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共生哲學發現:人文沒科技是愚昧; 科技沒人文危險; 然科技人文無哲學, 若丟失靈魂漫無目的Flight……  
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孞聯網:交互主體,改變世界 2024-12-03 14:11:25

MindsWeb: Intersubjective Symbiosism to Transform the World




錢 宏 By Archer Hong Qian



凡事交互主體共生(Everything Intersubjective Symbioisim.)

孞念改變一切:用孞念的力量改變生活,最終改變世界(Minds Change  Everything: Using the Power of Minds to Change Lives and Ultimately the World.)


【重要提示】:惟有愛之智慧(Amorsophia)打通時間、空間、意間的盡善盡美的聯結。孞(心)聯網(MindsWeb or MindsNetworking),基於孞念-文明機制,呈現出技術與倫理融合的新範式。作為人類從軸心時代邁進共生時代的文明架構,它不僅是一張心智網絡(MindsWeb),更是一個自組織連接動態平衡生態系統 (MindsNetworking),將全球資源、文化、思想融為一體,貫通於人的科技、人文、政治、經濟、文化、組織活動和生活方式全過程。


看到網友們發布了視頻:孩子們、琳娜老師和莫迪神甫討論着“一念天堂,一念地獄”(One Mind of heaven, one Mind of hell)的微妙現象,十分生動。


這個微妙現象,正是共生(Symbiosism)思想家提出,建構心(孞)聯網(MindsWeb或 MindsNetworking)的現實前提。


建構孞聯網的科學前提,我且援引成長生物學家Bruce H. Lipton Ph.D.基於表觀基因、細胞生物學、醫學及量子物理等最新觀念及研究,證實我們生命的品質並非由基因決定,心腦的功能是去感知我們周遭環境的信號,再解釋這些信號,然後再把信息傳遞給細胞來操控生命和相關的基因,心腦的功能是感知,再從感知中創造心智,產生孞念,孞念改變世界。








孞聯網的哲學前提,是共生哲學提出的“時空意間觀”。繼牛頓“絕對時空觀”和愛因斯坦“相對時空觀”之後,共生哲學家發現一個獨立於時空的“思間”或“意間”或“孞間”,而且,由於意間(意識之間),是貫通於時間空間全息關係過程,打通物質、能量、孞息全生態自交互作用的“擾動者”,所以,不能離開意間,來單純地講(無論是絕對還是相對)時間、空間,這就有了“時空意間觀”及“波質間三象性原理”(Archer Hong Qian《共生場——行將來臨的革命》,共生網http://symbiosism.com.cn/4080.html,http://www.symbiosism.org)。


孞聯網的經濟學前提,是基於“經濟健康黃金率”(The Golden Rules of Economic Health),導出“從資本論的分配經濟學,到社會論的共生經濟學”8大轉變之共生經濟學(Symbionomics)(參看Archer《在又一個世紀的轉折點上:哲學-共生經濟學筆記(提要、梗概)》,http://symbiosism.com.cn/3876.html)。




孞聯網的工藝技術建構與信息連接(印刷術、互聯網/物聯網、AI、孞聯網)的歷時又共時性變化,描繪了人類信息傳播方式的現實演變和心靈溝通的全新場景。基於此,我們提出一個心孞聯網(MindsWeb)的概念,這將是一種可以打通人與人、人與AI-AC、Token與Token、Trust與Trust組織方式,乃至量子共軛(Quantum co-reliance)、量子疊加(Quantum superposition)生態的奧秘,形成互聯網-物聯網-孞聯網疊加迭代效應,產生量子糾纏-心靈感應交互作用的新發明。


孞聯網中的人、機、組織的每一個“起心動念”(真假、善惡、美醜、智愚、正邪、神魔),都將瞬間被不同點或區塊感應和識別,以及綜合可行性-可孞度評價(Comprehensive feasibility-Credibility Evaluation)標識,並且馬上啟動激勵機制,或限制機制……這不僅是技術的改進,更是一種能夠在數字世界中體現共生價值和感覺的方式,是人類或人機通過心靈交互聯結的自律方式。而且,人類一旦建立互聯網、物聯網、孞聯網三網疊加迭代效應,能實時化解“網絡攻擊”,特別是化解通用人工智能(AGI)和超級人工智能(ASI)對人本身的反噬可能,化解生化智能社區衝突,從而解決馬斯特-赫拉利之憂,值得大投資進入(參看錢宏:《心(孞)聯網(MindsWeb)的歷時與共時性革命》http://symbiosism.com.cn/8828.html)。


