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阿联酋拉斯海马阿尔马塔夫遗址出土明永乐时期龙泉青瓷和景德镇御窑青花瓷器 2019-12-13 19:12:29


From: 故宫考古                                                                                                                    故宫考古                                                                                    1 week              

Ming dated imperial blue and white porcelain and celadon finds from the excavation in Ras al-Khaimah, UAE


Ras al-Khaimah is located in the furthest northern area in the UAE and the west of Oman. Across the Arabian Gulf, it is just beside the south of the Hormuz Island and as a peninsula it is pointed out to the Hormuz Strait. In Arabic accounts, such as described by Ibn Battuta,al-Mataf (in Ras al-Khaimah) as a port city played a crucial role in the Pearl fishing industries and maritime trade in the ancient period. From the Portuguese to the British invasions since the 15th century, it had all well demonstrated that al-Mataf and Ras al-Khaimah were a very strategic and geographic important place in the Indian Ocean.


Based on archaeological evidence, al-Mataf became an important port city of maritime trade in the Arabian Gulf in the erafrom the Song to Yuan and Ming dynasties. The changing locations of trading centers in Ras al-Khaimah were mainly because of the shifts of littoral lines.From 1977 to 2015, large quantities of Chinese trade ceramics were yielded from the local sites, including Kush, al-Mataf and so forth. A three-party collaboration between the Palace Museum, the University of Durham, UK, and the Department of Antiquities and Museum, Ras al-Khaimah, focuses on the research of archaeological ceramic finds from these sites. In January 2019, an excavation was carried out by the three parties in al-Nudud of Julfar.



Since November 2019, a joint team,including the archaeologists from the Department of Antiquities and Museums of Ras al-Khaimah, the University of Durham, Jilin University and the Palace Museum, has been working at the north and south core areas of al-Mataf by surface survey and excavations. In the past ten days, not only did the architectural remains including walls, storages, kitchens and yards are excavated, but also large quantities of Islamic, European and Far Eastern potteries are collected. This shows that this site experienced a prosperous period of global trade in ancient times. Among the finds, the Yongle reign A.D.14031424dated imperialtype Jingdezhen blue and white porcelain and celadon sherds from Longquan Fengdongyan kiln site are most highlighted.



By now only two Jingdezhen blue and white porcelain sherds are yielded from the site, including one piece from the surface collection, and another one numbered MNIV0202-001 from the north trench(Figure 2). According to the shape and pattern, these sherds share the similar features to a Yongle dated blue and white porcelain dish with an ex-turned rimand floral grape pattern (Figure 3).




1  明早中期青花瓷青花料的时代特征


By the portable X-Ray fluorescence spectrometer analysis, the Yongle reign dated blue and white porcelain sherds from al-Mataf have the cobalt pigment with high Feand low Mn (Table 1), which is similar to the typical Yongle reign dated imperial porcelain. Otherwise, the inclusion of Rb, Sr and Zr from these two sherds are also the same as the collections housed in the Forbidden City. Both archaeological and scientific evidence shows that these sherds from al-Matafcan be identified as the Yongle reign dated imperial blue and white porcelain manufactured in Jingdezhen.


In terms of celadon sherds collected from the site of al-Mataf (figure 4), they are also shared the similar body andglaze features to the Yongle reign dated imperial Longquan celadon housed inthe Forbidden City and the sherds excavated from the Fengdongyan sites of Dayaosite in Longquan kilns of Zhejiang Province. The impressed floral peach patternon the sherd from the survey collections in al-Mataf (Figure 5) is the same as the decoration of the Palace Museum collection (Figure 6).

图4 阿联酋阿尔马塔夫遗址北区采集青瓷标本


图5 阿联酋阿尔马塔夫遗址北区采集青瓷


图6 故宫博物院藏明永乐青瓷    

表2  阿尔马塔夫出土青瓷和枫洞岩窑址青瓷釉的化学组成


By XRF analysis it also shows that these celadon sherds from al-Mataf are sharing the same components with the Chinese collection samples (Table 2): the high inclusion of potassium oxide upto four percent distinguishes these imperial celadon wares from the other common quality celadon products at the same period. The inclusion of otherelements such as Rb, Sr and Zr can also demonstrate this argument. Based on the typological and scientific discussion, these collections from celadon sherds collected from al-Mataf can be identified as the Yongle reign dated imperial porcelain produced at the Fengdongyan site, and they were the official products only for the Imperial Court of Ming China.


Based on the historical research of the regulations of the Ming dynasty, imperial ceramics were not allowed to the people outside of the imperial palace. These sherds of imperial ceramics fromthe site of al-Mataf of Ras al-Khaimah can demonstrate the high-level diplomatic touch between Ras al-Khaimah and Ming China. These imperial ceramic sherds were probably the gifts directly sent by the Zheng He’s voyages to thelocal rulers. Rather than this, it is also likely that the local diplomatic delegates went to China with Zheng He and had the porcelain as gifts from the Ming Yongle Emperor.


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作者:丝丝 留言时间:2019-12-13 19:25:57


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