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范儿802——FIFA:恒心与自律是成功人生的永恒的原动力 2015-05-28 20:46:40


问:Do you know what FIFA stand for(你知道FIFA代表什么 吗)?

答:F--- I, F--- America(意译为:同归于尽)。

问:Why can America do it(为什么由美国来查)?

答: The US Department of Justice has said they'll step up to investigate corruption if others won't(美国司法部表示如果其他人不站出来调查腐败,就由他们来做)。




来源:BBC 2015-05-28




这个足球更多是非主流运动的国家,怎么变成了这个被英国人称为“美丽游戏”(beautiful game)的运动的监督者?

“有太多的国家都被FIFA唬住了,”国际足球的前任反贿赂顾问亚历桑德拉·瑞吉(Alexandra Wrage)说。她后来以辞职来抗议这个组织的腐败。



在瑞士的拘捕行动发生之后十几个小时,联邦调查局(FBI)局长詹姆斯·科米(James Comey)就在记者会上解释了美国为什么能够采取行动。









在周三的记者会上,纽约东区的检察官凯利·库里(Kelly Currie)介绍了有关指控的涉及范围及规模。



《马克西姆斯大赛场:承办奥运会和世界杯背后的经济赌博》(Circus Maximus:The Economic gamble behind hosting the Olympics and the World Cup)一书的作者安德鲁·津巴利斯特(Andrew Zimbalist)说:“我认识美国申办委员会当中的一些人……他们全都严重怀疑有人被收买。”






被美国起诉的官员当中有两人——杰弗吉·韦伯(Jeffrey Webb)和杰克·沃尔纳(Jack Warner)——分别是CONCACAF的现任和前任主席。

当局在这些突袭当中要搜查的是什么,目前并不清楚,但在这一天公开的指控当中有很多都与贿赂和佣金有关。   这些贿赂行为与该地区的世界杯预选赛、中北美及加勒比海金杯赛、中北美及加勒比地区冠军联赛以及其他几项赛事的媒体传播和市场推广权有关。


美国司法部长洛丽塔·林奇(Loretta E. Lynch)说:“我们调查发现,本该是展现国际体育精神的赛事被当成了一个工具,在更广大的阴谋中将总数高达1.1亿美元(约合7100万英镑)的贿款塞进这些官员的口袋,这涉及了赛事相关专营权合法成本当中的将近三分之一。”



该组织的高层之一是秘书长查克·布拉泽(Chuck Blazer),他还是国际足联执行委员会成员。


就在几个月前,《纽约每日新闻》(New York Daily News)曾报道称,布拉泽一直在给美国当局做线人。





来源:BBC 2015-05-28

Woman wiping the Fifa logo

Fifa in crisis

America does not even like football, or so many people think. Why is it leading the charge against alleged Fifa corruption?

At dawn, Swiss police rounded up seven Fifa officials at the behest of US authorities who have conducted a massive investigation into corruption at football's governing body.

So how did a country where football is more niche than entrenched come to police the world's beautiful game?

"Too many countries are cowed by Fifa," said Alexandra Wrage, a former Fifa anti-bribery adviser who resigned in protest from the organisation.

"As with international bribery more generally, the US Department of Justice has said they'll step up to investigate corruption if others won't," she said.

How can the US police a global game?

Suspects being led away

The suspects were shielded from journalists by a white sheet

Speaking to reporters just hours after the arrests in Switzerland, FBI Director James Comey set out why the US was able to act.

"If you touch our shores with your corrupt enterprise, whether that is through meetings or through using our world class financial system, you will be held accountable for that corruption," he said.

As it turns out, the US charges accuse many of those football officials of doing both.

To prosecute cases that involve foreign nationals, US authorities need only prove a minor connection to the United States.

But in the case of the charges made public on Wednesday, the alleged corruption hit right at the heart of the game in the US.

