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全球焦點將從俄烏戰爭轉向中東而后印太 2025-03-20 13:01:29



By Archer Hong Qian











1. 川普呼籲(3 月 18 日)並踏出停火的第一步



✅ 暫停對烏克蘭能源基礎設施的攻擊30天。
✅ 停止對黑海運輸路線的攻擊。




2. 中東成為焦點:全球焦點的新轉移



🚨 美國對也門胡塞武裝發動第三波軍事打擊。
🚨 美國海軍擊沉了伊朗情報旗艦,這是胡塞武裝的最大支持者。




3. 美國是否暗示與俄羅斯在伊朗問題上達成了心照不宣的協議?




✔ 美國準備在必要時對伊朗採取直接軍事行動。
✔ 儘管俄羅斯與伊朗有著歷史淵源,但它不會干涉或報復美國針對伊朗軍隊的軍事行動。
✔ 川普的外交政策戰略可能優先遏制伊朗,而不是升級與俄羅斯的衝突。




4. 可能的結果:接下來會發生什麼事?


🔹 情景一:俄烏戰爭退居次要地位




🔹 情景二:美國軍事重點轉向中東




🔹 情境三:川普的外交政策態勢更加清晰




5. 結論:新的全球地緣政治格局?


✔ 就全球媒體關注和戰略重要性而言,中東危機可能很快就會超過俄烏戰爭。
✔ 如果俄羅斯與烏克蘭軍事停火成功,川普可能會轉向雙管齊下的戰略:
1⃣ 处理中东危机(以色列-伊朗冲突、美国在海湾的存在)。
✔ 川普與普丁在伊朗問題上達成的默契可能導致東歐緊張局勢暫時緩解,同時華盛頓的軍事注意力將轉向新的衝突戰場。


我说过,世界进入全球化3.0的历史时刻,不只是美国国内政策要改变,全球化2.0的国际政治经济格局更要改变,《俄乌战争是个意外,解决办法却需超常》(http://symbiosism.com.cn/9317.html),当然是一个至今延续了1121天破坏的严重的意外,川普2020年败选也是个意外,让思维方式还停留在全球化1.0时代普京(他意识里表现为“俄罗斯化”)一念之差,陷入地狱般的战争境地。随着川普的归来,他总体上必定要接续这种历史性改变(Transformation),这种历史性Transformation,无论是川普团队(不可掉以轻心),还是世人(不可守残抱缺),都亟需“交互主体共生”(Intersubjective Symbiosism)思维相互适应……欢天喜地又骂骂咧咧的60天过去之后,未來幾個月Transform的节奏会稍稍慢 下来,但也將至關重要——如果俄羅斯和烏克蘭停火得以維持,我們可能會在 2025 年見證国际政治格局的重大調整!

2025.3.19 晚Vancouver



The Global Focus Will Shift from the Russia-Ukraine War to the Middle East, and Then to the Indo-Pacific

By Archer Hong Qian

1. Trump-Putin Call (March 18) and the First Step Toward Ceasefire

On March 18, U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed the 30-day ceasefire agreement reached between the U.S. and Ukraine in Jeddah. Although Putin did not fully support the ceasefire, he agreed to three initial steps:

Pause attacks on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure for 30 days.
Exchange 175 prisoners of war between Russia and Ukraine.
Stop attacks on Black Sea transportation routes.

While these measures mark a limited breakthrough, full military de-escalation remains uncertain.

2. The Middle East Becomes the New Global Focus

Major events on March 17 could shift the world’s attention from Ukraine to the Middle East:

🚨 Israel resumed full-scale military operations against Hamas and assassinated Hamas' newly appointed prime minister.
🚨 The U.S. launched its third wave of military strikes against the Houthis in Yemen.
🚨 The U.S. Navy sank Iran’s intelligence flagship, the largest supporter of the Houthis.

