2003 年旧文 Brian\'s lamp 照亮 the second floor bathroom, 使整个房间显得光辉明亮. 乳黄色的counter 显得异常明净. 深夜, 极静, 街上的车行声偶尔传来. 烘托出一个独在的, 静谧的安详, 仿佛时间在这一刻止步, 世界静立于此. 看着墙镜中的我, 聆听着我的轻微的呼吸, “我在此, 在此时” 的念头是这么鲜明, 仿佛我在此时有了一个full existence: 我全部在此. 我不再是distracted, 也不再是自我分离的, 我这么鲜明, 这么充分地拥有自己并存在于此. Worry free. No big money, no big fame, no big professional success, just a unique and self-conscious human being. I am fully conscious of and fully endorse and appreciate my full existence here and now. This is enough. I experience peace, tranquility and content deep inside me. This is enough. This is the truth and the beauty of life. The source of life and the root of ease lie nowhere but in me, in every person with a true heart and an honest mind. I can find or experience 永恒的幸福 in myself in so far as I have job security and a decent income.