藤兒點評:VSB「缺錢」,校董們一舉否決了2016-2017的balanced budget,他們至今都還陶醉於VSB校董事會的集體創造力(in a buzz of collective creativity)! 你現在有答案了! 这也是集體創作,由赞成票加否决票的製作方法——互補性的練習(an exercise in complementarity)。每個參與者,根據她或他的興趣、好奇心,靠这人才济济建立这个個集體投票項目,抓住了這個機會,創造出一个否决结果,却无法预知今後的影響。那些更具詩意的共同努力,編造充滿了象徵意義或選擇來說明自己的投票都是为了孩子们如同美麗電影旁白。没有令人欽佩的土著語口語字幕的內容出现在校董会会议上,当然见不到令人瞠目結舌的原住民区的照片和日出。因为土著語的發音複雜,难以提供移動字幕旁白。所有這一切都沒有提及是否有土著学生和家长们分享他們的知識和生活經驗的校董们的基本參與,誰幫他们翻譯土著字幕的材料。 這種校董事会集體的,鼓舞人心,令人欽佩的投票過程導致,只是解決balanced budget与学生需求之间的平衡關係的複雜方式。與此同時,并未強調投票结果可以作為土著学生的学习源泉,並通過視覺和象徵性的元素,针對全體在校学生、学校環境、男性女性和变性人儿童青少年的過去和未來之間关系的取得最大的平衡。VSB校董们的投票過程的結果讓位於這一切就說明問題。這次投票還為所有师生失去了重新創建学校未来的絕佳機會。 VSB校董们不鼓勵年輕人参与等于瞎子摸象。這個学校的社區證明了不支持年輕的參與者的投票創作過程中的重要意義和学生家庭的持續關注。投票房間裡的能量,當校董们離開了之后確信他們會回來,明年还要繼續與您们分享這個令人難以置信的balanced budget投票項目的冒險!
VSB「缺钱」,校董们首先需要的是接受培訓,学会協調和研究,以及建立对抗BC省政府的后援團隊。 各位看官,現在不明白沒事儿。再過100年你們就會明白的。 ---------------------------------------------------- 来源:星岛日报 2016年5月01日 温哥华教局否决预算案 学委恐全体失业 不满大削支 关校裁职工 温市教育局周四晚上否决一份拟在下财政年度,削减开支2,400万元的平衡预算案,但据卑诗省法例规定,教育局必须通过平衡预算案,否则违法。教育厅长伯尼尔(Mike Bernier)随即发表声明,表示对温市教育局的决定感到失望。 较早时,温市教育局为应对下年度2,400万元财政短缺,已计划裁减教职员及取消一些科目和课程,但遭到部分学务委员及许多家长的强烈反对。  伟景及绿党5学委投反对票 温市教育局9位学委周四晚上在温东格拉德斯通(Gladstone)中学举行会议,并随即投票,结果以5:4否决该份削支预算案。其中4位伟景温哥华学委,以及1位绿党学委,总共5人投下反对票,而4位无党派协会(NPA)学委,则投下赞成票。 在投票前公布的一项Insights West民调结果显示,64%温市受访者反对教育局关闭学校,或者删减科目或课程来节省开支。此外,73%受访者认为,当局不应要求家长直接或通过筹款活动,来负担部分基本教育开支。  不合作学委全体「炒鱿」 早有前科 温市中学教员协会主席布朗(Rory Brown)表示:「温哥华市民不能接受省府的解释,指温市教育局经费短缺是教育局本身的财政管理问题,而不是省政府的责任,省府这种态度就是对学生不负责任的表现。」 值得注意的是,早在2012年,温哥华岛高域镇河谷(Cowichan Valley)教育局也曾坚持通过一份赤字预算案,导致省府开除该教育局的全部学务委员。 学委称经费短缺已难容忍 专家责不能只顾经济 忽视下一代教育发展 温市伟景温哥华(Vision Vancouver)学委投下反对票,拒绝通过教育局预算案,并指出省府经费短缺情况已经到了临界点,如果再不表态,未来的情况不堪设想。还有学者指出,卑诗省的经济发展不能以损害下一代教育为代价。 10年来已削资8,000万 投下反对票的伟景温哥华学委黄伟伦周四接受《星岛日报》记者访问时表示,现在如果不出来反对,教育局预算短缺情况会继续恶化,他说:「省府拨款严重不足,过去10年我们不得不削减8,000万元,而这样的短缺情况越演越烈,这次已经到了临界点,如果再不作出表态,未来的情况不堪设想。」 他还说,教育局此前举办5场公听会,包括家长、教职员工等150人出席,多数人都不满意这个预算案,黄伟伦说:「在我担任学委的17年中,我是首次看到这麽多人反对一个预算案,这也反映了现在情况的严重性。」  他表示:「预算不通过,省府就要想办法解决,教育厅长可以有多种做法,可以解散全部学委,并指定一人作为特别学委,或是让这人与我们共同研究出一份平衡预算案,不管怎样,这都取决于省府。」 促省府挹注教育系统 卑诗大学(UBC)教育系副教授斯塔克(Michelle Stack)认为,卑诗省的经济发展,不能以损害下一代教育为代价,她说:「省府过去一直强调要关注经济发展,但不能长期忽视孩子的教育发展,省府也要实实在在给教育系统拨款,而不是光指望想像中的液化天然气(LNG)计划。」 辅导员2年换4人 省府要家长掏腰包 有温市家长也反对削减教育预算案,表示直接感受经费短缺对学生带来的负面影响,包括不断更换学生辅导员令孩子的学习安排、升学辅导都受到影响。她还称,省府将经费问题转移到家长身上,不少活动要需要父母自掏腰包。  学习安排升学辅导皆受影响 温哥华校区家长谘询委员会(District Parent Advisory Council)主席孙女士,也支持学委投反对票。她说,女儿中小学都是接受温市公立教育,她直接感受到经费短缺对学生带来的负面影响,她指出:「我女儿的辅导员在过去2年就换了4人,因为这个职位一直无法提供足够的经费,所以流失人手,令学生的学习安排、升学辅导等都受到影响。」
她还指出,省府是把经费问题转嫁家长身上,她说:「学生的课外活动也是削减得近乎没有了,就算有,也是我们自掏腰包,这还不算其他的筹款和捐款活动,对家长来说也是很大的经济负担。」 ----------------------------------------------- 来源:http://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/bctf-urges-changes-to-grad-requirements Changes to grad requirements needed, BCTF says By Tracy Sherlock Published on: April 9, 2016 | Last Updated: April 9, 2016 9:20 AM PDT Teachers would like to students in B.C. to start learning French in kindergarten, to take fine arts and applied skills right up to Grade 11 or 12 and get age-appropriate sexual health education from their first day at school. Those are just a few of 29 recommendations that the B.C. Teachers’ Federation is making in a brief to the B.C. Education Ministry during the province’s review of graduation requirements. Students from kindergarten to Grade 9 will be learning a new curriculum next year and Grades 10 through 12 will follow soon after. When the new senior curriculum is introduced, it is expected that new graduation requirements will also be introduced. “(We’re