These actions indicate that Washington’s focus on the Middle East is rapidly escalating, with direct military confrontations intensifying between the U.S., Israel, Iran, and their proxies.

3. Did the U.S. Implicitly Reach an Understanding with Russia on Iran?

During the Trump-Putin call, both leaders agreed that “Iran must never be allowed to threaten Israel’s existence.”

Although this statement does not explicitly imply a “U.S.-Russia anti-Iran coalition”, it strongly suggests:
The U.S. is prepared for direct military action against Iran if necessary.
Despite its historical ties with Iran, Russia will not interfere or retaliate against U.S. military actions targeting Iranian forces.
Trump’s foreign policy strategy may prioritize containing Iran over escalating conflicts with Russia.

This could mark a significant geopolitical shift—the Russia-Ukraine conflict will no longer be the world’s primary concern, as the focus turns to an increasingly severe Middle East crisis.

4. Possible Outcomes: What Happens Next?

🔹 Scenario 1: The Russia-Ukraine War Becomes a Secondary Issue

  • If full military ceasefire is implemented in Ukraine and multi-stage peace talks begin, global attention will gradually shift away from the war.

  • As the situation develops, the Russia-Ukraine war could transition into a long-term, frozen conflict, similar to the Korean Peninsula or Kashmir dispute.

🔹 Scenario 2: The U.S. Shifts Military Focus to the Middle East

  • If the Middle East conflict escalates further, the U.S. might redirect military resources and diplomatic pressure from Europe to the Gulf region.

  • If Russia does not directly oppose the U.S. in the Middle East, it could use this opportunity to consolidate its position in Ukraine while global attention is elsewhere.

🔹 Scenario 3: Trump’s Foreign Policy Priorities Become Clearer

  • If the Russia-Ukraine ceasefire holds, Trump’s main foreign policy focus will likely shift to the Indo-Pacific, where the Taiwan Strait, South China Sea, and regional power struggles will become the next major geopolitical theater.

  • Trump’s goal of reducing U.S. military overreach and refocusing on economic competition with China would take precedence.

  • The "Third Path" strategy for resolving the Russia-Ukraine war could become a model for diplomatic resolutions elsewhere, setting a precedent for resolving conflicts in other regions.

5. Conclusion: A New Global Geopolitical Landscape?

✔ The Middle East crisis could soon overshadow the Russia-Ukraine war in terms of global media attention and strategic importance.
✔ If the Russia-Ukraine military ceasefire succeeds, Trump may shift his strategy to a dual approach:
1️⃣ Managing the Middle East crisis (Israel-Iran conflict, U.S. presence in the Gulf).
2️⃣ Addressing security challenges in the Indo-Pacific (Taiwan, South China Sea, East China Sea).
✔ A Trump-Putin tacit understanding on Iran could lead to a temporary easing of tensions in Eastern Europe, while Washington’s military attention pivots to new theaters of conflict.

I have said before that the world has entered the historic moment of Globalization 3.0. This transformation is not only about changes in U.S. domestic policy, but even more so about reshaping the international political and economic order of Globalization 2.0.

The Russia-Ukraine war was an accident—an extraordinary accident requiring an extraordinary solution (Reference). Of course, this disastrous accident has now continued for 1,121 days of destruction. Similarly, Trump’s 2020 election defeat was also an accident, which allowed Putin—whose mindset remains in the Globalization 1.0 era (which he perceives as "Russification")—to make a fateful decision that plunged Russia into a hellish war.

With Trump’s return, he is bound to resume this historic transformation (Transformation) on a broader scale. This Transformation, whether for Trump's team (which must not be complacent) or for the world at large (which must not cling to outdated paradigms), requires mutual adaptation through Intersubjective Symbiosism thinking.

After 60 days of both celebration and controversy, the pace of transformation may slow down slightly in the coming months, but this period will still be crucial—if the Russia-Ukraine ceasefire holds, we may witness a major shift in the international political landscape by 2025!

March 19, 2025 — Vancouver

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