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RE:关于马太效应 2009-11-24 17:07:04
I read the article on "马太效应" recently. Not sure why that was called "马太效应". Here was the original post.

The faithful stewardship (manager)

First on concept: Stewardship

you are the manager of what you have, not the owner. For example, your money, talent, skills etc everything. You do not own these things you have now. If you own it, you should have it forever. The fact is you do not have them forever.
For example, the money you have, you earned it, but you don't have them before. Similar to others like your talent and skills.

Second the attitude: Faithful

I will use skills as example for illustration purpose. Gods gives every one certain skills and opportunity to grow it. If you grow it faithfully (like practice and learn persistently), your skills wil become better and better, and may be become a master of the field, otherwise, if you are unfaithful (like lazy and not practice, not learn) your skills will shrink and even disappear completely.

When you understand it, the message is simple: be a 神的忠心管家. If you do it, you will be blessed.
I think every one will easily understand this story. Bible has a lot of teachings like this.
If you read it and you will love it.

I use both English and Chinese simply because typing English is much faster.
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