FBI Director Comey

FBI Director James Comey

Fifa and the confederations under it make money by selling the marketing and media rights to the World Cup and other tournaments that they organise.

The charges largely relate to "the systematic payment of bribes and kickbacks" that were paid by marketing executives who wanted to increase their chances at winning contracts for the rights to market and sell media access to tournaments.

These bribes were at times organised during meetings in the US, and some of the money was transferred through US bank accounts.

What sparked the US investigation?

At a news conference on Wednesday, the acting US Attorney for the Eastern District of New York, Kelly Currie, noted the scale of the allegations.

"This sort of bribery and corruption in international soccer has been going on for two decades. Our investigation...that itself took years," he said.

Sepp Blatter and Mohammed bin Hammam Fifa President Sepp Blatter (r) with Mohammed bin Hammam in Qatar in 2010

It is not clear what specific event - if any - prompted the US investigation. Some have pointed to the United States' failed bid in late 2010 to host the the 2022 World Cup, and suspicions that bribes were paid to encourage votes for Qatar.

"I know some people who were in the US bidding committee... They all had really strong suspicions that somebody was getting bought off," said Andrew Zimbalist, author of Circus Maximus: The Economic Gamble Behind Hosting the Olympics and the World Cup. He told the BBC that he suspected the justice department probably got involved following the failed bid.

The choice of Qatar raised suspicions in part because of the extremely high temperatures it experiences during the summer months - a fact that prompted a Fifa taskforce to recommend the games be played in November and December rather than the usual June-July timeframe.

In the hours after the dawn arrests, Swiss authorities said they were opening a separate investigation relating to the bids for the 2018 and 2022 World Cup tournaments.

How deep are the US ties to the case?

The Miami offices of Concacaf, the football federation under Fifa that governs the game in North and Central America and the Caribbean, were raided by FBI agents early on Wednesday.

Two of the people who have been charged - Jeffrey Webb and Jack Warner - are the current and past heads of Concacaf, respectively.

Police car outside of Concacaf Authorities raided Concacaf headquarters in Miami early on Wednesday

It is not clear what specifically the authorities are looking for in these raids, but many of the charges that were revealed today involve bribery and kickback schemes.

These schemes are related to the media and marketing rights for World Cup qualifying games in the Concacaf region, as well as the Concacaf Gold Cup, the Concacaf Champions League, and several others.

At the centre of some of these schemes was Traffic Sports USA, a sports marketing firm with ties to Brazil, and its owner Aaron Davidson. In another part of Miami, the FBI on Wednesday picked up Aaron Davidson , the president of Traffic Sports USA, who the Justice Department implicated in some of the bribery scandals.

The Copa America, which is set to be held for the first time outside of South America in 2016 when it will be played in the US, was highlighted for the corruption that surrounds it.

"Our investigation revealed that what should have been an expression of international sportsmanship was used as a vehicle in this broader scheme to line executives' pockets with bribes totalling $110 million [£71m], nearly a third of the legitimate cost of the rights to the tournaments involved," US Attorney General Lynch said during a news conference detailing the charges.

Concacaf has been in trouble in the past.

In 2012 Concacaf turned itself in to US tax authorities and admitted to not paying taxes for several years.

Charles Blazer in a file photo from 2011

Chuck Blazer's plea was unsealed on Wednesday

Among those at the helm of the organisation was secretary general Chuck Blazer, who also served as a Fifa executive committee member.

It was also revealed on Wednesday that in 2013 he pleaded guilty to several charges related to corruption.

Just months ago, the New York Daily News reported that Mr Blazer has been working as an informant for US authorities.

The newspaper said that he met with football officials on the sidelines of the 2012 Olympics in London, and used a hidden microphone on a keychain to gather intelligence.

This report has not been independently confirmed. Officials say the corruption investigation is on-going.

"Nobody is above or beyond the law," FBI Director Comey said. "We will not stop until we send messages that this is not the way things should be and that they must be different".

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