因此,孞聯網(MindsWeb或 MindsNetworking),不僅是一項技術創新,更是共生哲學在人類生活方式中的動態呈現。它基於生命自組織連接動態平衡的原理,為社會、經濟、文化領域的交互主體(Intersubjective)提供了一個促進合作、增強信任和實現共生價值的實踐平台。




























  1. 防止任何個人或組織通過AI、社交媒體、數據壟斷攫取特權;

  2. 對抗政府性虛假宣傳、認知戰、輿論操控和隱私侵害等現象;

  3. 建立公開透明的獎懲機制,讓不公正的支配企圖瞬間無處遁形。
















5、共生幣(Symbiotic Token, SYT):是孞聯網中連接價值流通的工具媒介,它承載了個體或群體行為的反饋機制,通過動態獎勵和約束的孞用承兌,實現全球共生目標。









  1. 金律:待人如己,推己及人(Do to others as you would have them do to you)。

  2. 銀律:己所不欲,勿施於人(Do not impose on others what you yourself do not desire)。

  3. 銅律:己之所欲,樂施於人(To give joy to others as one desires for oneself)。

  4. 鐵律:以眼還眼,以牙還牙(An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth)。

  5. 通律:自己活也要別人活,不要自己邪惡也讓別人邪惡(Live and let live; don’t be evil and let evil be)。













































上海聯合國研究會學術委員Academic Committee Member of Shanghai United Nations Studies Association

+1 604 690 6088  hongguanworld@gmail.com



MindsWeb: Intersubjective Symbiosism to Transform the World


By Archer Hong Qian


Minds change everything:using the power of minds to change lives and ultimately the world(孞念改變一切:用孞念的力量改變生活,最終改變世界).


【Important Note】: Only the Amorsophia(愛之智慧) can achieve the perfect connection across time, space, and the realm of minds. The MindsWeb or MindsNetworking system, rooted in the "mind-civilization mechanism," embodies a groundbreaking paradigm where technology and ethics converge. As a civilizational framework guiding humanity's transition from the Axial Age to the Symbiosis Era, it is not merely a network of minds (MindsWeb), but also a self-organizing, dynamically balanced ecosystem (MindsNetworking). This system integrates global resources, cultures, and ideas into a unified whole, permeating every aspect of human activity—technology, humanities, politics, economics, culture, organizational endeavors, and lifestyles.



Scientific Foundations


A recently shared video vividly depicts children, Ms. Lina, and Father Modi discussing the subtle phenomenon of "One Mind of Heaven, One Mind of Hell." This concept exemplifies the foundational premise for MindsWeb as proposed by symbiotic philosophers.

Developmental biologist Dr. Bruce H. Lipton’s research in epigenetics, cellular biology, medicine, and quantum physics reveals that life quality is not determined by genes but by the mind’s ability to perceive and interpret environmental signals. These signals are transmitted to cells, influencing life processes and gene regulation. Minds generate intentions (MindsIntent), which then transform the world.

Epigenetics demonstrates that humans are not controlled by genes as if following a "sheet of music"; instead, they are dynamic symphonies orchestrated by epigenetic mechanisms. Through histone modifications, proteins regulate DNA activation or suppression. This mechanism forms the basis for the MindsIntent Mechanism, empowering individuals to control their lives, take responsibility, and contribute to a symbiotic future.

In essence, the MindsIntent Mechanism is a civilizational mechanism, where different MindsIntent systems across varying spatio-temporal interspaces create distinct civilizational dynamics and lifestyles. Heaven or hell in life is not dictated by biological, cultural, or artificial memes but by human MindsIntent.


Philosophical Foundations


MindsWeb is grounded in the symbiotic philosophy of the Spatio-Temporal Interspace View. Following Newton’s "Absolute Spacetime" and Einstein’s "Relative Spacetime," symbiotic philosophers propose the Intentional Interspace—a conceptual dimension linking material, energy, and informational ecosystems. MindsWeb acts as a "disturber," facilitating interactions and self-organization across these domains.


Economic Foundations


MindsWeb integrates the Golden Rules of Economic Health, transitioning economic paradigms from distributive capitalism to Symbiotic Economics (Symbionomics). This shift encompasses eight key transformations in global socioeconomic systems, creating a dynamic, cooperative, and sustainable ecosystem.


