上周四的晚上,我又一次收到明确的恐吓,是绝对明确的恐吓,可惜在我的眼里,只是感到滑稽而已。 我家的楼下放置了台过滤水机,一块钱五升。周四晚八九点钟的时候,天下着雨,可是没有水喝了,于是我冒着雨下楼打水。 在我投币的时候,是被对着马路,突然感觉到有东西推了一下我的腰。于是回头一看,竟然有一台本田车在我身后,轻轻地碰了我一下。本来也没有什么,假如我是在大马路的话,只有庆幸没有被重重地撞上。可是我是在社区里面的小马路,一天也就过两三台车吧?而且这是一个死角,也不许停车的,汽车不可能开到这里来。路灯很亮,他不可能看不到我。 于是我马上明白这是一个恐吓,如同上月我在经过一栋商业大厦的时候,一台小车在我面前慢慢地驶过,司机恶狠狠地紧盯着我。呵呵,这很明确了,就是说我不停止我的继续揭露真相,很容易就可以制造一场车祸出来。 于是我大怒,骂了他几句,他开着车走了,轻轻地回了我一句话,说打死我。 呵呵,从头到尾我没有丝毫害怕的感觉。回想一下,我很开心。这肯定是一条贱狗,尽管称呼它们为贱狗对狗来说是一种污辱,狗比它们高尚多了。 这说明什么?说明小狗们的着数已经用尽了。虽然它们非常了解我,知道我不会害怕的,但是没有别的可做了,只能这样。 我很喜欢这样,其实贱狗们最大的优势不是其科技水平、资源庞大,而是其隐蔽性。即使我明确知道他们做了什么,却无法证实,即使有很多人清楚他们的行为,却没有任何人敢于抗争。所以我很高兴,来吧,小狗,正面地来。 I was threantened on last Tuesday night clearly by cheap beasts,absolutely clear. But I just feel funny. There is a water filter machine besides the tower of my home. Iusted to take some drinking water from it. On last Tuesday night,it was raining then. But there was no drinking water anymore, Iwent downstair with the barrel. When I was inserting the coins intothe machine, I felt touched by someting. I just turned back towatch. I saw a car was turning back and touched my back. It wasinside the living block and at the corner without permittingparking there. And the light was quite bright there. It was notpossible for a car just touched me meaninglessly. I realized that it was a threaten could not be more clear. But Iwas not frightened at all. I just felt funny. I yelled to thedriver, he just drove away and left out with a short sentencethreatening me. Last month there was a car drivened slowly afront of me, the driverlooked at me with hatry. What they meant was they could take mylife away by an hit-and-run accident. I felt happy about this actually. They know me better than anybodyelse in the world. They knew I would not be frightened at all. Butthey had nothing more they could do to stop me from putting alltheir things to the public. Their advantage was not their technology, not their resources, butthey were hidden very well. I know what they had done but I couldnot prove all these but some picture they controlled my PC. But they had no choice but to go out and made the threaten. Come on, beasts.