making) a couple of recommendations that talk to the need to ensure that all secondary students not only have the opportunity, but also have the encouragement to take a broad spectrum of courses as part of their educational experience and not to be streamed just into academics or trades,” said BCTF’s president-elect Glen Hansman. “You’ll also see recommendations pertaining to aboriginal education and a few other equity issues … and there is also a broader thrust to making sure the bar is raised in terms of the number of credits students have to take to graduate, which is lower than it was historically.” The BCTF is also asking the ministry to delay implementation of the new curriculum, at least for a year. Part of the reason for the request is because the graduation requirements haven’t been announced and it is difficult for secondary schools to adopt new curriculum without knowing what is going to be required for graduation. The new graduation requirements were expected to be introduced in 2015, Hansman said. The BCTF submitted an earlier brief in 2012, but wanted to update it because so much time has passed. The ministry said the new graduation program will be announced “soon” and is in the final stages of development. The ministry said in an emailed statement that it is aware of the BCTF’s request for a slowdown in the process, but that it is still working toward a 2017 adoption date. “Students who are 15 and 16 years old are often not mature enough to make wise decisions about their future needs.”
Teachers would like the graduation program to begin in Grade 11, rather than Grade 10 as it does now, saying this would help more vulnerable students graduate, particularly aboriginal students. “Students who are 15 and 16 years old are often not mature enough to make wise decisions about their future needs,” the brief states. “Facing barriers to graduation, such as the Science 10 exam, may be enough to convince certain students that school is not for them.” Two of the other recommendations are that students have equitable access to electives across the province and ensuring that “Evergreen” graduation certificates are only used for students with designated special needs. The brief also calls for the ministry to make it possible for English language learner students to be able to take more than five years of English instruction. In December 2014, the province announced it would stop funding high school courses for adults who had already graduated, or for those who attend post-secondary schools. Instead, students would pay tuition of about $500 a course for those courses. The BCTF brief calls for an end to that. “Removing funding for adult learners is short-sighted and further marginalizes those most vulnerable,” the brief states. “We strongly urge government to reverse the discriminating change in funding policy for adult learners and emphasize the need for the ministry to provide quality, publicly funded education, including self-paced programs, to students over the age of 19 completing or upgrading their Grade 12 diploma.” As part of the curriculum updates, the PE curriculum is being updated as Physical and Health Education, which BCTF says is an “opportunity” to get teachers throughout the province trained to ensure “that all students learn what they need in order to make safe, wise choices — regardless of whether they self-identify as straight, lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender.” tsherlock@vancouversun.com twitter: @tsherlock