“The Era of Heroes Unfolding” 在大时代的转折关头,呼唤人类的超级群英 ——从漫威系列到现实世界超英的涌现 钱 宏 Archer Hong Qian 前言 历史的每一个关键转折点,都呼唤一群能够突破桎梏、带领人类迈向新纪元的超级“英雄和英雌”。我在2018年写《共生简史:从宇宙之子说起》一书里,从古今中外拣选了122位“宇宙之子”,其实他们都是《超英榜》的成员。在漫威电影宇宙中,超英们以个体的力量和团队的勰作,面对看似不可战胜的危机,为全球观众呈现了振奋人心的伟大传奇。 在超级智能时代,当我们从轴心时代走向共生时代,面对诸般假借TRUST组织之名义权力滥用、道德作秀、谎言洗脑、强权霸凌、草菅人命、生态背负、社会不平等、科技失控、人文失序等一系列关乎人类生存和未来的挑战,而“We the People”沦为没有“话语权”的被压榨和被支配的“沉默的大多数”时,也需要现实版的“超级群英”挺身而出,示范性地引领时代的变革。这些英雄既可能是国家领导人,也可能是企业家、科学家、社会活动家和哲学家。他们站在反垄断、反操纵、“反TRUST超级特权”的风口浪尖,以个人的智慧、勇气和使命感,推动着全球的变革。 
漫威超级英雄的个人特征 在漫威电影宇宙(MCU)中,各具特色的超级英雄构成了一个令人瞩目的英雄世界。他们不仅在个人成长中展现了非凡的品质,更在联合行动中体现了勰作的力量。这些形象和使命对我们现实世界中面临的挑战有重要启发。 钢铁侠 (Iron Man, Tony Stark):科技天才,依靠高科技盔甲战斗,象征人类对科技的创造与责任。 美国队长 (Captain America, Steve Rogers):忠诚与正直的化身,代表普世价值与团结力量。 黑寡妇 (Black Widow, Natasha Romanoff):敏捷与智慧兼备,擅长在隐秘中完成使命。 雷神 (Thor):力量与传统的结合体,强调责任与成长。 绿巨人 (Hulk, Bruce Banner):力量与情感的矛盾体,提醒人类平衡破坏与创造。 黑豹 (Black Panther, T'Challa):结合传统与科技,注重社会公平与环境保护。 蜘蛛侠 (Spider-Man, Peter Parker):机智灵活,象征年轻一代的成长与担当。 蚁人 (Ant-Man, Scott Lang):幽默感与家庭观念并重,强调英雄也可以关注日常中的“小事”。 奇异博士 (Doctor Strange, Stephen Strange):掌控魔法与多元宇宙,象征智慧探索未知。 惊奇队长 (Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers):女性力量的崛起,展现突破与成长。 尚气 (Shang-Chi):融合东方传统与现代价值,体现文化多样性。 格鲁特 (Groot):植物生命体,代表自然界的纯真与潜力。 幻视 (Vision):人工智能与人性结合的象征,探索AI与人类情感的共存。 猎鹰 (Falcon, Sam Wilson):普通人的勇气与忠诚,证明每个人都可以成为英雄。 红女巫 (Scarlet Witch, Wanda Maximoff):强大而复杂的魔法能力,象征情感与力量的平衡。 星爵 (Star-Lord, Peter Quill):幽默感与领袖力兼备,代表非传统英雄角色的胜利。 火箭浣熊 (Rocket Raccoon):天才工程师,虽然外表滑稽但内心忠诚。 鹰眼 (Hawkeye, Clint Barton):精准射击与团队精神,普通人在英雄世界中的价值体现。 洛基 (Loki):狡黠与情怀双面性格,既是反派也是英雄,象征身份与选择的复杂性。 冬兵 (Winter Soldier, Bucky Barnes):战斗技能卓越,代表自我救赎与过去的对抗。
英雄联合行动的电影 漫威的超级英雄不仅通过个人电影塑造了独特形象,更通过联合电影展示了团队勰作在应对全球性危机中的力量: 《复仇者联盟》 (The Avengers, 2012) 《复仇者联盟 2:奥创纪元》 (Avengers: Age of Ultron, 2015) 《美国队长 3:内战》 (Captain America: Civil War, 2016) 英雄对决:钢铁侠阵营 vs 美国队长阵营。 新增英雄:蜘蛛侠、黑豹。
《复仇者联盟 3:无限战争》 (Avengers: Infinity War, 2018) 《复仇者联盟 4:终局之战》 (Avengers: Endgame, 2019) 《蜘蛛侠:英雄无归》 (Spider-Man: No Way Home, 2021) 《奇异博士 2:疯狂多元宇宙》 (Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, 2022)
这些电影不仅展现了英雄对抗外部威胁的能力,也强调了在面对共同危机时合作的重要性。这种“英雄集结”模式,为我们提供了应对现实世界挑战的灵感。 现实世界中的超级英雄人物特征 当前历史转折点下,一些现实中的领导人物以独特的方式站在“反TRUST超级特权”的风口浪尖,他们在不同领域中展现了与漫威超级英雄相似的特质: 乌克兰:泽连斯基 以色列:内塔尼亚胡 阿根廷:米莱 孟加拉:尤努斯 美国:马斯克 美国:川普 叙利亚:贾拉利
从漫威到现实:轴心时代向共生时代的转变 当前,世界正处于从轴心时代向共生时代的历史转折点。超级英雄电影中对抗邪恶势力的主题,与现实中对抗全球性危机有着高度契合。现实世界中需要英雄集结的领域: 社会不公与资源分配: 科技失控与伦理挑战: 全球治理与地缘冲突: 强弱失衡与权钱勾兑: 生态背负与环境危机: 文化冲突与全球共情: 大而无当与小即是美: 多元冲突与交互主体:
如何为这些英雄设计成长平台或联合行动机制 建立“孞联网”:
设计英雄成长平台: 全球共生奖:类似“超英榜”,评选推动全球共生价值的个人和团队。 教育与资源支持:提供英雄成长的知识、技术、资金和网络。 英雄联盟计划:建立多领域合作网络,实现跨国界、跨文化的联合行动。

