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我在1996年一月对中日关系及东亚局势的战略分析 2012-02-04 17:25:54

今天在网上GOOGLE搜索,偶然找到1996年1月在CND论坛上发表的一段战略分析(http://www.cnd.org/njmassacre/messages/msgs14929.html )。其全文如下:

The strategy

Message posted by DXY (dyue@cs.umn.edu) on Sun Jan 28 18:51:57 PST 1996


The strategy against the jap. will be rather simple.

For the next 25 years, China would focus on economical and technological development. By 2020, China will be at least equal to US in total industrial output and amost twice of Jap. US dominance in the pacific will be gone forever. Due to development of 3rd world countries, Japan's influence on Southeast Asia will greatly diminished. Japanese China will demand Japan to pay for all the losses it caused since 1894, at 8% per annum. Korea will do the same. Japan will refuse to pay. China and Korea will become allies. Russia will have the option to side with China and get some benefit. Military conflict will be initiated by trouble points, such as Jap. occupied Chinese territory such as Diao4yu2tai2. Chinese naval force will reclaim the island, Jap.s will open first fire. Chinese air force and naval forces will launch full scale attack on Jap... US will dare not to intervene, and it will be glad to see Jap. to fall. China sends 2 Million PLA forces occupying Jap and educate Jap.s for 500 years. But we will not kill them, instead Japanese will have the option to work to pay the debts they owe China.


但在1996年9月9 日,我发表了《钓鱼岛中日决战》一文,将这个时间表提前了约10年。





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