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Clinton's crime 2008-01-27 10:59:25

Clinton\'s crime



The article is from Jesus Christ\'s websites




Rob the thief meet accident, too a knife of La. The annual complexion mostly is cured and yellow in the first blood flow in all one\'s life. Show clearly according to the blade pictograph; It is the enlightenment which God lowers to me because of being angry, that God holds fans to me depending on others\' warning clearly; It is God that let me alarm and heart fill murderous intention, it is God that want, butcher you Clinton wanton in behavior this, dog whom mother raise consider the overbearing fellow worth doing clearly. A engineering and every one of God\'s do not dare to control my destiny in the overcast department either. I sense that ethnic massacre of Rwanda of Africa by 1994 immediately according to the pictograph of the knife wound: 

At the night of April 6, 1994, the Rwandan president\'s private plane was shot down while landing. The extensive armed conflict has broken out in Kigali in squad of bodyguards and patriotic front arms specializing in pursuing the west clan of the president relying mainly on moustache picture clan several hours later; The moustache picture\'s clan arms begin to aim weapon at and pursue west clan common people to break the prohibition against taking life after April 9, successively west clan common people of 500,000 pictures were killed. Rwanda at that time was a kind of state of anarchy in fact, everybody\'s terrified life was not protected, and even government official can\'t have hidden from the disaster! Some rescuers, staff members of the world rescue organization and church personages of the United Nations fail to escape death by sheer luck! 

Rwanda has had extensive tribe contradiction in 1959, 1963 and 1973; but there is no humanity incompletely like what in 1994, kill people like flies. Rwanda 45% person believe in Catholicism 44% people, believe in the primitive religion \'? ) 10% of the persons believe in Christ Protestantism; In the past tribe\'s kill in revenge, hiding into the people of the church has not been injured, but different this time, kill the moustache picture clan\'s extremist seeing red and regard church as and massacre the field, they lure into to pursue the west clansman to gather to the church then cut and only kill it definitely at one blow! 

Call according to card grand many one of city because west agate Christianity pastor of Tata remember: Will it be April 8 1994, 1300 more than people hide into church, and they allay hunger and subsist by edible wild herbs that pastor send for. There are 600 men that leave the church to go out and seek to protect one week later, but the young militia fighter of moustache picture clan answered them was choppers, a group of soldiers coming subsequently without forethought strafe to the haphazard rifle for a moment of west clansman of these pictures, these 600 picture west clansman’s are all killed two hours later! And then, those soldiers open the gate of the church with submachine-gun, grenade with the rifle grenade, even pursue and attack the big gun and open fire to unarmed refugee in the church with the anti-tank gun. After strafing, militia fighters cut and kill survivors with the chopper! 

In order to put down Rwanda\'s ethnic conflict, the United Nations attempts to organize new United Nations Peacekeeping Force, but this efforts have been failing to receive the response of White House all the time!

This I extract from historical materials to part, seeing by 1994 Rwandan massacre the bones of the deeds innumerable of the victim that someone collecting on TV once, associate it with at that time massacre scene and victim mood die in an accident, I but blood flow over for this too, face cured and yellow several month, scar want, accompany by all one\'s life such as I, anger of heart unable to express with characters! 

What have the ability, had responsibility, was obligated to stop massacring is two people at that time, one is incumbent US President\'s Clinton, another one is John - Paul the Second\'s pope of Vertical. This two people are my representative in world the common customs and inner world separately. Only with bring stature or John - a word, pope of Paul the Second, can let western countries group get up and move Clinton, the two last three months to remain indifferent to Rwandan ethnic massacre without supporting by coordinated action and rescuing, know two old sow those give birth to, give birth to dog whom mother bring up build excrement machine carry on a clandestine love affair sickening at that time, the high fever was going into a coma or feigning death! The letting of responsibility of US President and Vatican pope, one does not let your two people play with the scene, two does not let your two people do without extra effort and drift with the tide; Three does not let your two people shrink in the ancient bronze mirror of Somalia! Do not use the ones that let you fall in love and carry on a clandestine love affair in this place of White House four times. The low-down * two thickheaded sincere, behave immorally, hateful tricky rough evil lackey, mother of you, really! 

