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关于衣着的讨论 2012-02-21 11:24:34



罗马帝国最后一名优秀的皇帝JULIAN可以说是一位天才,他既是一位战将又是一位哲学家,日理万机,能够同时一边写、一边听、一边讲述三件完全不同的事务。历史是如此记载这位杰出人物的衣着的:【 But with the fopperies Julian affected to renounce the decencies of dress; and seemed to value himself for his neglect of the laws of cleanliness. In a satirical performance, which was designed for the public eye, the emperor descants with pleasure, and even with pride, on the length of his nails and the inky blackness of his hands; protests that although the greatest part of his body was covered with hair, the use of the razor was confined to his head alone...】

JULIAN在对波斯的战争中不幸重伤,临死前,他对周围痛哭的将领们说道:【Friends and fellow-soldiers, the seasonable period of my departure is now arrived, and I discharge, with the cheerfulness of a ready debtor, the demands of nature...I die without remorse, as I have lived without guilt. I am pleased to reflect on the innocence of my private life... Detesting the corrupt and destructive maxims of despotism, I have considered the happiness of the people as the end of government...I shall cautiously refrain from any word that may tend to influence your suffrages in the election of an emperor. .. I shall only, as a good citizen, express my hopes that the Romans may be blessed with the government of a virtuous sovereign.】


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