总结 漫威超级英雄电影中的个人成长与团队协作模式,为我们应对现实世界中的复杂危机提供了启发。当前,全球性冲突和混乱层出不穷,现实世界亟需“英雄集结”。通过构建全球“孞联网”(Minds Networking),激励更多英雄挺身而出,推动人类从轴心时代的自我中心主义迈向地球人交互主体的共生时代美好未来。 最后,笔者冒昧建议,漫威电影的主创团队,综合既有20位超英形象,再结合现实世界中的超英人物,当有受各国观众喜爱的新系列作品问世。比如本文内容,也许经过团队贡献智慧,就可以作为《超英涌现的时代》总脚本?! 孞烎2024年12月8日于温哥华 hongguanworld@gmail.com +1(604)6906088 一点说明: 我的《共生简史》一书里,从古今中外拣选了122位“宇宙之子”,其实他们都是《超英榜》的成员。 《共生简史:从宇宙之子说起》 (天文学-矿物学-生态学-物理学-生物学-心理学-语言学-社会学-经济学-仿生学-环艺学-宗教-形学-伦理学-美学-历史学-哲学-地球学集大成) http://symbiosism.com.cn/2793.html 《共生简史》初稿,成书于2018年初我主编的《全球共生:化解冲突重建世界秩序的中国党派》(Global Symbiosism:Chinese School of Defusing Clashes and Rebuilding the World Order,晨星出版社,2018)一书之后,2021年在温哥华再版,“宇宙之子”超英谱中,增写了马斯克、川普等135位,当然这是我的一家之言。 实际上,这也是发源于地球的人类,历经“自然世”(Naturaropocene)“人类世”(Anthropocene)之后的“地球世”(Earthropocene)三世回归。是的,共生贯通从无机物到有机体的整个“生物”过程,人类从六万多年前走来,必经“三世”而再生: 幸运的是,从“自然世”进入“人类世”以来,总有一些(极少数)可称之为“宇宙之子”的思想者,包括哲学家、数学家、宗教家、科学家、艺术家、发明家、实验家、政治家,适时地在地球的不同区域,仰望星空,俯念苍生,本其良智素养,关注文化世运,以其生命践信,攘臂前行,承载起“导致观念转变和赋予意志力量”的使命,将共生法则渐次揭示出来,呈现给我们。特别是,面对失序的自然、失序的社会、失序的身心灵健康,这颗“七色星球”上,灿若恒星的宇宙之子,总能适时出现,帮助历史行进中的人类,修复各生命活体间正常的吐故纳新、新陈代谢、拆分降解、强弱代偿、循环往复、休养繁衍机能,为实现自然生命活体的再回归、社会生命活体的再平衡、个体身心灵的再赋能,提供臻美生活方式再选择的可能。在我看来,他们都是人类“超英谱”叙事的主角! 当我阅读哲学史、宗教史、科学史、文艺史、发明史、政治经济文化工艺史,及其书写者的故事,与那些宇宙之子展开宁静而缄默的对话时,总是被他们的努力感动得泪流满面。 于是,我悟出了一个至情至理,这就是,那些宇宙之子们,常常是把自己make love的能量体验,转换升华为共生思想的臻美结晶…… Archer Hong Qian:《SYMBIOSISM·共生——The Mind Power to Agree on An Innovative Lifestyle·一种约定创新生活方式的精神力量》,Onebook Press,CANADA,2021。电子版亚马逊网:https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B096PYNP8H/ref=cm_sw_r_u_apa_glt_0KRJY15HME8AAT3ABCV7)。 
At the Turning Point of a New Era, Calling for Humanity’s Superheroes—From Marvel Series to the Emergence of Real-World Heroes By Archer Hong Qian PrefaceEvery critical turning point in history calls for a group of extraordinary individuals capable of breaking barriers and leading humanity into a new epoch—superheroes and heroines. In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, superheroes harness their individual strengths and teamwork to confront seemingly insurmountable crises, delivering inspiring and legendary tales to audiences worldwide. In the era of superintelligence, as we transition from the Axial Age to the Symbiotic Era, humanity faces a range of challenges: the abuse of power under the guise of TRUST organizations, moral posturing, manipulation of truths, oppressive authoritarianism, disregard for human life, ecological degradation, social inequality, technological chaos, and cultural disorder. Amid these crises, “We the People” have been reduced to a voiceless, oppressed, and controlled “silent majority.” Now, the world urgently needs real-life “superheroes” to step forward and lead transformative actions that can guide the times. These heroes may be national leaders, entrepreneurs, scientists, social activists, or philosophers. They stand at the forefront of resistance against monopolies, manipulations, and “TRUST super-privileges,” driving global reform with their intelligence, courage, and sense of mission. Characteristics of Marvel SuperheroesIn