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25个顶级BS/MD项目 2018-12-19 19:08:30


1. Honors Program in Medical Education (HPME)

申请季,成千上万的学生进入竞争激烈的名校申请,而有一类项目的申请竞争也相当激烈,就是BS/BA(Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Art )学士文凭 与 M.D., D.O., J.D., M.S., 的混合文凭,人们不禁要问,为什么选择当医生或律师不按照正常的方式,就是等本科毕业学士学位拿到再去申请,而要参加如此激烈的竞争呢?好处是显然的,就是上了这样的项目,学生可以避免四年本科毕业后再申请的压力,减少不确定性,同时最大的好处在于减少学习时间,达到事业寻求的捷径。


Exterior of Northwestern University

本科:西北( Northwestern University)Medical School: Feinberg School of Medicine

网页: http://www.feinberg.northwestern.edu/education/degree-programs/hpme/

时间: 7 年

项目概况:HPME是一个为期7年的综合医学项目,学生同时进入位于埃文斯顿的西北大学和位于芝加哥的芬伯格医学院( the Feinberg School of Medicine)。作为本科生,HPME的学生就读于Weinberg College of Arts, the School of Communication, or the McCormick School of Engineering之一。学生必须保持至少3.2GPA的科学和最低3.6总GPA。



2. Program in Liberal Medical Education (PLME)

Exterior shot of Brown University Building

本科学校:布朗大学( Brown University)

医学院: The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University

网页: https://www.brown.edu/academics/medical/plme/

时间: 8 年



阿尔伯特医学院(Alpert Medical School),是全国最具竞争性的学校之一,它提供学术集中培养计划,通过该计划,医学院学生可以进行超出传统课程范围的研究。研究领域包括老龄化、生物医学信息学、综合医学和医学伦理学。此外,Alpert还提供了几个医学博士双学位课程,包括 M.D./Ph.D., M.D./M.P.H., M.D./M.P.P. and M.D./M.P.A。


3. Rice/Baylor Medical Scholars Program

Exterior Shot of Rice University Building

本科: Rice University

医学院: Baylor College of Medicine

网页: http://futureowls.rice.edu/futureowls/Medical_Scholars.asp

时间: 8 年

项目概况:赖斯/贝勒医学学者项目 (The Rice/Baylor Medical Scholars Program) 是莱斯大学和贝勒医学院为期8年的联合项目,每年只招6个学生,所以这个项目竞争非常激烈,需要大学和医学院都认为的优秀学生。

4. Pre-Professional Scholars Program (PPSP) in Medicine

Exterior Shot of Case Western Reserve University Building

本科学校: Case Western Reserve University

医学院: Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine

网页: https://case.edu/ugstudies/pre-professional-advising/pre-professionals-program/

时间: 8 年

Program Overview: CWRU, a private institution located in Cleveland, OH, and CWRU’s School of Medicine, a top 30 medical school, offer fantastic opportunities for the endeavoring physician. Due to the school’s proximity to the Cleveland Clinic, a world-renowned medical center, students are able to shadow highly accomplished physicians and perform research in cutting-edge facilities.

During the undergraduate years, students are expected to maintain a minimum 3.63 overall (and math and science) GPA. The MCAT is not required, and since PPSP is not accelerated, no summer coursework is necessary. The CWRU School of Medicine lets students choose three different tracks to an M.D.: the University Program (traditional four year curriculum), the College Program (integrates research and clinical work), and the Medical Scientist Program (an M.D./Ph.D. program).

5. University Scholars Program in Medicine (USPM)

Exterior Shot of Washington University School of Medicine Building

Undergraduate School: Washington University in St. Louis

Medical School: Washington University School of Medicine

Website Link: http://admissions.wustl.edu/academics-majors/University-Scholars-Program-in-Medicine/Pages/default.aspx

Length: 8 years

Program Overview: The Washington University School of Medicine consistently ranks among the nation’s top 10 medical schools, making USPM one of the most competitive medical programs. Although it is not accelerated, the program provides its students resources that traditional premeds don’t have access to, including mentors from the School of Medicine, personal pre-professional advising, and the opportunity to shadow physicians.

