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美国何时为排华法案道歉? 2011-09-25 21:29:39
有人在看了我的那篇1952年加州投票废除排华条款的文章后,说美国联邦政府在1943年废除了CHINESE EXCLUSION ACT (8 U.S.C. S 261 etc).,因此加州宪法排华条款即使不废除,也与联邦法冲突。

我本来不想去回应这个显然比较愚蠢的说法。如果有一条联邦法叫“中国人保护法”,那么一条与之冲突的州法可能无效。但废除了联邦CHINESE EXCLUSION ACT,就是说这条联邦法律不存在了,一条州法怎么可能与一条不存在的联邦法冲突呢?况且,在美国的体制下,各州有POLICE POWER,在这个名目下制定的法律不在联邦约束的范围。加州的COOLIE法就是在POLICE POWER的名目下。

但我们的探讨不限于此,我们可以扩大范围,假设加州的排华宪法不属于州的POLICE POWER范畴,那么它是否违反了美国的联邦宪法呢?

对这个问题,美国最高法院在 The Chinese Exclusion Case, 130 U. S. 581中做了明确的判决:"That the government of the United States,... can exclude [Chinese] from its territory is a proposition which we do not think open to controversy." 这个判例从来没有被推翻过,到今天美国各级法院还在引用。

也就是说,根据美国最高法院的判决,排华法案在不过是美国国会、或者加州可定、可不定的法律。联邦在1943年废除CHINESE EXCLUSION ACT是为了二战中获取中国的支持,更多的是象征意义,因为新法规定每年来美的华人名额只有100人。整个落砂机地区在排华法制定后60年内,没有一个华人婴儿降生,每年100人的名额解决不了广大华工的生存问题。

至于加州废除排华宪法是因为朝鲜战争的东风,这是历史定论。西方人还是尊重强者的、蔑视瘪三的。非洲 ZULU人最后虽然是败给了英国人,而且死了1万多人,但能打死一千多英国人,就一直令西方人钦佩不已。



Read more: 美国何时为排华法案道歉? - 岳东晓的日志 - 贝壳村 - 
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作者:黑河人 留言时间:2011-09-27 18:49:12

100% agreed with you. thanks! I understood something as you said it is a 150+years struggle for the right of Chinese american.

Aout that new about CA congresswoman and Canadian gov., i might be mismemoried.
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作者:xux9001 留言时间:2011-09-27 18:31:05
There are a few misconceptions of your views:

1. Chinese exclusion act was repealed only during in World War II. That means, for almost half century, a US person (remember, not a us citizen) with a chinese heritage was treated as a sub-human for his or her entire life. There were no slightest freedom to normal lifehood and citizenship. How can a human being living under such a draconian act as Chinese exclusions act enjoyed a life that is "way better than the Chinese living in his or her motherland?" The tremendous injury Chinese exclusion act inflicted upon Chinese Americans are beyond simple comprehension, not to mention its long lasting ferocious social impact on Chinese American of modern days. For example, Chinese males under Chinese exclusion act were not afforded the very basic human natural biological rights such as freedome to life and reproduce and having a family to pass his genes. And the suffering was designed intentionally to cause lifelong harms to Chinese American community in not only social and economic way, but more psychologically as a means to demoralize the community as a whole. This is equivalent to racial cleansing. Didn't you still see the isolations that all the Chinese males are suffering in this country??? Isn't that enough for a cause of action for relief from the supreme court of United states and a formal apology from the United State Government.

2. Again, Chinese Americans won their right through their own endeavors and for their own cause. Read the book i recommend and you will see the constant struggles that Chinese Americans in this land went through. We, Chinese Americans, in this country are simple outnumbered by the Whites, Blacks, and Latinos. This theory proves correct if you are to use Canada as an counter-example. The Dominion of Canada has about 10% of populations with Chinese heritage, which are capable of supporting a large number of ballots influencing the Canadian day-to-day political life. There is a mere 1% of Chinese populations in US, not to mentioning there is a constant flow of Chinese women volunteer to give away themselves to other races. Now, you may say this sex bias is unfound, but how about this Barack Obama. Is he a black or white? He put down his race as black during the national census. Why!!! Alas, because he considered his father the dominant race and his mother white race the submissive one in this sexual and matrimonial relationship. So, with such a infinitesmal population of Chinese Americans and constant attritions aforementioned, don't you think that every person with Chinese heritage nowadays should cheer those Chinese American as pioneers for their heroic bravery of perseverance and striving for survival? Don't you think they are the true pioneers to establish Chinese heritage in this country. Without their persistence and the foundations they built throughout those arduous years, all the Chinese American endeavors and advancement later in this country would have not been possible.
3. In conclusions, simple admit your chinese heritage. Forbide yourself from self-dividing. Have more childrens to populate this country. And united together and fight for your rights that you deserve in this country!
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作者:黑河人 留言时间:2011-09-27 18:10:35


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作者:破棉袄 留言时间:2011-09-27 17:14:53
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作者:xux9001 留言时间:2011-09-27 16:02:35
Furthermore, every single Americans of Chinese heritage should educate him or herself of the history of Chinese Exclusion Act. Indeed, more articles should relate this important topic in the public life of Chinese Americans.

This article should always be on the front page of all the Chinese website so that there is a constant reminder for this extremely unfortunate past of American history.

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance, as Thomas Jefferson said.
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作者:xux9001 留言时间:2011-09-27 15:55:20

I really appreciated this article.

To answer the question that why Chinese in this country did not fight back: it was because there were NOT enough Americans of Chinese heritage in this country. However, that is not to say that Chinese Americans did not fight back. They had fought back relentless and heroically many many times, but were simply outnumbered by the Whites. We, Chinese Americans, really has endured the most suffering in this country, far more than any other races. Everyday, we are facing injustice and prejudice.

So, friends, let's unite together and fight for the long overdue JUSTICE for the Chinese Americans. Please do not ridicule your fellow country men any more and take pride in your own heritage.

To learn more about this bitter part of Chinese American history, I would suggest the following books:

1. Driven Out: The Forgotten War Against Chinese Americans by Jean Pfaelzer.
2. The Chinese in America : A Narrative History by Iris Chang(the same author for Rape of Nanking).
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作者:破棉袄 留言时间:2011-09-27 13:01:07
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作者:华山 留言时间:2011-09-27 04:20:34
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