(According to paradise law, John - Paul the Second pope with Clinton this crime fire prison instantly or hang! )

In report of March 31, 2004 according to the British media: The secret file of U.S. government deciphered recently has revealed a surprising secret for 10 years covered with dust: Clinton government has genocide tragedy that takes place in Rwanda at fingertips, but has been bottling up to this news all the time!

The U.S. government shelf deciphered shows, when just beginning in massacre, American intelligence department offers a report to president Clinton, expound the fact Rwandan moustache picture clan hopes to carry on the policy of genocide in pursuing the west clan in detail. “Daily information bulletin “of the Central Intelligence Agency is that one offers Clinton to the president to report to the information of other several high-ranking officials of government, nearly mention the massacre situation that takes place in Rwanda every day. Clinton decides not to take the severity pretending not to know the problem to this as the attitude. Then, American government official does not mention \" genocide \" in the public occasion all the time A word, controlled the news report tightly at the same time. After the genocide massacre of lasting three months long was finished, the news that 800,000 people died has shocked the international community, will not put forward criticism as the policy to Clinton government one after another too in U.S.A..

Then, president Clinton apologizes for that this has gone on publicly, claims the U.S. government has not got enough information, neither understand, nor know to the Rwandan things happened the incident will worsen quickly. 

On massacre the 10th anniversary of Rwandan, Secretary-General of the United Nations Annam says: The massacre that took place in Rwanda and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was the whole human shame (Mr. Annam’s understanding that the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia massacre was incorrect in the 1990s, I have judged the responsibility that the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia massacred correctly in this article \" for the final conclusion of Milosevic \", connect to ————? The corner is jumped  <file: ///A source \\ fan\\ 2 htm> of D:\\) . Clinton has specially arrived in Somalia and apologized to victim relative and claimed to help funds in 1998! This cunning and wretch with each other of ‹ Clinton that everybody is neat, this is the customary tactics of gram, it is a serious political crime too to blockade the media, its crime should sentence punishment to the place and die!

You gram so political trick want, help, select wife their take this opportunity, crowd on White House also? Go the *, mother of you! 

I relatively paid attention to gram it in U.S.A.\'s economical achievement in the past. I send fax give him say their whether Christ 12 in vain one of, let him offer me assist at work in economy in the future for the first time. Hope seven people can submit to will of me, implication to object to them deny I either. The opening asks for help, the commitments of interests of repayment that must offer in advance. I say to it on the fax which meridian people passed on afterwards: The United Nations government want, elect after the president, world right away getting peaceful after I mop up to evil force in the world, the thing that I retire after winning merit and prepare behind, you can run for the president of government of the United Nations too later, if Christ does not holds this precedent, you should do the common people of this work will be sneered at you. I know too this has a great responsibility and once explains it: If you admit that forbid true and false Jesus to consider organizing and electing. In until 2003, I felt grimed failed to appreciate one\'s kindness, knew the immensity of heaven and earth, though it was past sixty years of age, still let the hair down, does not train thick headedly, I have already had it to its disappointed attention, I have to summarize the experience of doing business and observe and think deeply in the field of macro economy, those achievements are just the ornate writing among the general plan of the macro economy that the conclusion produces gram. And look on at one\'s trouble with indifference to his unrestrained behavior the Rwandan massacre behavior does not pay enough attention, not associate it with God\'s anger to him. Until the also really also false tactics of gram let my blood flow over, I did not have to give up the too high view on him, investigate its administrative behavior of conducting oneself: It is shamelessness, trick, dull, frivolous, the eyes are blind, arrogant, all crime such as the lie language coexist. He words and deeds section while lobbying and helping and selecting, sport with me with tactics of trick that deceive one all the year round, still eliminate the evidence with the trick afterwards. 