Philosophical Thinking and Technical Mechanism Design


MindsWeb leverages blockchain-like technology to provide real-time ethical and value feedback on the MindsIntent (Mindset) and potential behaviors of each intersubjective participant. This mechanism includes:

  1. Philosophical Foundation
    Rooted in the ethical proposition of "One Mind of Heaven, One Mind of Hell," MindsWeb emphasizes that every individual’s behavioral choices directly impact the collective good, evil, and symbiosis.

  2. Transparency and Symbiosis
    Ensures openness and fairness in interactions, significantly reducing instances of injustice.

  3. Real-Time Reward and Penalty Mechanisms
    Evaluates individual and organizational behaviors through ethical algorithms, providing immediate positive incentives or negative constraints.

  4. Cost Reduction and Efficiency Boost
    Based on the principles of Symbionomics, MindsWeb creates a fully open communication system, resource self-sufficiency, and universal transport coverage. This reduces transaction and marginal costs to near zero, fostering a symbiotic society and significantly enhancing TRUST efficiency for governments and enterprises.

  5. Symbiotic Token (SYT)
    Serves as a medium for value exchange within MindsWeb, linking individual and group behaviors to feedback mechanisms. Through dynamic rewards and constraints, SYT facilitates the realization of global symbiosis goals.

  6. Multicultural Adaptability
    Integrates global cultural and religious wisdom to establish universally applicable behavioral norms.


Universal Ethical Laws


MindsWeb encapsulates five universal ethical principles that span Eastern and Western cultures:

  1. Golden Rule: Treat others as you wish to be treated.

  2. Silver Rule: Do not impose on others what you would not desire for yourself.

  3. Bronze Rule: Share joy with others as you wish to experience joy.

  4. Iron Rule: An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

  5. Universal Rule: Live and let live; do not enable or commit evil.

These principles combine ethical universality (Golden and Silver Rules) with actionable frameworks (Bronze and Iron Rules) to guide global behavior.


Practical Applications


  1. Real-Time Feedback Mechanisms
    MindsWeb identifies and restricts misinformation while rewarding whistleblowers on social media platforms. This system curtails cognitive warfare and disinformation campaigns effectively.

  2. Governance and Trust Management
    The platform provides transparent tools for governance, preventing misuse of political and economic power and promoting equitable, win-win solutions.

  3. Cultural Integration
    Multilingual and cross-cultural educational tools facilitate the global dissemination of symbiotic values and philosophies.


Call to Action


Symbionomics can be summarized in one statement: Transcend organizational privilege; highlight the value of life.

Visionaries like Musk, Yunus, Trump, Milei, Zelenskyy, and Netanyahu can accomplish their missions with less burden by embracing MindsWeb.

The creation of MindsWeb requires collaboration among capitalists, politicians, religious leaders, artists, and AI engineers. Following blockchain, OpenAI, and GPS, isn’t MindsWeb the next great undertaking worth pursuing?

Allocate just 10% of your resources to build a symbiotic world grounded in the physical, psychological, and ethical framework of MindsWeb. Let’s make it happen!




MindsWeb represents a bold vision of integrating technology and ethics. It is not merely a technological revolution but a revolution of values. By rooting the MindsIntent in the principles of self-organized dynamic balance, MindsWeb transforms it into a global framework for action. In the digital age, we must base our efforts on symbiotic philosophy, employ technology as a tool, and focus on the health and happiness of life to create a truly equitable, free, and symbiotic world.

The establishment of MindsWeb realizes the ethos of the symbiotic era: "A life examined is worth living." This transformative proposition redefines and elevates the traditional stance since the Axial Age, transcending the reactive notion of "An unexamined life is not worth living." In this process, symbiosis becomes the ultimate criterion for evaluating and discerning truth, values, and meaning.

Let us uphold the Five Universal Ethical Laws, confront today’s challenges, and dedicate ourselves to building MindsWeb as the social and technological foundation for a future where everyone perfects their own beauty, celebrates the beauty of others, radiates beauty in mutual brilliance, and lives symbiotically in auspiciousness. Together, let us create a flourishing and symbiotic future!


Drafted: July 18, 2013, in Shanghai
Revised: November 3, 2018, in Beijing
Third Draft: January 28, 2021, in Vancouver
Updated: November 2–29, 2024, in Las Vegas–Vancouver Symbiosis Hub


+1 604 690 6088  hongguanworld@gmail.com

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