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暮色秋风中 2022-08-23 17:02:30







In the twilight autumn wind

I looked up at the sky, 

The twilight reminds me of all kinds of worries like clouds flying.

The autumn wind caused me trouble unintentionally,

Because she asked me in a low voice, 

Who was the person I missed tonight?

After dinner, I go for a walk with the dogs. The sun is setting when I return home. The twilight urges the darkness. I can only see the afterglow when I look at the sky. The wind blowing over my face and ears unintentionally caused trouble because she repeatedly asked me, who was the person you missed tonight? Memories of the past fly like chaotic clouds. When I try to recall the past, everything turns into ashes.

As my wife said, don't be self-sentimental. In this world, except for the parents who gave birth and raised you and the wife who got along with you day and night, who would miss you? Most people you have met have already forgotten about you; everything in the past has disappeared with the wind. So I only can save my passion between the lines in my spare time.

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作者:佳名 回复 老農民 留言时间:2022-08-24 04:04:45


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作者:老農民 留言时间:2022-08-23 17:50:40


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