Gram say, want, expect one cup tea two enter White House to some televised report once, gram elect wife its say make next presidential candidate, around will it be September 2005: Hilary is better than him, he does not have because Hilary discusses the negative experience. I wonder out of what logic is language then, so sick that newspaper throws away me at that time. I should restrain White House under the palm first before carrying out letting, will be punished by the death penalty undoubtedly as to gram, certainly unwilling to let gram and his relative crowded to White House again. Have some the same logic at Hilary and Clinton conduct oneself and do thing, behavior in the depth of political criticism and all morals of conducting oneself its I applaud; Clinton takes the post as the expert for being dissolute, it has no fact of disputing on that the anti-terrorism does one\'s best; Rice thinks of the responsibility of 9.11 to its criticism, responsibility arises in the thing theory it can only be that Clinton and Bush, Jar punish the innocent and the guilty alike like this, it seemed that Hilary still denied by every means, added criticism instead unexpectedly long and aslant with mouth! According to the code of ethic of Senate; the senator can\'t accept the present with the value over 50 Yuan. Hilary reaches 190,000 Yuan accepting the present that merchants donated before taking the oath of office, and then the press circles criticizes gram married couple for wishing to return insufficient half the more than 80,000 Yuan. Know gram pieces of adept at scheming shameless person, Hilary act of accepting bribe such “quick-witted \" , festival such, nearly bright red person red, near getting black cause perhaps! Gram lackey while taking the post as the president some speech, Hilary go to microphone it gathers around to be but amorous quietly with gram, it makes the person sick and extraordinary to look at that photo. Gram visit Vietnam at the banker White House, Hilary was carefree in Africa at that time, it makes Hilary so beautiful as to itch, should nearly bounce and float in the heart that that swan transports, she gathers to Vietnam to go to the scene to walk once too. You Hilary also want to work as the US President on ability to control oneself, this moral character this under the circumstances that one\'s own eye is looked at? 

Clinton and perjured because of the behavior against the law all crime is being followed up constantly by administration of justice and the press in 1998, the person covers up one\'s own shameless behavior in order to shift the sights of masses, order American of the Indian Ocean launch cruising missile attack nationality mouth the Sudan odd chemical plants to make biological weapons by gunship on will it be August 20 the same year, according to explaining and blasting several workers to death on the media at that time, successively also attacked Ben - Ladson campsite of the mountain area of Afghanistan. Investigated and verified by the United Nations in the future: Those several chemical plants in the south of the Sudan have not made biological weapons, the transmission guided missile to the Afghan training base of terrorist organization has only demolished some simple and easy barracks and several mosques too, the main building of the campsite stands intact. It is said it is a foundation at that time - Ladson has received the air attack information of Pakistani Shari government and left the campsite early. Looking at Ladson and not having anti-terrorism mechanism attacked in Clinton\'s reconnaissance plane of U.S.A. within term of office in real time, has Clinton at that time carried on a clandestine love affair again? From the perfunctory absurdity of attack, find out Clinton make people and administrative style cunning and stubborn with train. 

If in paradise, gram this kind of moral character also can behead and be executed immediately by God!

It is obvious to all as common people because Clinton perjures and hinders the justice from being impeached all cases, after it leaves White House, it is expounded for it definitely that there is columnist George - Will: \" whether Clinton the republic bad president most since the dawn of human civilization, he but broken first most among the people to make US President \" It serves to show everybody is good at the common understanding of the scheme and intrigue to each in this sentence. Gram is a frivolous person abusing one\'s power on politics, has taken advantage of one\'s position and power and specially pardoned 130 sinners in two hours before its leaving office, have, accuse of, swindle, evade taxes, violate trade prohibition and Iran make petroleum businesses. 50 over charge dread punishment appear mark - Ricky to run away to Switzerland among them.  Does not the casteless person without political social ethics ignore like this what he does as Mark - Ricky? Since abuse one\'s power after accepting its present, there will be Clinton to go on soon in prison term when mark is remaining. Especially pardon marks at on-the-job US President\'s last moment - Ricky\'s behavior can be regarded as Clinton with cynical filthy White House of attitude too, not less than then he discharges the urine on White House desk at the time of leaving one\'s post. Another one is worth sampling the thing: Gram is before leaving one\'s post, W character on some computer keyboards of White House is prized artificially, style that the ones that can quite reflect Clinton in this do things. Once personnel of former White House said: \" if Clinton is iron Danni’s symbol, that sink will be the iceberg \" The language one understands the person is good at the trick, cheat and apologize in order to court the logic that the public sympathize with then. January 19, 2001, avoid prosecuting criminally after in order to be relieved of one\'s office, and revoke its cost, as a license of lawyer of the surplus thing, for several years with its superficial 25,000 dollars, reach, avoid in the future the criminal protocol that prosecute with union independent procurator. 

