In article <4l4atu$>, (
Dongxiao Yue) says:
> 没隔一断时间就有人在网上破口大骂, 语言之野蛮远甚于台湾的立委们,
> 如果把这帮人放在同一间屋里, 恐怕最后没有人能活着出来.
> 建议大家稍微文明一点儿, 对污秽下流淫荡的贴子就不必附和了,
> 尤其是革委会的干部们, 更不要在骂街方面与群众打成一片,
> 秀才们也应带个头, 毕竟还是个低级知识分子,
> 虽然大家对歪诗歪小说没什么兴趣, 但秀才既然要附庸风雅,
> 就得有始有终, 不要轻易露出泼妇市井小人的本质
> 岳
First, I apologize for posting in English -- my software does not seem to
work when I tried to imput HZ, but it can read all right.
I agree with this move. The probem comes from that people can publish
their opinions without any accountability whatsoever. I would imagine
that if you meet in person with those people who act like jerks on the
net you would find them quite polite, intellegent and nice. This kind
of syndrome in universal especially for youngsters. Therefore, althought
I am disgusted I have to point out that we will probably live with it
until some kind of monitor is enforced.