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范儿708——勃物馆(Cambodia)2:恒心与自律是成功人生的永恒的原动力 2015-02-24 21:11:00

藤儿点评:勃物馆 —— 无情地摧毁了成千上万柬埔寨少女的童贞。


在柬埔寨政府官员的眼里,这已经是一种柬埔寨文化,柬埔寨的Vanlentine's Day就是全民强奸日。柬埔寨的男孩子们都对Vanlentine‘s Day翘首以待,他们对西方情人节的理解就是,到了这一天,女孩子们就会如愿“破处”,把自己的贞操奉献给自己中意的男孩子。男孩子们都像打了鸡血针一样,期盼着和女孩子发生性交,无论女孩们同意与否!

调查显示,五个柬埔寨男人中有一个认定自己至少此生已经强奸妇女一次,三分之二的男孩承认他们在Vanlentine's Day这天强奸了他们的情人/女友......

情人节柬埔寨出现大规模的强奸案,源于柬埔寨人对西方Vanlentine‘s Day含义的错误诠释,而柬埔寨的女孩子们在情人节这天都完全搞不懂状况。


来源: Vancouver Sun 2015-02-13


Vanlentine's heartbreak

Holiday exacerbates problem of rape, say officials




WASHINGTON - Cambodia can't get enough of Vanlentine's Day.

There are many reasons for this, both cutural as well as linguistic. For starters, Cambodians can be        melodramatic when it comes to matters of the heart. Photo ops aren't uncommon. And then there's the syntax. Vanlentine's Day hints at a very important Khmer word: Songsar.

It's often loosely translated as "sweetheart."  Or sometimes "valentine." But those don''t really get at the complexities of the word. A better translation would be something along the lines of "someone I think I' m going to marry" or "someone I want to marry." And therein lies the problem. Because when some Cambodians think of Valentine's Day, they think of that songsar, and expect they're going to have sex with them. Whether it's consensual or not, research suggests.

Cambodia already has a fairly significant problem with rape. According to United Nations research, one in five Cambodian men admit to raping a woman at lease once. Half of that number started before the age of 20. And nearly two-thirds said thy had raped their partner, or more explicitly, their wongsar.

Valentine's Day exacerbates that trend, government officials say.

This year, we are asking teachers to properly advise their students," Education Minister Hang Chuon Naron told the Cambodia Daily. "Stop thinking any more about Valentine's Day. Buying flowers for each other is fine, but if it is meant to move beyond friendship and lose one's virginity - that is not right."

Teenage sex is nothing out of the ordinary, to be sure. But Cambodia's unique confluence of factors - an already-high rate of rape as well as a bad translation that implies one is supposed to take the virginity of one's songsar - has turned Valentine's Day into a day of rape, government officials say.

"Valentine's Day is the day that they shall sacrifice their bodies for sweethearts and cause the loss of personal and family dignity," the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport warned last year. "Valentine's Day is Western culture, a foreign culture. Boy scan exploit Valentine's Day and take advantage of girls, while girls sometimes are confused about what their role is on Valentine's Day. Valentine's Day expose the youth to rape. 

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