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我的博客My blogs 2009-05-27 06:58:57
Actually I am not too much concerned about the statistics about thevisitors to my blogs, since I konw they can do a lot about this. Itwas quite funny that the statistic showed 1800 visits to one of myblog three days after I set it up, but when I refreshed the pagethe number turned to show 600. Then I know I don't need to thinkabout it anymore. It can't be real. The real number maybe ten timeslarger. It might becausee of their authority to the web stationswithin this country, or maybe their hacker's skill. I am not ture.But if they are so much authorized, they can block all of my blogs.It is much easier. Actually they blocked my blogs in myopera.comand google. But I just setup more. They should be quite nervousabout this or they will not send more than ten people workingaround me.
Moreof, they added some html(source code) to almost every piece ofmy artibles, so that readers can not open them. Recently I checkedevery piece of the source code if the station provides thatfunction. Some friends told me they could not open my blogs,actually they could just refresh the pages for some times and itshowed normally. This should be one of their tricks also.
I went for the second interview of a famous listed company for aposition of Logistics Director of the group. The interview wasfine. But I just don't expect too much for success or not. If theywant to destroy my opportunity, that will be a piece of cake forthem. I just do my best to what I can control and leave the rest to budda.
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lianhuaxiaofo ,58岁
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2009-06-01 - 2009-06-08
2009-05-27 - 2009-05-28
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