the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), a diverse array of superheroes creates a world of extraordinary heroism. These heroes demonstrate remarkable qualities in personal growth and exhibit the power of teamwork in their collaborative missions. Their characteristics and missions provide valuable inspiration for addressing real-world challenges: Iron Man (Tony Stark): A technological genius who fights using high-tech armor, symbolizing humanity’s creativity and responsibility in science. Captain America (Steve Rogers): The embodiment of loyalty and integrity, representing universal values and unity. Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff): Agile and intelligent, adept at completing missions under cover. Thor: A fusion of strength and tradition, emphasizing responsibility and growth. Hulk (Bruce Banner): A paradox of power and emotion, reminding humanity to balance destruction and creation. Black Panther (T'Challa): Combines tradition and technology, focusing on social equity and environmental protection. Spider-Man (Peter Parker): Resourceful and nimble, symbolizing the growth and responsibility of the younger generation. Ant-Man (Scott Lang): Balances humor and family values, emphasizing the importance of the “small things” in everyday life. Doctor Strange (Stephen Strange): Masters magic and the multiverse, symbolizing wisdom in exploring the unknown. Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers): Showcases the rise of female strength and the spirit of breakthrough and growth. Shang-Chi: Integrates Eastern traditions with modern values, embodying cultural diversity. Groot: A plant-like lifeform symbolizing the purity and potential of nature. Vision: Represents the fusion of artificial intelligence and humanity, exploring coexistence between AI and emotions. Falcon (Sam Wilson): Demonstrates courage and loyalty as an ordinary individual proving anyone can be a hero. Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff): With immense and complex magical abilities, she symbolizes the balance of emotion and power. Star-Lord (Peter Quill): Balances humor and leadership, representing unconventional heroism. Rocket Raccoon: A genius engineer with a humorous exterior and a loyal heart. Hawkeye (Clint Barton): Highlights precision and teamwork, showcasing the value of ordinary individuals in a heroic world. Loki: A cunning and dualistic character, embodying the complexity of identity and choice. Winter Soldier (Bucky Barnes): An exceptional combatant representing redemption and confrontation with the past.
Team Movies Featuring SuperheroesMarvel superheroes not only shine in standalone films but also demonstrate the power of collaboration in team movies, addressing global crises: The Avengers (2012)
