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洋奴是弱智的,东洋奴则是败类,日本液晶电视拆解分析 2011-03-23 12:15:13
网上传言日本的核危机将切断苹果iPad,iPhone 4以及iPad 2的供应链,导致这些产品供应短缺。有人开始抢购相关产品。更有哈日族以此证明日本的伟大,世界多么需要日本。

早在1995年,我就指出日本人由于固有创造力的缺乏,顶多是生产那个最简单重复的部件:存储芯片。我们就iPad,iPhone 4以及iPad 2的部件进行来源分析。iPad和iPhone 4已经有人做过了,结果如下:

CPU: APPLE A4 (ARM许可,APPLE设计,Samsung FAB 代工)
内存:Samsung Gb mobile DDR SDRAM (x2)
Microcontroller with NVM: 美国Broadcom
Touchscreen line driver: 美国Texas Instruments
Capacitive touchscreen controller: Broadcom
Mux/demux part for DisplayPort and PCIe connections: NXP 
Accelerometer: STMicroelectronics
Bluetooth and 802.11a/b/g/n wireless: Broadcom
LCD Display: LG
NAND 闪存: Samsung, Texas Instruments
HIGH-SPEED USB : Texas Instruments
WLED Driver: O2 Micro

  • Apple A4 Processor – Confirmed that it FEATURES DOUBLE THE MEMORY of the iPad – 512 MB of Samsung Mobile DDR SDRAM, double that of the iPad. The Samsung K4X4G643GB PoP memory is composed of 2 MDDR @ 256MBytes (2Gbits) each.
  • 美国Skyworks SKY77541 Quad-band GSM/GPRS Front End Module (850/1900 - US).
  • Skyworks SKY77452 Tx W-CDMA FEM. 
  • Skyworks SKY77459 W-CDMA FEM. 
  • 美国Triquint TQM676091 Power Amp (W-CDMA).
  • Triquint TQM666092 Power Amp (W-CDMA).
  • Apple 338S0626 - Confirmed to be Infineon GSM/W-CDMA Transceiver.
  • 5 MP Image Sensor (confirmed to be 美国 Omnivision) – confident to be the OV5650 by comparing specifications and our die images. Other sites have stated they think it is the OV5642 but they haven't decapped yet.
  • 美国Omnivision OV7675 CMOS VGA (640 x 480) Image Sensor - the best match for the VGA-resolution (confirmed by counting pixels!) for front camera X-GOLD 61x baseband Processor - HSDPA/HSUPA capabilities of 7.2Mbps/2.9Mbps, and the ability to connect to cameras with up to 5 MPixels.
  • 338S0867 Power Management Unit - Dialog (Die marks D1815A 'Ashley'). Same PMU die seen in iPad with Apple part #338S0805.
  • STMicro LIS331DH 3-axis accelerometer (used in the iPad based on die markings) incorrectly as STM33DH on some sites! (CHIPWORKS).
  • Intel 36My1EF (Dies were ELPIDA 128 Mbits Mobile DDR SDRAM & 28F128FM Intel/Numonyx NOR) - used in iPhone 3Gs and the iPad.
  • Apple 343S0499 – Texas Instruments Touchscreen controller - Apple/TI, part is #343S0499/#F761586G (an up-rev from earlier # F761586C of the iPhone 3GS).
  • Samsung K9PFG08U5M 256G bit, x8 FLASH MEMORY (also used in iPad).
  • The Cirrus Logic 338S0589 audio codec (also used in the iPad).
  • 美国The AKM Semiconductor AKM8975 - COMPASS.
  • Apple part AGD1 - 3-axis gyroscope confirmed to be ST Micro by the die markings and since it is digital it points to L3G4200D (their only product offering for digital gyroscopes).
  • Broadcom BCM4329FKUBG 802.11n with Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR and FM receiver (also found in the iPad).
  • Broadcom BCM4750IUB8 single-chip GPS receiver  (also found in iPad).

由上可见,iPhone 4与 iPad 所有关键原件都不是来自日本。如果有任何部件来自日本,那也是可以任意取代的低级配件。

至于iPad 2,由于日本根本没有相关的关键高科技技术,iPad 2不可能有任何关键部件来自日本。其拆解分析参见链接。除了16GB的NAND闪存是日本东芝公司的外,其余部件如CPU,无线设备,触屏控制,gyroscope,accelerometer,等等等等都不是日本货。而NAND闪存这东西厂家一大堆,纯粹是一个拼价格的劳动密集型产品。



根据这个拆解分析,日本SONY公司的Bravia KDL 1080p液晶电视,关键显示芯片为ATI(AMD),HDMI 芯片为Silicon Image, 图形内存芯片为SAMSUNG,整个液晶电视只有两个芯片是日本的--两个次要芯片。

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