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范儿902——汉英互译18:恒心与自律是成功人生的永恒的原动力 2015-09-20 20:11:23



当然,只有没有办法的办法。遇到必须讲英语时,就急中生智,按照你讲中文的方式,直接把你的中国话翻译成Chinese English——Chinglish。这样的Chinglish,肯定会让听你讲话的鬼佬/鬼婆一头雾水。不过,莫担心啦!他们现在已经和Chinglish较上劲了,自己会尽力去搞懂的!




来源:侨报 2015-09-20

捏着鼻子也得学 老外和中式英文较上劲



什么是中式英语?简单说就是用汉语的思维方式和语法从嘴里往外蹦英语单词和句子。举例说:心花怒放(Heart flower angrily open)、好好学习,天天向上(Good good study, day day up)、我明天去上海(I tomorrow go to Shanghai)、好久不见(Long time no see)、好好吃(Good good eat )、好多(Good many)、驴打滚(Rolling donkey)、四喜丸子(4 Happy Meatballs)、夫妻肺片(Husban and wife lungslice)、童子鸡(Chicken without sex experience)、人山人海(People mountain people sea)、你问我我问谁(You ask me,me ask who)……还有好多呢,朋友们上网查,更精彩。

中国人学英语的热情是全民性的,聪明绝顶的中国人想方设法把学英语的过程和时间尽量压缩,速成班比比皆是。记得有一个陕西地图出版社编纂的小册子,用中文标注英文,餐馆里要菜单,“The Menu, please”的中文标注是“热门妞,普丽丝”。说实话,这种小册子挺害人的,英语没学会,先学会陕西口音了。









Foreign suspects are being released from police custody due to lack of interpreters

Foreign crime suspects are being released from police stations before they are questioned because cost-cutting has caused a shortage of interpreters.

In one case it took West Midlands Police two weeks to find an interpreter for someone who had volunteered to make a statement in an Asian language.

A new Framework Agreement contract for interpreting services, awarded to translation services company Applied Language Solutions (ALS) in November 2011, was supposed to save West Midlands Police £750,000 every year.

Foreign suspects are leaving police custody because there are no interpreters to assist in their questioning

Foreign suspects are leaving police custody because there are no interpreters to assist in their questioning

But the police force has a shortage of interpreters because many will not sign up to the deal as the conditions and pay are worse than they had before the deal was made.

Rather than save money this has meant the scheme is increasing costs as the force has had to bring in more expensive interpreters from Leeds and Manchester to cover.

Police chiefs have been forced to admit the shortages have meant a small number of foreign suspects, arrested for low-level crimes such as shoplifting, have had to be freed on bail before questioning.

A police spokesman said in all cases where the suspect was released on police bail they had returned to the station to answer questions at a later date.

Geoffrey Buckingham, chairman of the Association of Police and Court Interpreters (APCI) and spokesman for campaign group Interpreters for Justice - set up to get the framework scrapped - called for the immediate end of the arrangement, which came into effect on January 30.

He said the Government was already 'reaping the whirlwind' created by the deal, and it would only get worse.

'There's a colossal number of examples of failures of ALS to supply and some catastrophes have ensued. You don't have to be a genius to work out the sort of sums that are involved. They look enormous and they are.'

Money is being wasted in the courts because of unqualified or inexperienced interpreters

Money is being wasted in the courts because of unqualified or inexperienced interpreters

He said working on the basis of 320 magistrates courts in England and Wales, and a rough average of two interpreter cases a day, then the rough cost of £1,000 to adjourn a case, the sums of money wasted because of unqualified or inexperienced interpreters was huge.

'One hundred cases a week, times 320, times £1,000 equals £3.2 million,' he said.

'That's how much, in magistrates courts alone, this contract is costing - that doesn't take into account police costs, nor prison costs.

'These are fundamental breaches of human rights, and what's going to happen when cases fall apart at crown court because it's discovered that the translation of a witness statement or victim statement is completely wrong?'

ALS has responded to the criticisms of the system by saying it has 'implemented significant improvements' to deal with the problems.

A Ministry of Justice spokesman said: 'There have been an unacceptable number of problems in the first weeks of the contract and we have asked the contractor to take urgent steps to improve performance.

'They have put measures in place to resolve these issues and we have already seen a marked improvement.'

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