华盛顿邮报社评少见的认为川普赢得了第三次总统大选辩论。评论员认为: 川普这次没有脾气爆发,也没有胡扯;没有怎么打断希拉里,甚至也没有“嗅来嗅去”。他的反击和one-liner是最好的。希拉里则整夜使用空洞重复的语言。凸显她缺少诚实和加深她典型职业政客的不诚实形象。
川普在辩论中一改近来媒体呈现的各种负面形象,基本上控制了自己的舌头和脾气。他表现得很有信心且专注讨论国家经济。他也显示出更多对世界的了解 (“he even showed a much better understanding of geopolitics than I would have thought. He sounded like a Republican on most issues. For Trump, it’s too bad there aren’t more debates.”) 可惜,对川普来说,没有第4次辩论了。
网友也有相同观点。一位网友说:“ Trump的智商和反应都上好。。但是可悲的是,大多数民众并不能跟上他的反应。 希拉里特别擅长的一招,是车轱辘话来回说。。对于多数民众,更奏效。 比如希拉里说普京用入侵电脑来主持trump,这是荒谬绝伦的。trump逻辑上跳了两步,说希拉里是因为内心惧怕痛恨普京才那么说。但是一般人搞不明白里面的关系反而觉得不明就里。 Trump最简洁的反驳,就是要希拉里赌咒发誓,她有证据,trump与普京有幕后关系。希拉里绝对不敢多胡说,trump然后可以从“证据”二字展开:希拉里的腐败和妄为,确实在大量泄露出来的邮件中清楚无误地公之于世了。”
也有人认为川普对医疗的看法是说到点而上了:奥巴马健保可以说是西方国家最差的一个。既不如西欧加澳,也不如美国原来的私人健保体系。08健保既要中产阶级补贴低收入家庭,又没有压低医疗费和药费的能力,还允许保险公司层层扒皮,最倒霉的就是中产阶级了。希拉里上台后还要继续执行与强化这个垃圾医保...做为中产阶级,我们今后真得生不起大病了。否则一场大病就会彻底变成无产阶级,几十年的美国梦化为乌有。 川普的政府道德改革计划
Donald J. Trump Ethics Reform Plan For Washington D.C. 5点总纲:
1.重新建立5年的政治说客禁令。所有政府官员离职五年内不得成为政治说客(lobbyist)。将要求国会立法,使得总统不能以政府指令方式改变这一规定。 2. 将要求国会立法,使得国会自己的议员和属员也受制于相同的5年禁令。
3. 将拓宽政治说客的定义范围。这样我们可以将被前政府官员利用的政策漏洞全部堵住。他们不能再称自己为“顾问”或者“咨询人员”。 4. 如果有高级政府官员为外国政府游说,将颁布终身禁令。 5. 将促成国会通过竞选资金改革法案,防止登记注册的外国说客为美国各类竞选筹募资金。 “该是清除华府这块沼泽地的时候了!这是我为什么提出一系列道德操守改革计划。我们的政府要恢复诚实!” “It’s Time To Drain The Swamp In Washington, D.C. That’s Why I’m Proposing A Package Of Ethics Reforms To Make Our Government Honest Once Again.” - Donald J. Trump
The totality of the campaign isn’t about this debate. There’s a lot of water under the bridge. Trump’s performance tonight can’t fully rehabilitate him, but it’s clear that the media — including me — expected a much worse performance. In fact, the post-debate analysts seem as rattled as Clinton. The press is going to panic over the fact that Trump helped himself, as shown by the immediate obsessing over Trump’s “non-commitment” to accepting the election results in November. But for voters watching the debate, that wasn’t really much of a focal point. The media wants to bore into it, but in doing so, reporters and commentators are ignoring many of the issues that were actually discussed in a rational fashion thanks to the steady hand of moderator Chris Wallace of Fox News. In politics, good gets better and bad gets worse. Given Trump’s performance, I expect to see some stories about panic in the Clinton universe by the time the Sunday shows roll around. Before tonight’s debate, the conventional wisdom was that Trump was collapsing — and when conventional wisdom is set this far ahead of election day, the conventional wisdom is often wrong. So, was tonight a game changer? Probably not. But it might shift momentum and keep the race interesting.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-partisan/wp/2016/10/19/trump-won-tonights-debate/?utm_term=.6494f8006b45 |