The WashU School of Medicine has the lowest acceptance rate out of all the medical schools in the country, which is why it’s no surprise that USPM students are expected to perform well academically. In order to guarantee medical school admission, students must score at least a 516 on the MCAT, maintain a minimum 3.8 overall GPA, and complete a medical school application and successful medical school interview.

6. Penn State-Jefferson Premedical-Medical (PMM) Program

Penn State University

Undergraduate School: Penn State University

Medical School: Thomas Jefferson University Sidney Kimmel Medical College

Website Link: http://science.psu.edu/premed/premedmed/accelerated-premed-medical

Length: 7 years

Program Overview: The PMM program is a 7-year joint program between Penn State University and Thomas Jefferson University’s Kimmel Medical College. Even though the program is accelerated, summer coursework is not mandatory.

PMM students — required to score at least a 504 composite on the MCAT (no less than 126 on each section) and maintain a 3.5 GPA — are held to a high academic standard. While students will take essentially the same classes as traditional pre-medical students, the combined medical program will relieve some stress, allowing these students to pursue personal interests.

Unlike other undergraduate schools, Penn State offers a Pre-medicine major, which is meant to provide a broad, interdisciplinary foundation for medical school entry. As one of the nation’s most popular medical schools (1 out of 4 to 1 out of 5 medical school applicants apply), TJU’s Kimmel Medical College offers a variety of educational and community programs, which range from an MD/PhD program to a physician shortage area program.


7. Dual-Degree Program in Medicine

Exterior of University of Miami

Undergraduate School: University of Miami

Medical School: University of Miami Miller School of Medicine

Website Link: http://admissions.miami.edu/undergraduate/academics/programs-of-distinction/dual-degree-program/dual-degree-program-in-medicine/index.html

Length: 8 years, possibly 7 years

Program Overview: The Dual-Degree Program in Medicine is an excellent option for anyone interested in pursuing medicine. The University of Miami, a private institution located in suburban Florida, is a great school for students interested in both the outdoors and opportunities a large metropolis have to offer.

The college is consistently ranked in the top 50 nationally, while its medical school is similarly ranked. Miller School of Medicine is at the forefront of medical research in several fields, including ophthalmology, cancer, organ transplantation, physical therapy, and aging.

8. Accelerated Physician-Scientist Program (B.S./M.D.)

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Undergraduate School: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Medical School: Albany Medical College

Website Link: https://www.rpi.edu/dept/bio/undergraduate/physician.html

Length: 7 years

Program Overview: While there are dozens of accelerated medical programs across the country, only a handful place as strong an emphasis on research as does RPI and AMC’s joint-program. As suggested by its title, the Accelerated Physician-Scientist Program is a 7-year program that is dedicated towards training physician-scientists. Therefore, the program requires students to be heavily involved in both bench and clinical research starting from the undergraduate years.

While translational medicine is a huge focus of the program, students also take their share of liberal arts classes (the curriculum consists of 70 percent premedical courses and 30 percent liberal arts courses). Apart from its unique focus on medical research, the accelerated program also has an interesting educational timeline; students spend semesters one through five at RPI and split their sixth semester between RPI and AMC. The MCAT is not required for medical school matriculation.


9. Rochester Early Medical Scholars (REMS)

Exterior Shot of University of Rochester Building

Undergraduate School: University of Rochester

Medical School: University of Rochester School of Medicine

Website Link: http://enrollment.rochester.edu/professional/rems/

Length: 8 years

Program Overview: The University of Rochester’s most competitive combined-admission program, Rochester Early Medical Scholars (REMS), allows students to obtain a BA or BS and an MD in eight years. As REMS is not an accelerated program, students are not expected to spend summers studying, and focus is instead placed on research, experience in the clinic, seminars, and social events.

In addition, students enrolled in this program are not required to take the MCAT. As a result, students are given the opportunity to pursue a diverse undergraduate experience. On a similar note, Rochester does not implement a Core Curriculum, meaning that students are free to take classes only in what they’re interested in. Since there are no required subjects, REMS students are able to study an enormous range of subjects and even double- or triple-major.

