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范儿761——$1.75 a day?(续一):恒心与自律是成功人生的永恒的原动力 2015-04-22 22:47:54

藤儿点评:这里的$1.75 a day并非真实的某人一天的生活支出,而是一项呼吁大众关注全球赤贫阶层的社会活动。你愿意试一试吗?


来源:Vancouver Sun 2015-04-21

Vancouver chefs rise to $1.75 a day challenge

Live Below the Line gives participants a taste of poverty
By Randy Shore

The quinoa and vegetable dish that chef Vikram Vij volunteered for the Live Below the Line campaign is well-suited to budget dining.

Photograph by: Arlen Redekop , Vancouver Sun

Chef Vikram Vij knows better than most the challenges of eating on a tight budget.

“Coming from a country that is so poor — where 65 per cent of Indians live below the poverty line — you have to know how work within the means that you have,” he said.

That generational knowledge fuels much of Indian cuisine, but for Vij the mission is more personal. Six years ago, even as his personal star was rising in Canada, he returned to India and while soul-searching in his native country, set himself the challenge of living homeless for 10 days.

Growing up in an affluent Indian home, poverty was something he had never experienced directly. He stored his money and Canadian passport and slept rough — sometimes on train platforms — and ate in the side streets, “bad food but whatever was filling.”

“I didn’t shave, I didn’t shower, I wanted to learn what homeless people feel like, and it was gut-wrenching,” said Vij. “I only lasted four and a half days, but I was humbled by it.”

The quinoa and vegetable dish that Vij volunteered for the Live Below the Line campaign is well-suited to budget dining.

Live Below the Line — now in its third year — is a global fundraising campaign that challenges people to eat and drink for five days on a budget of just $1.75 per day.

A handful of chefs from Vancouver have created dishes that will help people who attempt what would seem to be impossible, to experience the kind of poverty that 1.2 billion people face every day.

“For me this means much more than just coming up with a recipe,” said Vij. “I wanted to come up with a recipe that is accessible to people who don’t have the means to prepare expensive meals.”

Like most of the ultra-inexpensive offerings by the city’s chefs, Vij’s dish contains no meat. But then neither does Derek Bothwell’s breakfast dish, which relies on chickpeas and a fried egg for protein.

Bothwell produced three recipes, one for each of breakfast, lunch and dinner and plans to take the challenge himself with some of his staff.

“I thought this was a cool initiative when I heard about it last year and I really wanted to try it,” said Bothwell, chef for Chill Winston and Guilt & Co. Bothwell and some of his sous chefs plan to hold an Iron Chef style competition to generate more dishes for the staffers who want to try the full five-day program.

One of the biggest challenges was making something that looked good and tasted good for around 65 cents, about one quarter the price of a can of Chef Boyardee ravioli, he said.

“When you start to look at the numbers and how to put a dish together, it’s like, whoa, even garlic is too expensive,” he said.

Meat is an even bigger challenge, so Bothwell went outside of his comfort zone.

“We had to look at some ingredients that we don’t really eat a lot, like beans and chickpeas,” he said. “They make a lot of sense, lots of fibre and good protein.”

Joe Fortes chef Wayne Sych created one of the few dishes with animal protein, in this case an inexpensive white fish.

“When I first heard the budget I thought it would be easy and started thinking of the lower cost proteins,” said Sych. “But where it really adds up is the things you just take granted as a chef, like fresh herbs.”

A pinch of this and a pinch of that all add up, making big flavours and nuance quite a challenge.

“I wanted to meet basic nutritional needs, but it also has to be filling enough to carry you to the next meal, so it had to stick with you four or five hours,” he said. “Bulking up the dish is really important.”

Like the other chefs, Sych turned to legumes — navy beans — to provide bulk, fibre and extra protein.

“Legumes are the cost-effective way to go, a cup of cooked navy beans was only 20 cents, far less than the cheapest animal proteins,” he said.