Team Formation: Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Black Widow, Hawkeye. Plot: Loki attempts to invade Earth using the Tesseract, and the Avengers assemble for the first time.
Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)
New Members: Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, Vision. Plot: Tony Stark creates Ultron, who turns against humanity, leading to a confrontation with the Avengers.
Captain America: Civil War (2016)
Hero Conflict: Iron Man’s faction vs. Captain America’s faction. New Members: Spider-Man, Black Panther.
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Expanded Team: Nearly all MCU heroes, including Guardians of the Galaxy, Doctor Strange, Spider-Man, Black Panther, and others. Plot: Heroes face the existential threat posed by Thanos.
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022)
These films not only showcase the heroes’ ability to combat external threats but also emphasize the importance of collaboration in addressing shared crises. This “hero assembly” model offers inspiration for tackling real-world challenges. Characteristics of Real-World SuperheroesAt this historical juncture, some real-world leaders stand at the forefront of resistance against “TRUST super-privileges,” displaying traits that echo those of Marvel superheroes in various ways: Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Ukraine)
Traits: A comedian-turned-president who demonstrated extraordinary resilience and leadership in national crises, uniting the country and dealing significant blows to invaders. Symbol: Represents a leader who stands steadfast in crises, embodying universal values and a sense of responsibility.
Benjamin Netanyahu (Israel)
Javier Milei (Argentina)
Traits: An economist who reaffirms the importance of natural laws, advocating for symbiotic economics as an alternative to collectivist governance frameworks. Symbol: A transformative pioneer challenging traditional systems with free will.
Muhammad Yunus (Bangladesh)
Traits: Creator of the Grameen Bank, he transformed microfinance into a tool for achieving social equity. Symbol: A champion of economic tools for fairness and resilience in national crises.
Elon Musk (United States)
Traits: A visionary innovator advancing electric vehicles, space exploration, and free speech while exposing inefficiencies and ecological burdens. Symbol: A transformative figure using technology to innovate lifestyles.
Donald Trump (United States)
Traits: A polarizing leader who initiated the MAGA movement, challenging entrenched privileges and defending the essence of “We the People.” Symbol: A reformer reshaping global order based on rules.
Jalali (Syria)
Traits: A leader rising amidst the devastation of war, symbolizing recovery and rebuilding. Symbol: A restorer of hope and revitalization.
