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范儿558——男「OBGYN」3:恒心与自律是成功人生的永恒的原动力 2014-08-21 22:49:32


Artificial Insemination



下文之中的Dr. Roger Abdelmassih 就是这样一位“危险的”男「OBGYN」。由于他对漂亮的女患者的观感偏离了职业道德的界限,于是就有了如此表现:

Dr. Roger Abdelmassih 在将他的患者去掉下装,并将她的双腿成U形分开,固定在妇科检查床上,并将病人实施以麻醉之后,公然进行强奸。被他长期强奸的女病人之多,远远超出了常人的想象......

让人震惊的是,Dr. Roger Abdelmassih 的双腿分开着的漂亮的女病人们被麻醉后无法动弹,眼睁睁地看着他的进一步的动作。你想想,一个漂亮女人光着下身,双腿叉开躺在一个男「OBGYN」的面前,目睹着他的强奸动作,那场面真是糟糕极了!

Picture of artificial insemination procedure


来源:BBC 2014-08-19

Fugitive Brazilian 'rapist doctor' arrested in Paraguay

Dr Abdelmassih arrested in Paraguay                             Roger Abdelmassih was living in a luxury house in the Paraguayan capital

Police in Paraguay have arrested a fugitive Brazilian fertility doctor, Roger Abdelmassih, sentenced for sexually abusing 39 of his patients.

He had been on the run since 2011, after being convicted to 278 years in prison for assaulting women at his fertility clinic in Sao Paulo.

Abdelmassih was well-known in Brazil and treated many celebrities.

He had been living with his wife and two children in an exclusive district of the Paraguayan capital, Asuncion.

His arrest by officers of Paraguay's National Anti-Drugs Secretariat (SENAD) followed a joint investigation with the Brazilian authorities.

Abdelmassih, 70, has been taken to the Brazilian border city of Foz do Iguacu and later will be transferred to Sao Paulo, where he committed his crimes.

Despite the long sentence, under Brazilian law he can only serve a maximum of 30 years.

'Anaesthetic hallucinations'

Some of the women he abused posted messages on Twitter and Facebook celebrating his arrest.

He was originally arrested in 2009 after being denounced by a former employee.

Thirty-nine women came forward to say he had raped or sexually abused them during medical examinations or when they were in recovery rooms after receiving fertility treatment.

Some said they were abused when they were recovering from sedation. The abuse took place between 1995 and 2008.

He said that he was never alone with any of his patients, and has suggested that some may have suffered hallucinations brought on by an anaesthetic.

Abdelmassih was convicted in 2010 and was initially allowed to remain free while he appealed against his sentence.

But he fled Brazil a year later when a court in Sao Paulo ordered his arrest.


来源:凤凰网 2014-08-21

[图片新闻] 巴西名医涉强奸56名患者 落网图




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