性爱机器人伦理考量出版物的文献计量分析(2003-2022年) A Bibliometric Analysis of Publications on the Ethical Considerations of Sex Robots (2003‒2022)
—《自然 -人文社会科学通讯》2025年,第12卷,文章编号:188 — <Nature - Humanities and Social Sciences Communications> Volume 12, Article Number: 188, 2025
【摘要】机器人在社会中扮演着至关重要的角色,早在1989年,约瑟夫·恩格尔伯格等先驱者就设想了它们在工厂环境之外的用途。性爱机器人的发展源于性产业对新技术的采用,是机器人技术在伦理上最复杂的应用之一。将它们融入社会提出了许多道德挑战,与社会学、哲学和心理学相交叉。为了解决这些伦理困境,本研究采用文献计量工具来绘制研究趋势和模式,旨在更清楚地了解围绕性爱机器人的问题并提出潜在的解决方案。Web of Science数据库包含1010篇符合搜索条件的2003年至2022年期间发表的关于性爱机器人的出版物。在2003-2022年期间,关于性爱机器人主题的年度出版物数量显着增加。Jan Peters和Atsuo Takanishi是发表关于性爱机器人主题研究最多的作者。前十期刊中,性爱机器人论文发表量最高的期刊是《国际社会机器人学杂志》。在过去的二十年中,法国国家科学研究中心发表了最多的性爱机器人研究论文。美国在性爱机器人研究领域的影响力最大。“性爱机器人”、“社交机器人”、“治疗”和“信任”等新兴关键词获得了显著的普及,文献中的参考文献和引用量都有所增加。本研究利用可视化映射技术和对主要出版物的分析,描述了性爱机器人研究领域的最新想法和发展方向,并深入了解了该领域的发展趋势。 [Abstract] Robots play a crucial role in society, with pioneers like Joseph Engelberger envisioning their use beyond factory settings as early as 1989. The development of sex robots, stemming from the sex industry’s adoption of new technologies, represents one of the most ethically complex applications of robotics. Integrating them into society raises numerous moral challenges, intersecting with sociology, philosophy, and psychology. To address these ethical dilemmas, this study employed bibliometric tools to map research trends and patterns, aiming to provide a clearer understanding of the issues surrounding sex robots and propose potential solutions. The Web of Science database contained 1010 publications on sex robots published between 2003 and 2022 that met the search criteria. The annual publication volume on the topic of sex robots has increased significantly over the 2003‒2022 timeframe. Jan Peters and Atsuo Takanishi are the authors who have published the most research on the topic of sex robots. The journal with the highest publication volume on sex robots among the top 10 journals is the International Journal of Social Robotics. Over the past 20 years, the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique has published the most research on the topic of sex robots. The United States has the highest influence in the field of sex robot research. Emerging keywords such as “sex robot,” “social robot,” “therapy,” and “trust” have gained significant popularity, as evidenced by an increase in references and citations in the literature. Utilizing visual mapping techniques and an analysis of key publications, this study describes the latest ideas and development directions within the field of sex robots research, providing insights into the growing trends in this domain. 论文原文:Tang, Y., Zhang, N. & Liu, S. (2025). A Bibliometric Analysis of Publications on the Ethical Considerations of Sex Robots (2003‒2022). Nature - Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Volume 12, Article Number: 188, Published: 12 February 2025. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-025-04430-w (需要英文原文的朋友,请联系微信:millerdeng95或iacmsp) 