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remember you 2009-01-31 09:05:08



I had not talked with you for a long time.
Recently, I thought of you occasionally and planned to give you a call in a few weeks in late December.
Last week I even mentioned to my brother that I would give you a call soon.
I always assumed that I would see you many times either in ..., ... or ....
I imagined visiting you and you visiting me.
You are still young, at your golden age.
You are tall and strong.
You have your unique manner and warmth, and friends love you.
You are a friend of my brother and were like my big brother.
In our teenage, you saw value in me and tried to take care of me.
As I grow up, I feel you as a dear special friend.
I happened to stay up after midnight one night ago and suddenly received an email from you.
It was written and sent to friends by your wife, declaring your death the week before.
I couldn’t believe it. I felt it’s like a joke.
I shivered for a moment and felt cold.
I talked to your wife on the phone, learning about the events surrounding your death.
I couldn’t sleep.
The next morning, I saw the note on my desk that I had written a week or so ago.
I saw your name on the note, along with the names of a few other friends that I plan to call.
You keep coming to my mind.
I still cannot believe you no longer exist in this world.
You have so many years to come and to live.
I wish you could live your life till its natural end.
If money were able to have you back alive, I would pay whatever it costs even if it means I would have to spend the rest of my life in debt.
It’s hard to accept this as a fact.
It’s a great sad regret that you just so immaturely died, leaving behind you your wife, your two-month-old son, and you parents who are visiting you, leaving behind you all of those who love and care about you.
Life is given. Life is taken. The world reveals its ugly truth.
Life is never secure. We never have secure ground underneath our feet.
Someday I’ll visit your wife and son, either in China or Australia.
And we’ll together remember you.
We know you didn’t wanna die.
We know, and you know, the world is not rational.

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hardworking ,51岁
来自: U.S.-China
注册日期: 2009-01-17
访问总量: 53,354 次
· 在历史的大背景下理解维吾尔族的
· 性与美
· 人生理想
· 自以为是
· 深夜 极静
· remember you
· 姥姥
【Weekly Log】
· 在历史的大背景下理解维吾尔族的
· 性与美
· 人生理想
· 自以为是
· 深夜 极静
· remember you
· 姥姥
· 不要想逾越
· 自然是一个神奥
· 读史
2009-07-12 - 2009-07-12
2009-01-17 - 2009-01-31
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