From Marvel to Reality: Transition from the Axial Age to the Symbiotic EraThe world is currently at a historical turning point, transitioning from the Axial Age to the Symbiotic Era. The theme of combating evil forces in superhero films resonates strongly with the real-world fight against global crises. Here are key areas in the real world where heroic collaboration is needed: Social Inequality and Resource Distribution:
The widening wealth gap and severe global hunger demand new economic models and distribution mechanisms. Heroic actions include designing symbiotic economies and promoting wealth inclusivity by entrepreneurs and social activists.
Technological Mismanagement and Ethical Challenges:
The rapid development of artificial intelligence has introduced significant ethical and control challenges. Heroic figures could include AI experts, digital ethicists, and corporate leaders promoting technology for good.
Global Governance and Geopolitical Conflicts:
The conflicts between sovereignty, power, and human rights require new governance frameworks. Heroic actions encompass diplomats and political leaders working on peace negotiations and reconstructing international order.
Power Imbalances and Corruption:
Behind social injustice lies a convergence of power imbalances, capital monopolies, and systemic corruption. Heroic figures include visionary political and corporate leaders who inspire reform from both top-down and bottom-up approaches.
Ecological Burdens and Environmental Crises:
Rising global temperatures and extreme weather patterns call for coordinated efforts in emission reductions and green technology advancements. Heroes in this realm include environmental scientists, policymakers, and technological innovators.
Cultural Conflict and Global Empathy:
Prejudice and societal divisions need to be resolved through the power of culture and art. Heroic figures include artists, educators, and cross-cultural communication specialists.
Small Is Beautiful vs. Large and Inefficient:
Large-scale collectivism, socialism, and nationalism often lead to inefficient systems that infringe on individual freedoms, life, and property rights. Heroes are those who excel in dynamic self-organization, including inventors, artists, entrepreneurs, diplomats, and advanced artificial superintelligence (ASI), promoting a world order where "small is beautiful."
Diversity Conflicts and Interactive Subjects:
Even within diversity, self-centered subjectivity can turn others into mere objects, fostering conflict. Heroes are those who embody intersubjective symbiosis, understanding the principles of “preserving differences, respecting others, fostering cooperative competition, and advancing mutual prosperity.”
How to Design Growth Platforms or Collaborative Mechanisms for These HeroesEstablish a “Minds Networking” System:
Instant Detection and Evaluation: Analyzing the credibility of intentions (good-evil, beauty-ugliness, truth-falsehood). Reward and Constraint Mechanisms: Triggering real-time incentives or restrictions based on evaluations. Promoting Symbiotic Values: Enhancing awareness of symbiosis in the digital world.
Create Platforms for Hero Growth:
Global Symbiosis Awards: Similar to a “Superheroes List,” recognizing individuals and teams advancing global symbiotic values. Education and Resource Support: Offering knowledge, technology, funding, and networks for hero development. Hero Alliance Program: Building networks for cross-disciplinary, transnational, and intercultural collaboration.
Encourage Youth Participation:
Promote the core spirit of superhero culture to inspire young people to tackle real-world problems. Provide interdisciplinary and diverse educational opportunities to cultivate comprehensive abilities for the future.
ConclusionThe personal growth and teamwork seen in Marvel superhero films offer valuable inspiration for tackling real-world crises. As global conflicts and chaos persist, the world urgently needs a “gathering of heroes.” By building a global MindsNetworking system, we can inspire more heroes to step forward, helping humanity transition from the self-centered ideology of the Axial Age to Earthlings’ Intersubjective Symbiosism New Era and a future of global symbiosis. Finally, I humbly propose that the creative team behind Marvel films integrate the existing 20 superhero characters with real-world heroic figures to produce a new series of works beloved by audiences worldwide. For instance, the content of this article, with the collective wisdom of the team, could potentially serve as the overarching script for“The Era of Heroes Unfolding”.