吴国英绘画艺术简历 吴国英 画家,毕业于清华大学美术学院。 1985年至1995年在人民美术出版社-中国连环画出版社作美术编辑,创作出版了大量插图,连环画和油画作品,部分作品获奖,作品被海内外艺术爱好者及收藏家广泛收藏; 1998年,洛杉矶MONTECITTO FINE ART画廊举办个人绘画展览; 2001年,洛杉矶市政厅画廊华人艺术家联展; 2004年,温哥华,当代艺术家联展; 2008年,纽约美国网络电视台USWTV专访并介绍了吴国英的绘画艺术; 2008年,作品《林妖的舞蹈》入选久负盛名的美国纽约阿杜邦AUDUBON ARTISTS 66th第66届年展; 2009年3月参加纽约艺术博览会; 2010年,北京,E-京华雅昌艺术家联展; 2011年,多伦多,纪念辛亥革命100周年书画艺术展; 2011年,北京,艺境联盟2011油画联展; 2011年,松 美术馆“伤城”当代艺术展; 2011年,北京油画学会宋庄展览中心首届油画展。 WU GUOYING ART RESUME Wu Guoying, Artist, graduated from QingHua University Academy of Fine Arts. 2011 Beijing, Beijing Oil Painting Association first exhibition at SongZhuang center; 2011 Beijing, Song Museum “Blues City” contemporary art exhibition; 2011 Beijing, Art Alliance 2011 Group Show; 2011 Toronto, XinHai Art Exhibition, Artist’s tribute to 100 years of modern China; 2010 Beijing, E-JingHua Yachang Artists Group Exhibition; 2009 New York, International Art Expo New York 2009; 2008 New York, Audubon Artists 66th Annual Exhibition 2008; 2001 Los Angles, The Association of Chinese Artists Group Show; 1998 Los Angles, Montecito Fine Art Gallery, Wu Guoying Painting Solo Exhibition. 1985 to 1995, worked at China Picture-story Publishing Company as an art editor, and painted and published many Illustrations, Picture-story books, and oil paintings, collected by countrywide and oversees arts collectors. |