This is logic that Clinton is good at indulging in wishful thinking, logic of sporting with me. 

It is known that Clinton is two fathers, the bastard that speaks in the crude language may be regarding gram, when remember it do, do, let I can\'t check for this reasoning like this all! There were rich and powerful people in China in the past, had lawful wife who would take a concubine. Lawful wives are generally all the people that behavioral looks is dignified, the concubine is quite different, think of enjoying being concubine like some officers of the Communist Party of China of China Mainland, go to the pornographic place to look for the old woman of a prostitute to raise, is commonly called as \" the second wife \" . The concubine is frivolous, ill-behaved because of the style, the child given birth to lacks the education of correcting too, and some are wretch\'s low-down meat, like the good at deceiving unsealing of Clinton, John - Paul the Second\'s pope. Want, learn, conduct oneself first act as an official, China forbid prostitute child of girl take imperial examinations examination and fill the post of government official ancient times, in case it is never able to achieve, always able to ruin or ruins the social conduct. There is a statement; His mother is excessive and low-down, how unworthy its son is. Parents\' behavior can influence children\'s life, the adopted son has not taught it for its parents. Another statement, there are not a child that can not teach, parents that will not only educate all over the world, as this rascal of Clinton might as well fall to death weighing the leg in the hand early.     , Why have innate excessive low-priced genes this is known gram clearly. John - Paul the Second\'s pope is good at deceiving oneself, he should be a thing grown out in such excessive and low-priced place. I dishes of worker of God, ability to control oneself precise to it builds to be but foolish character have, have good if water but foolish, of great wisdom appearing slow-witted, too magnanimous to look at the small matter but foolish, I have already shown your movements clearly to the informant, what scheme and intrigue do you still use? The president calculated * of that one of your mother in several years! Is there anything arrogant? 






Judgment to Clinton

Will always give vent to angrily, all responsibility for an offence will be investigated in morning and evening. Take the post as the trick like your a thousand, since the favorable sword is hung high too on the blue sky.

Gram though over sixty years old always Jive proud to train ill-behaved, go through with cynical and act that deceive oneself know me depth detect, examine, sport with flamboyantly recklessly! It all belongs to the act of treating gods without proper respect and treating human life as if it were not worth a straw to look on at one\'s trouble with indifference in the Rwandan massacre unlovely, its result and Ben - Ladson have hatefulness of playing the same tune on different musical instruments, he is in eight years in only people\'s life: It is the frivolous in style the dissolute, Lungs tricky as, it is the greedy and excessive and shameless. Get rid of and promote the task which U.S.A. advances, and the task that the task, civilization African task, shrewd religion of the anti-terrorism are exactly evil, political crime instead of human rights idea of change common people, against the common customs crime, pile up like a mountain against tasks such as heresy,etc.. The US President one duty is mainly been it is in time agency the works of the Christ, gram affair their dish still make trouble so! Lie you speak to the end too, arrogance and tactics you play to the end, because deception of you sport with, make every that me flow out bleed, should have you come by life of whole family, punishment that he should bear the fire prison and exterminate a family. Clinton brings up my debt of blood, not its original idea, but result from the reason that it is thickheaded and retarded, frivolous and dissolute with the tactics trick, its too many crime of mislead act as the penalty which receive the fire prison. Have already expelled religious status to Clinton, until one\'s own behavior wanton, lie language, arrogance eavesdrop I telephone; remain indifferent to Rwandan massacre behavior according to the law judgment on day for a long time insolently, its crime will be beheaded. Before deciding finally, Clinton whole family of the judgment all deprived political right for life for the casteless person.  

U.S.A. lack first Hilary, people\'s ear lacks some talking dispute, let first steady and sure feeling more on the heart too. Its political life emerges in company with this text and is over.

Paradise have if devil do, clear away paradise can turn hell into completely. Whole family\'s reincarnation forever of gram of the judgement is pig\'s dogs, to Clinton\'s concurrence of offences, it is cheap that a rifle is killed, he, solicit the punishment opinion further to Clinton to the society now.  

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