Live Below the Line

Eating on $1.75 a day to end extreme poverty

April 27 to May 1, livebelowtheline.ca


Curried Rice and Chickpeas with Egg

This breakfast recipe is from Derek Bothwell, Guilt & Co. Cost per person: $0.58

1 tsp (5 mL) canola oil

2 tbsp (30 mL) chopped onion

1/4 cup (60 mL) cooked brown rice

1/4 cup (60 mL) cooked chickpeas

1/8 tsp (. 5 mL) garlic powder

1/4 tsp (1 mL) chili powder

1 egg

In a sauté pan on medium heat, warm oil and sauté onion 2 minutes. Add rice, chickpeas, garlic powder and chili powder and cook 1 to 2 minutes, until heated through. Top with a sunnyside fried egg.

Serves 1

Vegetable Quinoa Pilaf

This lunch recipe by Vikram Vij was originally created for Plan Canada’s Gifts of Hope quinoa project. Cost per person: $0.67

1 cup (250 mL) quinoa

3 cups (750 mL) vegetable or chicken stock

1/2 tbsp. (7 mL) canola

1/2 tbsp. (7 mL) salt

1/4 cup (60 mL) canola

1/4 tsp. (1 mL) cumin seeds

1 1/2 cups (375 mL) chopped onion

2 tbsp. (30 mL) minced garlic

1 1/2 tbsp. (22.5 mL) minced ginger

1 tbsp. (15 mL) minced jalapeno

1/3 cup (80 mL) chopped cilantro

3/4 cup (180 mL) diced cauliflower, peppers and peas

In a saucepan on high heat, combine quinoa, stock, 1/2 tbsp. (7 mL) oil and salt and bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cover and simmer until stock is absorbed. In a frying pan on medium-high heat, warm 1/4 cup (60 mL) oil for 1 minute. Add cumin seeds and allow to sizzle 30 seconds. Add onion and sauté until golden brown, about 5-8 minutes. Add garlic and sauté 3 minutes. Add ginger, jalapeno and vegetables and cook while stirring another 3 minutes. Stir in quinoa and cilantro.

Serves 6

White Fish and Navy Bean Cassoulet

This dinner recipe is from Wayne Sych, Joe Fortes Seafood & Chop House. Cost per person: $0.66

1 tbsp. (15 mL) vegetable oil

3 stalks celery, julienned

2 garlic cloves, minced

1 large carrot, peeled and julienned

1 white onion, julienned

1/4 cup (60 mL) tomato paste

1/2 tsp. (2.5 mL) thyme leaves

1/2 tsp. (2.5 mL) chili flakes

1/2 tsp. (2.5 mL) fennel seeds

2 cups (500 mL) water

5 oz. (150 g) cod or sole, cubed

2 3/4 cups (700 mL) cooked navy beans

1 tsp. (5 mL) salt

1/2 tsp. (2.5 mL) black pepper

In a large sauté pan on medium heat, warm oil and add celery, garlic, carrot and onion. Sauté until soft, about 4 minutes. Add tomato paste, thyme, chili flakes, fennel seed and water and simmer 6 to 8 minutes, until vegetables are cooked. Add fish, beans, salt and pepper. Simmer until fish is cooked through, abou

rshore@vancouversun.comt 5 minutes. Reseason with salt to your taste.

Serves 4

由全球贫穷计划(Global Poverty Project)创办人Rich Fleming及澳洲橡树基金(Oak Tree Foundation)创办人Nick Allardice,于2009年所创办,志在唤起全球贫穷问题的活动:活在贫穷线下,将于今日推出加拿大版。活动的参与者,每天只可用$1.75,生活一星期。

参与者包括国际影星Ben Affleck、Josh Groban及Sophia Bush 等。他们同时会为慈善机构筹款。这个活动在首次推出后,迅速传至英国、美国、澳州及纽西兰,受欢迎程度远超想像。

如何以$1.75度日?以下是此活动的发言人Erica Kim参照过往参加者所综合的建议:
- 计划、计划然后再计划,计划好你的购物单和菜单,可参照 www.livebelowtheline.ca
- 将一週的$8.75,一次过购买食物,在较廉价的杂货店购物,可买到更多食物。
- 不停工作!当你静下来的时候,就会想到想到自己肚子饿(无论是真的肚饿或是心理影响)。

关键词:1.75 如何生存
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