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The Eurasia Center & The Eurasian Business Coalition
             Invite you and your Colleagues to the


Wednesday, May 15, 2019Washington, DC    9:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. (Evening Reception 5:30-7:00 pm) 

THE AFRICAN UNION REPRESENTATIONAL MISSION to the UNITED STATES (AFRICA HOUSE) (Morning Session) 1640 WisconsinAve. NW, Washington, DC 20007


 (Includes Breakfast & Lunch at The African Union Representational Mission and Evening Reception at the IADB)  

Receive a 50% Early Registration Discount before April 12th:REGISTER FOR DOING BUSINESS WITH THE BRICS CONFERENCE  atwww.eurasiacenters.org


Developments in the BRICS: Multilateral Investment Initiatives; New Development BankMultilateral Support for Business with the BRICSManaging Political Risk/Legal and Financial Developments and ChallengesUpcoming Energy Projects and Networks – Oil & Gas and RenewablesAnalysis of Trade Development within the BRICS; (The New Silk Road) Expansion of Trade and InvestmentScientific & Technological Innovation in the BRICS: Opportunities for TechRegional Cooperation and Development: Education, Health, Workforce Migration  

This BRICS Conference is a perfect opportunity for business development with the largest market areas of the world at one time. 



There will be a BRICS Award Ceremony highlighting those companies that have been selected to receive the prestigious BRICS Award for successfully doing the most business with BRICS nations.


The Doing Business with the BRICS conference is a unique marketing opportunity for your company to support US-BRICS' business relations and to increase your company's exposure within the US-BRICS' business community. Sponsor this event and your company will reach not only to the conference attendees but also to the hundreds of thousands of people emailed and be promoted on national and international media. This Conference will be televised to both in the US and in the BRICS.

Please join us for The 7th Annual Doing Business with the BRICS Conference in Washington, DC.Ambassador Dr. Arikana Chihombori-Quao as the Permanent Representative of the African Union Representational Mission to the United States of America will host this Conference!  

The five BRICS countries represent almost 3.6 billion people, with a combined nominal GDP of US$19trillion and an estimated US$4 trillion in combined foreign reserves. The BRICS nations encompass 30 percent of the world’s territory and 42 percent of the world’s population, over 3 billion people. Together they produce 23% of the gross world product. 

These new developments demand better business relations between the BRICS and the United States, as there are substantial new business opportunities to explore with these nations. TheBRICS Development Bank, now known as the New Development Bank (NDB),based in Shanghai, has just approved US$2 billion in projectsset up to foster financial and development cooperation among the five emerging markets with the primary focus of investing in infrastructure and sustained development projects.  Chinacontinues to extend its massive Silk Road/Economic BeltInitiativethroughout Eurasia both inland and maritime with a new Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank which will further assist the BRICS. Thenewleadership changes in Brazil and South Africa pointing the way for new progress and business opportunities.Director Charles Egenti, represented The Eurasia Center/EBC at the 10th Annual BRICS Conference in Johannesburg, South Africa, July 2018, which promoted new plans for development in Africa.There are many important commercial developments occurring among the BRICS that will stimulate new growth. Brazilis slated to hold the BRICS presidency in 2019and will host the next BRICS Conference. This event will allow you and your colleagues to interact with those officials from Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa seeking to expand trade, direct investments, business opportunities and open communication. Our African Director, Charles Egenti, represented There will be executives and representatives from US and international corporations as well as government officials from the BRICS. India's Red Hot economy has now become the world's fastest growing economyprojected to growat 7.5% in 2019,7.7% in 2020, as India's Government has loosened regulations on foreign investments. Brazil has come out of recession in 2017 with an increased GDP rate of 1%and is planning important economic reformsChina is promising billions of dollars in tax cuts and infrastructure spending to ensure that its economy grows within the 6-6.5 percent target range. This new stimulus is boosting the Chinese stock market. These and many more important factors point to an interesting BRICS Conference in May!  

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作者:丝丝 留言时间:2019-04-04 05:36:33


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