的大约三分 之一。可见在联合国大会上,参会者花费大量的时间,阅读那些要表达与汉字同样内容,却完全是多余的三分之二冗长的用拼音文字书写的文件篇幅,简直就是在浪 费时间和生命。

其次,常用的规范书面汉字的(3500-7000个)字数,相当有限。虽然初期学习掌握汉字笔画很困难,但是有限的汉字字数,还是非常容易推广使用。在通 常情况下,用十年时间掌握3500个汉字的话,每天大约只需要学习书写一个汉字即可。稍加努力,用十年时间掌握7000个汉字的话,每天大约只需要学习书 写二个汉字即可(试试:不妨把普通话“二”的发音读成“两”的发音,并不会影响你理解“二”字在这里的意思)。与掌握拼音文字词汇的学习过程比较,如果每 天学习的汉字达到三个或者三个以上,那么一个人掌握汉字的效率就会大大地提高。可见,以掌握汉字为目标的任何个人的学习(扫盲)计划,都是非常容易实施 的。





普通话 Zhao 「zhào ㄓㄠ/diào」

台湾汉语拼音  Chao 「chao」

[粤 语]:ziu6
















来源:21CN 2014-01-31


    香港地产大亨兼卓能集团主席赵世曾的女儿赵式芝于2012年出柜,并与同性恋人杨如芯在法国结婚,成为首对公开承认同性婚姻的香港名人。赵世曾日前公开豪掷 10亿港元(约合人民币7.8亿)作嫁妆,为女儿招亲。赵式芝于前日通过媒体发表公开信回应,一方面感谢父亲的关心和爱,另一方面再度表明坚持目前的婚恋 状态,称“好男人很多,只是他们不适合我”。



  对于和同性伴侣杨如芯的关系,赵式芝如此解释,“为何会爱上一个女人?我也不能解释清楚,但爱情就是这样悄悄而温柔地到来。这么多年过去了,我们还是 深深相爱”。她对父亲直言,不需要对方来批准各自的恋情,“我的确很爱我的伴侣如芯……我不要求您做她最好的朋友,但如果您对她的态度可以不那么差,待她 如待一个正常的、有尊严的女性,那我就心满意足了”。


                                                        赵式芝(右)和  同性伴侣杨如芯 (资料图)


来源:By Jethro Mullen, CNN

updated 6:33 PM EST, Thu January 30, 2014

Hong Kong tycoon says offer to suitors of lesbian daughter is off the table

Watch this video

Huge dowry for lesbian daughter canceled

  • Cecil Chao says the money he offered "stays in my pocket"
  • In 2012, he offered a huge dowry to any man who married her
  • She urged him this week to treat her longtime female partner as a normal "human being"
  • But he says he has "no intention of mixing my life with her life"

Hong Kong (CNN) -- The flamboyant Hong Kong tycoon who offered millions of dollars to any man who could win the heart of his lesbian daughter says the proposal is now off the table.

But he's still refusing to welcome her long-term female partner into his family.

Cecil Chao, a wealthy real estate developer, made headlines around the world in 2012 when he offered 500 million Hong Kong dollars (roughly $65 million) to any man who succeeded in marrying his daughter.

'Dear Daddy', men aren't for me
$64M to marry my gay daughter

Recent reports that he was willing to double the offer put his family back in the headlines. Gigi Chao, 34, responded by writing him an open letter, published in local newspapers this week, asking him to come to terms with her sexuality.

In the letter, she told him that she was happy in her relationship and urged him to treat her partner, Sean Eav, as "a normal, dignified human being."

"If Gigi's said that this is what she chooses, then it's all over," Cecil Chao said Thursday an interview with CNN's Monita Rajpal. He said the huge sum he had offered to potential suitors "stays in my pocket."

Daughter asks him to accept who she is

Refusal to welcome partner

But the 77-year-old tycoon, who has three children but has never married, is unable to embrace his daughter's love life.

"I can't say I am happy with her choice," he said. "If this is her choice then it's for her."

And he said he wouldn't be welcoming Eav, 46, into his family, despite his daughter's plea.

"I have no intention of mixing my life with her life," Cecil Chao said. "But if this is what she wants, then I respect her choice."

His comments follow Gigi Chao's poignant letter, explaining the situation to him.

"As your daughter, I would want nothing more than to make you happy," she writes. "But in terms of relationships, your expectations of me and the reality of who I am, are not coherent."

'Her private life is hers'

Cecil Chao originally proposed the multimillion dollar dowry in 2012 after it emerged that his daughter and Eav had their relationship blessed in a church ceremony in Paris.

He said Thursday that his daughter had never told him in person that she was a lesbian.

"I saw it in the paper," he told CNN's Rajpal, even though they work together at his company.

"We see each other every day," he said. "We have many occasions to be together, but her private life is hers."

The successful businessman earned a reputation in Hong Kong for appearing on the pages of local newspapers and magazines in the arms of beautiful women. He once reportedly bragged of having had 10,000 girlfriends.

Men are 'just not for me'

In her letter, Gigi Chao tells her father that she "will always forgive you for thinking the way you do, because I know you think you are acting in my best interests."

And she says she takes responsibility for some of her father's misplaced expectations.

When he first announced the colossal dowry in 2012, she said at the time she found it "quite entertaining."

But this week she appeared to set the record straight.

"I'm sorry to mislead you to think I was only in a lesbian relationship because there was a shortage of good, suitable men in Hong Kong," she writes. "There are plenty of good men, they are just not for me."

Decision not final

Cecil Chao said Thursday that he offered the money any man who could wed his daughter because he wanted "to provide the best choice for Gigi" for her future life.

She says in her letter that she felt "an indescribable discomfort" in the presence of boyfriends she had in the past. But with 46-year-old Eav, she says she is "comfortable and satisfied with my life and completely at ease with her."

In the interview Thursday, Cecil Chao repeatedly said that the big financial offer to any man who could win his daughter's hand in marriage was finished.

"I hope you or the other press are not going to talk about it anymore," he told Rajpal.

But he also suggested that he wasn't letting go of the idea entirely, saying that the offer was over "for the time being."

When asked what he meant by that, he said, "Until she changes her mind."

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