藤儿点评:英文字chiselled怎么用? 当你在健身房里,挥汗如雨,专门针对你的臀部肌肉,一块一块地认真依次进行了一次伸缩练习之后,如果背对镜子,回头看到你的臀部比练习之前变得漂亮多了,说明你对这套臀部肌肉的练习方法很满意。那么,此时最简单直接地表达你此时的心情的话语,就可以说: “Yo! Squats and Deadlifts are great for my chiselled buttocks!” 果真如此?那就跟随你的内心,只要心动,就大胆地说出来! --------------------------- 来源:https://www.reddit.com/r/Fitness/comments/peqtp/chiselled_buttocks/ minicharr what's an appropriate exercise? 26 year old male 5ft 8 in 12 stone (i'm english) i'm a beginner at this, so i'm a little behind on all the lingo too. went the gym yesterday, did some running, various weights/machines and sit ups. (plans on looking like a greek statue for a summer wedding, with plans to maintain the lifestyle afterwards). my legs, abs, arms and shoulders all ache so i figure that's headed in the right direction. but what about the podgy behind? oh and also i was curious about getting the kind of pecs that enter the room before i do. i used that machine where you sit and do "seal applause" with the weights moved by your hands. but that only seems to tire out my inner forearms and front shoulders, i swear my pecs dont even flex. so what would i need to do to work those? BEST Don't do what you did today anymore. Read the FAQ on the right and start SS with heavy barbell exercises. You can keep running if you like, up to you. Squats and Deadlifts are great for your "chiselled buttocks" JasonPKaplan You might be sore, which might make you think you're headed in the right direction, but for an untrained novice, anything will feel like it's working and contribute to gains. This doesn't mean it's the most efficient, though. Starting Strength would be a good place to look for that. Unrelated to barbell training, though, I've heard that two-handed swings are good for the butt. Still, squats are king, so start there. ---------------------------------------------------- 来源:http://www.eonline.com/ca/news/597370/ Booty-Off: Kim vs. Nicki Kim: Paper Magazine, Twitter
Nicki: Instagram