10. Seven-Year Liberal Arts/Medical Education Program

Exterior Shot of Boston Univeristy Building

Undergraduate School: Boston University

Medical School: School of Medicine of Boston University

Website Link: http://www.bu.edu/academics/cas/programs/seven-year-liberal-arts-medical-education-program/

Length: 7 years

Program Overview: Boston University’s 7-year combined medical program stands out from those offered by other institutions in that it stresses a comprehensive, liberal education, awarding a bachelor of arts rather than a bachelor of science. Due to its accelerated pace, the program requires students to attend a 12-week summer session at the end of sophomore year. During their undergraduate years, students are expected to maintain at least a 3.20 GPA (overall and in the sciences).

In addition, the MCAT is required; students are expected to score at or above the 80th percentile. Boston University undergraduates are offered the option of either fulfilling a Core Curriculum or Divisional Studies. BU’s Core Curriculum covers more educational breadth, while Divisional Studies places focus on a specific field in each of the humanities, mathematics and computer science, natural sciences, and social sciences divisions of the liberal arts.

11. Guaranteed Admissions Program

Undergraduate School: University of Pittsburgh

Medical School: University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine

Website Link: http://www.medadmissions.pitt.edu/admissions-requirements/guaranteed-admissions.php

Length: 8 years

12. BA/MD Program (NJMS-NWK)

Undergraduate School: Rutgers University-Newark

Medical School: Rutgers New Jersey Medical School

Website Link: http://www.ncas.rutgers.edu/oas/bamd-program-nwk-applying

Length: 7 years

13. NEOMED B.S./M.D. Program

Undergraduate School: Northeast Ohio Medical University

Medical School: Northeast Ohio Medical University

Website Link: http://www.neomed.edu/admissions/medicine

Length: 7 years, possibly 6 years

14. Medical Scholars Program

Undergraduate School: Saint Louis University

Medical School: Saint Louis University School of Medicine

Website Link: http://www.slu.edu/undergraduate-admission/honors-and-scholars-programs/medical-scholars-program

Length: 6 years (medical school admission not guaranteed)

15. UT-PACT BA/MD Program

Undergraduate School: The University of Texas at Dallas

Medical School: The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas

Website Link: http://www.utdallas.edu/pre-health/ut-pact

Length: 7 years

16. UMKC School of Medicine B.A./M.D. Program

Undergraduate School: University of Missouri-Kansas City

Medical School: University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine

Website Link: http://med.umkc.edu/bamd/

Length: 6 years

17. Accelerated Pre-Medicine Program

Undergraduate School: Stevens Institute of Technology

Medical School: New Jersey Medical School

Website Link: http://www.stevens.edu/sit/admissions/academics/preprofessional.cfm

Length: 7 years

18. Connections Dual Admissions (BS/MD) Program

Undergraduate School: University of Cincinnati

Medical School: University of Cincinnati College of Medicine

Website Link: http://med.uc.edu/connections

Length: 8 years

19. Muhlenberg College/Drexel University College of Medicine 4-4 Early Assurance Program

Undergraduate School: Muhlenberg College

Medical School: Drexel University College of Medicine

Website Link: http://www.muhlenberg.edu/main/admissions/cooperativeprogramdrexel4-4/

Length: 8 years

20. Pre-Med Health Scholar Program

Undergraduate School: Temple University

Medical School: Temple University School of Medicine

Website Link: http://www.temple.edu/healthadvising/healthscholars.html

Length: 8 years, possibly 7 years (see website for more info)

21. Medical Affiliate Program

Undergraduate School: Villanova University

Medical School: Drexel University College of Medicine


Length: 7 years

22. BA/BS/MD Accelerated Degree Program

Undergraduate School: Drexel University

Medical School: Drexel University College of Medicine

Website Link: http://www.drexel.edu/undergrad/apply/freshmen-instructions/accelerated/

Length: 7 years

23. Baylor Medical Track

Undergraduate School: Baylor University

Medical School: Baylor College of Medicine

Website Link: http://www.baylor.edu/prehealth/index.php?id=36430

Length: 8 years

24. Guaranteed Admission Program

Undergraduate School: Virginia Commonwealth University

Medical School: Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine

Website Link: https://www.pubapps.vcu.edu/honors/guaranteed/medicine/index.aspx

Length: 8 years

25. Combined-Degree Program in Medicine

Undergraduate School: Lehigh University

Medical School: Drexel University College of Medicine

Website Link: https://careercenter.lehigh.edu/node/155

Length: 7 years



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